Question: Gunner vs. Assassin

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Col_Jessep, December 20, 2010.

  1. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Yeah, but the knife animation where the sin plunges it into the gunner's face with her foot is too awesome to not take stupid risks to accomplish.
  2. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Mortar! :D
  3. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I like how my 'How to avoid being killed by Assassins as Gunner' thread turns into 'How to kill the Gunner most efficiently'... :p

    Carry on. I just might pick Assassin too and n00b up your game beyond belief!
  4. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    ...Thought here works too. I acually fear that soon Assissions are going to relise a VERY PAINFUL and highly abisive trick in the game:
    Roll Gold Crit, and ether Silver or Bronze clip size. Max cloak to lv 3.


    ...As you lose NO bar for jumping into, and then firing your shots, and as the damage done by bounced surakens seem to deal the same amount of damage....YEAH YEAH YEAH. A full clip can take down a silver armor gunner BTW, just keep that in mind...
  5. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    A good assassin will lunge at you, let that damage hit then grapple you, thus killing you in one perceived shot. You can kill a fully armored up tank as well.

    As a gunner, slam and grapple are your friends against Assassins.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Haha yea ScAthis. As a Tank player seeing Assassins on the enemy team kind of makes my smile, that is until I get lunged-grappled. Is it at that moment to where I note that Assassin's tag and be on the look out for her. :lol:
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    That's great in theory. But the damn Sins usually manage to sneak up on me if they are good. And then it's one-stab kill I can't block and I visit the spawn point.
  8. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    also if they lunge outside at you and its far enough away, you can't sound whore them :(
  9. ShockerGeneral

    ShockerGeneral New Member

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    Can I ask a question about this Scathis? Obviously since a Dev just said it - this its clearly meant to be...but my question is why?

    You guys gave the Sin cloak and dash to move about quickly undetected and a primary weapon of a blade that cleaves through bots for quick juice gains...seemed to be setting the sin up for a stealth killer/bot farmer.

    Thats cool, its why its my 2nd fav class but, to me, the point of playing sin is to be a quick and invisible killer (until you juice and rape turrents). So why give the sin the ability to go toe to toe with the most lethal pros? I get that they should be able to get pro kills too, and they can - the back grapple is crazy powerful, I almost never lunge grapple and still often wind up with the most kills in the game but these are all tactical/stealthy kills.

    Why give the sin the ability to take gun toting classes head on? It just seems a bit much for an already powerful class (yes I know all too well how paper thin they are but thats why you play stealthy rather than dashing head on for a lunge/grapple kill).

    Just curious - seems a bit unbalanced, especially since the last update boosted rather than nerfed this ability if I recall correctly. Not criticizing, just doesnt make sense to me.
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    She is the most lethal Pro, what do you mean go toe to toe with the most lethal pros? It's a balance, yes, she can kill in one perceived shot but you need to get right next to someone to do that. There are ranges where certain classes excel. Assassins are very good close range but very weak mid/long, so catch her mid/long.

    Couple of hints:
    -Assassin's can't grapple flying or jet-jumping Pros.
    -Level 3 Assault and Tank charges will kill a non-armor endorsed Assassin outright.
    -Tank's Death Blossom Spin with his Jet Gun will kill a non-armor endorsed Assassin outright, unless she is healed while she burns.
    -Sprinting Assassins have little puffs of smoke coming off her feet, even while cloaked.
    -Enemy Assassin's cloak makes an audible hum.
    -Assassin's can't grapple deployed Gunners and Tanks.
    -If an Assassin is attacking you from behind while deployed, press your jump button, that will engage your jets and burn the Assassin.

    From all the data I have is that the normal use case of an Assassin is a lot of deaths with a few kills. Good Assassins can be very good but the average Assassin is not.

    Basically... it comes down to balance.

    Btw... for some reason, I dislike calling Assassins 'sins'.
  11. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    A vast majority of Assassin players are absolutely useless to the team. They run around trying to kill farm kills all match, never juice on turrets, never buy bots, never push lanes, and never hit the annihilator. I wouldn't blame him, I would blame most Assassin players. There are a lot of really bad Assassin players, especially in pubs, and it tends to give the impression that Assassin is useless to the team.
  12. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    How a class is used by bad players is not indicative of what that class is capable of, DUCY?
  13. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    the assassin is the BEST bot pushes, turret killer and being the most annoying class in the game, it can control all the ejectors, annihilator and the other teams attention, but most people just run straight past the bots and go and front grapple that tank with gold armor and they only have a dagger and no lunge....i wish there was a button to slap assassins on your team that don't do something even when told.....
  14. Tomas

    Tomas New Member

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    The only thing I raise my eyebrow at with the assassin is the perma crit on shurikens. I'm not sure why people suggest getting crit endorsements to go with it, since she gets 100% without them.

    As a gunner I'm not really concerned about grapples, but crit shurikens take me down from full health before I even get to pack up and gtfo.
  15. Lipucd

    Lipucd New Member

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    This, so much this. I do not fear the assasins currently as they are all trying to grapple me, but the one's who spam cloak/shurikens will destory me each time, including that most that do know how to just bounce them in tight areas getting free kills on me. Honestly thought it's a 2 way street, the ones who try to grapple me are going to get ringed out a good chuck, stunned another large amount, and if I really do it right flattened ( this is by far the BEST kill animation ever BTW, so worth playing gunner just to see everything flattened...and I wonder if you can do that to a jackbot now... ). The others are mid range, and beyond deplyment a gunner has zero in the way of skills for that.
  16. faits

    faits New Member

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    You only get crit shurikens if you upgrade cloak to 3. And even then, it's only your default number of shurikens that are crit. If you've got an ammo endorsement, the extra shurikens won't crit. Also, if you upgrade passive the extra shurikens from that won't crit.

    Dash and slash will both crit out of cloak 3 as well. (any attack out of cloak 3 will crit)
  17. kurina

    kurina Member

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    Thing is, you can still get unlimited crit shurikens. I do this all the time around the moneyball when nobody is paying attention on the other team. Essentially, it is just a matter of cloaking while reloading shurikens, and there you go, unlimited crits just about. But yes, you do need level 3 cloak to make it happen. I noticed this was on the 360 as well, so I was unsure if this was an issue or not since it remained in the PC version.

    As for other classes though, crits are not even required from what I can tell. A deployed class is going to go down fast to normal shurikens, roughly 1.5 clips worth.
  18. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Yeah, I really think that the crit shurikens need to be removed or be reduced somehow, someway. It just feels dirty the way you can shred any class in the game with a clip and a half. Of course, it's really hard to determine what's balanced right now, since a good player is likely to go 20-4 with any class in the game.
  19. Bungle

    Bungle New Member

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    Bunny hopping is a physics exploit in some old Quake-based games that lets you jump farther and move faster than you're supposed to. The exploit was removed from some games and embraced by others and called a feature. It's a very specific trick that requires practice (or a macro). It does not mean "jumping a lot."

    I know most people know this, but it bothers me every time I see the term misused. You can't bunny hop in MNC.
  20. faits

    faits New Member

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    Shurikens are huge, slow moving, and (if crit) glowing. If someone gets hit by an entire clip and a half they probably weren't paying much attention.

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