Pull host and go afk?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by IlliniJen, October 30, 2010.


    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    huh? you already said you pull host. aka when it's given to you you never leave the game until your tired of playing so you can keep host. thats what pulling host is. lol

    anyways your reasoning is you dont want to have lag or deal with host dropping.
    well thats fine but your stats are still not accurate if your purposley holding onto host. when comparefd to someone that just plays not caring if they get host or not.

    your reason for doing it may not be to have an advantage but your still doing it and still gaining an advantage.

    it's the same as if you were driving your car and texting on your cell then ran over somone.your intention wasnt to run them over but you still did.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Please don't put words in my mouth. For one I could care less about my stats. Ready for this? My k/d is 0.811. Secondly please do tell me where I said I "pull host." As for becoming host randomly that is just the luck of the draw. All I am doing it looking to play a game if I happen to get host, great! I don't pull out my railgun because I know it will be better. I still play the same way as I always do. I just know as soon as one of the teams start losing the match will go on because I am the host and will not quit.

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    right here lol
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    That "I" wasn't pertaining to me. That "I" was just a generalized response to you saying IlliniJen having a lack of skill.

  5. Myrick

    Myrick New Member

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    Lol you're a moron. My stats won't be accurate? So if I try my hardest every single game, my stats won't be "accurate" compared to someone that messes around. My stats won't be "accurate" if I play private matches with kids that are good. I could go on all day.

    I have played with Himi and Deadeye when Himi is AFK hosting. When he doesn't have host, we have to deal with 3 or 4 migrations a game, assuming we make it through all of them. It gives us a place to be able to hop into whenever, and we can be sure there wont be any lag or rage quitting. And if Deadeye and I are on a team, the 5v6 handicap is a must lol.
  6. Himicane

    Himicane New Member

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    False, Falser, Falsest.
    Myrick is has been determined that I go AKF to boost dude. Duh
  7. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Does anybody really care that much? I don't give a crap about my rank on the leaderboard, and if Himicane's friends want to play the game a player down, let them. Or Uber could just make it so that if you aren't playing, you don't earn money.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    true dat, just make it to where it cancels your score out if you never actually earn 1 dollar. some kinda formula like 300+(50xgametime)=(if your money equals this you dont get a dime)

    TG GHOSTMERC New Member

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    what i meant by your stats wont be accurate is that your stats would not be reflective of a player who follows the objective of the game wich is to destroy the enemy moneyball. if you go for kills instead of the win and sacrifice w/l ratio for k/d ratio then your stats do not refelect your true skill in this game. they reflect the game within a game that you made up. basicaly if you play mnc like a game of tdm wich it is not your playing by rules you set forth yourself. now i dont mean to say you personally fit within this construct. i'm mostly speaking hypothetically here. there is no way to prove that someone thats just kiling people is not doing so to help his team win. but everyone has an opionion and if the majority of player develope the opinion that you or anyone else is this type of player then thats what they will be labled weather fair or unfair. sometimes i wonder when k/d ratio became more of a deciding factor on ones skill as a player as opposed to his ability to win. i never noticed this trend till i got involved with clan gaming. and noticed alot of players in games like cod touting their k/d as the reason why they should be selected for a team. i had a team thats was #1 on the harcore season 2 leaderboard for mw2 for most of the season. atleast thats where we were until i left the team. now if k/d ratio was the one and only factor in winning then we should have never even been the top team. and this was a tdm game type. but we won through communication and team work not by individual k/d. i myself think k/d is only the number 1 deciding factor in deciding the tueskill of a player in ffa or deathmacth gametypes. but again thats just my opinion and like a** holes we all have one. anyway if you were too look at my k/d in mnc it's 0.918 you would probly say i suck. but i bet if you play me on fairly even teams i beat you more often than not. do you care if you lode to me probly not. just like i dont care if your k/d is higher than mine. well i guess thats the end of my long a** rant. i'm tired and have worked all day with a hangover. hope it al makes sense.

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