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  1. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    so long as someone has at least a buzzer all-star, you should feel bad about losing a 3v5 against anyone, ESPECIALLY if the 3 came in and their ball was down.

    heck, i would feel somewhat embarrassed if jon, snarf, boom, N2N, and myself lost to miracle, shammas, and deadeye.

    and it is multiplied by the fact that feedle feels the need to trashtalk the best players in the game but wont ever play against them.

    i feel a CoR/Charlie Sheen coming soon.

    have fun with that guys.
  2. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Don't type my name.
  3. dadale1990

    dadale1990 Member

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    Don't troll my guy Jester, we are on the same team now and i cant let that happen, i'm not letting any team top CoR or whatever its known as
  4. Jester

    Jester New Member

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    Well yeah I'd be ashamed to if that happened except 1. I was still a slim 2. they came in during the lobby and 3. it was a team of 4 v team of 3.

    If feedle is trash talking then he must be doing it when I'm not around because he's either not using his mic or been super Canadian polite in the few weeks I've been playing with him.
  5. fearless_feedle

    fearless_feedle New Member

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    Alternating got stomped when i joined in on the bacon to face my friend jester
    2 can play the evil game of sabatoge and enjoy the rage quiting host

    Also my team is open for scrims whenever
    Last night was a bad night for a scrim

    I've tried to get a few going but ive heard all the excuses
    "No one is on"
    "Our team broke up"
    "Someones using the interent connection"

    BTW: Me and jester together enjoyed timmy teds/guest :>
    Also lazer blazers aren't very effective when your trying to stomp me and i quit and join the other team

    My definition of rage quit:

    A rage quit is quiting right after the game
    I quit 5 minutes sitting in a dead lobby waiting for baconators and alternating
    and rejoined just to beat alternating cause i can

    7 vs 4? dead lobby..
    Truth is told

    Also wanted to add that lock down has beaten teg x2 and rev rage quit right after the loss.
  6. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I though you hated these forums...

    Go away.
  7. fearless_feedle

    fearless_feedle New Member

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    I had to make one more appearance and speak the truth
    I honestly never hated the forums
    Just hated the trolls
  8. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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  9. fearless_feedle

    fearless_feedle New Member

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    why cant we be friends?
  10. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    The lag was terrible, one person from my team was talking **** which is why i left when all your team were screaming down the mic as i couldnt be bothered to hear it. Rail gun shots dont miss gunners at any range off host or on, i also run bronze acc which allows me to keep assaults away so i dont know what you are talking about.

    As for wanting a new host me and ripper did say we would but with all the children screaming nobody heard us.
  11. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    You call him childish so you act childish with thombow, good job.
  12. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I'm going to completely disregard the last 30 posts and say that Feedle can never have the best team on MNC because he would be on it. And that automatically makes it not the best.
  13. Pilkey420

    Pilkey420 New Member

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    I still dont see why so many people dislike feedle.
  14. Undercover_Thudercat

    Undercover_Thudercat New Member

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    Dude, you don't understand the chain effects of what you do has yet, do you?

    I joined your game, and this was going on:

    *Assault bomb on the front exit
    *Ice traps on the two other spawn exits
    *Firebase right outside of our base so that it wouldn't attack our moneyball, but would hit us if somehow we managed to escape from our base.
    *Support throwing spawn strikes at us consistently
    *Gunner deployed on our glass

    When ALL 5 of those things are happening, it's not you dicking's you being a ****.

    When I joined that game, I was the only bot in there. So all that was happening is you and 4 other people were raping new players as they came out of their spawn. All that does is make new players never want to play this game again. This game is dying as it is; we don't want new players to stop playing MNC. It's what kills the game.

    If you REALLY want a game to last longer, there are a few things you can do.

    1) Don't play with a team of more than 3 unless you know you're up against a bigger team
    2) If you have them pinned, go back into your base and let them push out. You'll get better faster from fighting people in the middle than fighting people when you already have map control anyway
    3) Try to only hang around lobbies that have a few players of equal or better skill. It gets tough to do that once you're REALLY good, but at least try to stick with a lobby that's got a couple of bots in it.

    I'll say this - everybody goes through a "kill em off the spawn ring and buy juice to repeat slay" phase in this good when they first start getting good. So if I was being too much of a ****, sorry. It's just with the intentions of breaking people out of that phase because all it does is kills the game community.
  15. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Stop with the excuses please, there was about a 20 second silence whilst our team were waiting for an answer, but we got bored so Moneyshot decided to start the match. Fluff was the one screaming down the mike we were just laughing at him.

    Are you saying here you're a bad tank? Probably worded it wrong there.

    You guys want a rematch then (You'll have to find another gunner)?
  16. LIVE 3RUPI

    LIVE 3RUPI New Member

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    Excuses? The host was a poor tramp, when the game finished there was anything but silence. Your team thought they were amazing for winnin the game purely to lag, also the assaults are great on your team lol. As for me being a bad tank haha i know when my rail gun isnt hitting somebody 5 feet in front of me im lagging.

    As for you leaving who cares, nobody is gonna be playing in a couple of days anyway
  17. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    We won a game on your host and it was laggy, so it was even. We wanted to play another game on your host but nobody on your team said anything. That's why we started another match, but then you all left because it was laggy, even though we wanted one of you guys to host.

    The assaults are good yes :D

    I know your a good tank, just saying you misworded it :roll:

    FoH will still be doing scrims for a while, so it won't be completely dead.
  18. hawkshade

    hawkshade New Member

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    LOL I was playing against stacked teams today as well. It was me and 2 other random slims that I dont know against 5 all stars partied up. Some names *ahem* were Rambo amok, Agitating, Nova warlord, desertfalcon and some other dude. They had 2 leashes most of the time. We basically won because of yours truly. ;) The next game another all star gets on their team and we get rolfstomped.

    "And you caught me.. my very low self esteem needs a boost, so do you mind adding me so i can face your team of 5 and wave my **** around when i win?" -Risk
  19. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    HELLOOOOO!!! im that DesertFalcoN you are talking about lol, and fyi I wasnt partied up at all, i got partied up after about 5 games or so and 3 times i was in your team (i think) and i didnt do much
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Lol. In pubs, I usually just sumo nowadays. What is the point, either you are going to pwn and it will look flashier to go positive with pancakes and gunner grapples, or you are going to get tag team stomped and might as well enrage the players in the party by crushing their k/d under-*** via pancaking them when juiced.

    Some smart *** assault kept juice pillaging, and I flattened his cocky *** turning the corner into our base on spunky the other day. Lose or not, that is pathetic.
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