PTE Stream: 73319-main

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, October 2, 2014.

  1. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    I don't understand much from it but it sounds like you've done great job! ^.^
  2. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    I understood some of those words.
    stuart98, Raevn and Remy561 like this.
  3. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    470 Uber going to even tell us anything on what they are working on next? or are we going to have to pick Sorians and Varraks brains to find any info?
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Cool. How do the impact craters come into this though? Does that mean that the static voxel set is only semi static? Or would there have to be a new Octree calculation? It sounds like the octree calculations itself is actually quite fast, so would it be recalculated on the fly after a planetary impact?
  5. pinbender

    pinbender Active Member

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    Yes. The octree generation would have to be redone after a CSG change.
    DeathByDenim likes this.
  6. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Does this mean that path able craters will be a thing soon?
  7. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    My guess is the next major feature release will be around thanksgiving, unless they want to try and address some of the complaints that have been brought up with respect to HR. Several of the big things get saved as a surprise so they can make a big media event out of the release.
  8. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    PFF, im SICK of these media blitz, we dont even KNOW what they are working on! i seriously dont mind the fact that uber doesnt like giving out dates on things but KNOW ONE KNOWS!!! its a Kickstarter company, its a much larger relief to the supporters if they tell us anything....but we arent getting anything except from sorian and varrak. there is no information on what they will do, what they are working on at the moment, and the excuse? *Oh were just saving it for the big shock media blitz* ide rather them have a reveal time that they give us so we can look forward to something instead of them all of a sudden lumping stuff on us without warning, and its not even like these updates are good at all, Galactic war has little/no work on it since release, the Annihilazer was the most annoying implementation ever...."Thats it uber? all your going to give us for launch is an annihilazer? WHERES the saves? WHERES the offline? WHERES the naval balance and submarines? WHERES the 100 unit roster you promised? WHERES the fully functional AI? WHERES the optimization? WHERES the unit cannon? (that one hurts). WHERES the UI improvments that where promised? WHERES tooltip implementation? WHERES planet cracking? WHERES the multi unit transport?

    ~End Rant

    .....sigh....this game is supposed to be finished with development. its far from it. Uber used to be fan-friendly on forums and streams before release and many uber employees where in constant communication with it feels like we are abandoned....
    ace63, nlaush, planktum and 1 other person like this.
  9. planktum

    planktum Post Master General

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    Forget I asked...
    I thought it had something to do with the trees on the earth biome :)

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