Weird: Code: [03:37:21.585] INFO OpenGL Vendor: X.Org [03:37:21.585] INFO OpenGL Renderer: Gallium 0.4 on AMD CAYMAN [03:37:21.585] INFO OpenGL Version: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.3.0-devel (git-fcac702 trusty-oibaf-ppa) [03:37:21.585] INFO OpenGL Shader Language Version: 3.30 [03:37:21.585] INFO Vendor flag set to "Other". ... [03:37:21.585] INFO Persistent buffer mapping disabled. Why it's got disabled if GL_ARB_texture_storage is available and in 67523 it's was enabled? Or it's disabled on all platforms and all drivers for some reason?
Crashing like a sonofabitch and having UI freeze (unable to click anything) for a few of us in the Realm. May be due to my RAM breaking (haven't troubleshooted hardware yet), but my PC keeps saying I'm low on RAM when running PA, even though I'm using 6 (~2GB of it being PA) out of 8GB. EDIT: This has been happening since playing the last few PTE builds but it seems fine in live.
Check CoherentUI_Host.exe memory usage. There is quite many UI processes and this is cost for no UI lag.
yes switching to window mode works to remake the galactic map ui. For some reason this key combo is alt-enter. Thanks for the tip!
Ohh there's tons of them! (24 if I can count properly). They're not using that much RAM though, so I should be fine, is weird. Windows is saying I'm not using all my RAM, but then a pop up appears saying I'm running low. Using Win8.1.
Hit spectate on a game during landing selection and now stuck in the limbo of not a spectator and not a player mode. Spectate during landing selection was prompting to select a landing spot (even though there were none). Once the other player selected and game started... stuck in limbo of can't spectate or do anything but chat Update: existing issue:
One more thing! In the last couple of games I've played, I've been stuck at 15-20 FPS and it's horrible. It barely changed throughout a half an hour long game on 3 planets with thousands of units, so I think something is... broken. I need 60FPS again like in ze live build
Things that are broken/weird: Bomb bots cause massive amounts of lag when spammed late game. (BurntCustard. Screw. YOU). They are very useful, however. They can find things quickly on fortified planet, and there really isn't a unit to hose them down. Nukes are way to expensive. It's either Halley's or waste a hundred thousand metal per (launcher included), whilst ANukes are 6k metal each. This, along with the armor nerf for commanders (or buff to commaders, whatever), makes nukes completely untenable unless you have at least 2k metal/tick. At which point, why the hell haven't you WON yet?? Nukes need to take the role of either Heavy comm snipers, Light attrition weapons, or a combination of the two (different ammo, for example). This in between stuff is ridiculously hilarious to comprehend (also: confusing). I don't want nuke spam either, but they need to be more common than HALLEYS, of all things.
Ok. I did a complete re-instal of PA. That didn't fix it. Then I disabled a server mod, and then PA worked. So either the RBM version I'm using doesn't work with the new version of PA, when it used to work, or Server Mods are broken. I gotta get back to finishing the PA Matches redesign for the 1 year birthday on the 12th!
Second game locked up at 5:13; client still seemed to be running fine, server showed 1fps, sim showed 10fps, but everything just quit moving.
New build breaks all server mods - I think @wondible did a pretty good job of ramming that home with the previous PTE build You caused poor Garat a lot of headache over nothing
If all I'm going to get is grief, then I won't really bother reporting things in the future. For the record, none of this changes the UI crashing issues with the main build. And with previous versions of the PTE build, lots of people were having the same crashes I did.
The game seems to lag quite a bit even on low settings. I was playing and all of a sudden my screen became a soft blue. I pressed C to select my commander and it worked but I could not see anything and that was it.