Indeed. This has to be the reactivatable tech Uber's been hinting at!! exceptnotatall... EDIT: Interestingly, though it can't be destroyed. It can be attacked, nuked and laser'd, but not destroyed or reclaimed. EDIT 2: Also, after being nuked it gets all charred like the ground.
@garat any way you can add a way to the launcher to allow us to download the update files without launching the game right after it finishes? Basically this way you can work / do whatever while it dls without being interrupted.
Verify simply checks all files and downloads any that need updating, without launching the game afterwards. What other functions are you speaking of? Edit: It varies - Moon: 700 - 750 Metal: 600 - 650 Mountain: 500 - 700
Actually no it doesn't, when you click "play" or "verify" it takes the same steps: Checking Manifest (checks to see what files you have, what needs updating) Download Decompress Update game files. then it launches if you hit play, or sits there and waits if you hit verify.
As has been stated - verify just verifies your manifest and updates necessary files. That's it. As for "US only servers" - we only run a small group of servers in the US the PTE. Servers cost money to run, and the PTE in general is intended as a test environment, so we don't really want to run multiple instances around the globe, and least not yet.
@garat Thanks for the response man. Completely understand the reasons for PTE servers. I must have been remembering incorrectly or maybe there was just extra lag last night for whatever reason. Have a good one, Cheers, -Todd
Okay, um. Uber? I know you enjoy trolling us about it and all but... I kinda like this name. Pls keep.
I can't connect to a match on the new build. When I start a match, the game freezes and stays on the lobby screen. When I restart the game and reconnect to a mach, I get stuck on the loading screen.
The good news: Apparently physics got far(!) more efficient. With stable build, 50 squished units render the game unplayable. With PTE, even with over 500 units squished on an island the game didn't break. Also less "jumping" units in such situation! Wreckages effect pathing! And they need to be pushed! Wreckages can also be attacked. You can repair enemy units. You can even assist in construction of enemy structures. Nukes hit orbital And the bad news: Planet editor broke! The dialog won't show up reliably. Selecting a planet works. "Edit" button does not. Gates for assisted factories open too late again (was that ever fixed?) It's far easier now to "compress" formations into deathballs. Physic simulation also takes MUCH longer until units are no longer intersecting. Limit of ~180 units per factory assist command. Past that, "Task plan" server step exceed 100ms. (How to reproduce: 200 fabbers, 1 factory. Set all to assist the same factory. Watch the server cry.) Using "Area patrol with minimum size" instead of "assist" works perfectly fine, even with 500 units. Activating performance overlay CAUSES UI lag. Shortcut for toggling performance window does not work in planet editor, even though performance window DOES show meaningful data in the editor when activated in a game session prior to starting the editor. Wreckages CAN'T be pushed of the nav mesh the previous unit used. E.g. pushing wreckages of an island or land bridge into the sea does NOT work. Wreckages can therefor be used to block paths in an efficient manner since enemy units won't auto-attack wreckages. Aiming from sea floor at water surface is broken.
The current PTE build has a number of known breaks in it. Unless you're curious, I'd say it's done for now. I'm working on a new PTE build now, but that still means it'll be a few hours before it's live. Check back in the support thread, and I'll make a note when it's ready. Thanks, all!
Is there a fix to the coherent_ui bug affecting linux game play in this build!? I really want to play again!