PTE Stream: 65048-balance

Discussion in 'Support!' started by garat, April 30, 2014.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    a balance hotfix :D
  2. kryovow

    kryovow Well-Known Member

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    with the PTE build my strategic icons get not highlighted anymore when selected. maybe also a problem with transparent icons mod, but im not sure
  3. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    I was just about to post that the lower projectile velocity from the bots feels super-awesome, and now they reverted that change. Makes me sad, I'd also like the tank projectile velocity decreased a bit.

    With increased unit hp and slower projectile velocity we were starting to really go into the right direction and away from popcorn units. Uber please reconsider.

    Another few notes:

    - Forest fires look awesome. I would love to have burnt trees remaining instead of just scorch marks which look a little weird when a whole forest was burnt down
    - Dual barrel turrets are still way too strong in their firepower. I'd suggest lowering their projectile velocity aswell, since sometimes you won't even really see a projectile fly. It simply pops up for a frame and instantly disappears.
    - I noticed a bug when a Leviathan which was just coming out of a shipyard (during rolloff) started to fire at a land fabber next to it. The projectiles vertically flew off into space at the speed of sound.(Picture attached).
    - Pelters have a hard time hitting building since the projectile often disappears right before it hits. It seems the projectile life duration is too short

    Attached Files:

  4. Alphasite

    Alphasite Active Member

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    Wasn't the entire point of high speed bot projectiles to stop wiggling?
  5. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Garet, I've posted about that bug 2 or 3 times already and people have too, it's present in the live build. It's a bitch to repro, but seems to happen with orbital units going from one planet to the other and it usually happens when there are a lot of planets present (on a solar system with 10 radius 200-500 moon planets it seemed to happen every time, unless I was specifically trying to repro it o_O )
  6. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    I think that since you now actually have to pre plan where to put your dual laser turret they should be pretty strong. Also currently 2-3 infernos counter a dual laser turret really easily and grenadiers aren't too bad against them too. I believe that if anything they have been overly nerfed.

    EDIT: I fixed quotes. The got broken.
    Last edited: May 2, 2014
  7. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Well, there's a lot of posts on a daily basis. When it's posted somewhere I'm likely to see it, it helps. :) Also, for really obnoxious/breaking bugs, it's also ok to PM me. With debug tools, I was able to repro this easily. And it's on our list to fix very soon. (It got missed for the build we're currently working on)
    zweistein000 and wondible like this.
  8. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    I take it back. It will be fixed in whatever build makes it out next.
  9. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    Thanks! What did it? I'm curious because I genuinely put in way too much of my time trying to repro it. I was never very successful, but I seemed to crawl into almost half of the live games I had.
  10. Dementiurge

    Dementiurge Post Master General

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    ...If you notice, popededi specifically mentioned loading units that were under construction. Without that key piece of information, it's no surprise that it wouldn't be considered a 'known' bug.
  11. iacondios

    iacondios Active Member

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    I moved my Comm to a smallish moon, and when left to his own devices he seemingly randomly drifted. Even whilst building, the comm moves slightly. I think he also walked slower, as if walking against a great gusting wind. Probably related to a previously mentioned moonwalking. Again, if you tell the comm to sit in one spot, it instead slowly meanders in a direction.
  12. stuartelliott

    stuartelliott New Member

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    Not sure if this got noticed.. but t1 mex do 5 metal.. and t2 mex.. also do 5 metal.. at least thats what it looks like ...
  13. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Nice one!

    Also, when are we getting that badass new commander that serves as your avatar? ;)
    Raevn likes this.

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