PTE build 85104-pte is now live!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, July 16, 2015.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That's an issue I did not notice, that words spelling is totally beyond my mind anyway. :D
    Great stuff. Can't wait for the next PTE version.
  2. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    Colour selector in the lobby goes nuts after you scale the UI down a bit (2 ticks), demands larger colour boxes for those colours.

    Attached Files:

    xanoxis likes this.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Another things about the unit listings API: It would be nice to have if it can filter out units that are not inside a specific region. I am thinking that some mod concepts (like I am thinking of an automatic ferry system for transports) will need some form of quick access to "what unit is in that area of the map" and it would be kinda redundant to implement spatial hashing for that in javascript when the native code most certainly already has some form of system to quickly do such queries.

    Now I feel greedy for demanding more, but I figured I would say its a nice to have :p
    Worst case I'll implement a spatial hash in javascript and feed units into it once per second or so.
    Or I'll find that keeping that data structure up to date just to do one query every few seconds is not worth it and it is best to just iterate them all. I guess that might happen as well.
    Last edited: July 24, 2015
    cdrkf likes this.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Well there is a saying: 'don't ask, don't get' so no harm in asking especially in light of all the awesome new mod support uber have added recently :)
  5. torchwood202

    torchwood202 New Member

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    Annoying Game Bug:

    When I'm playing Galactic War on this PTE, my factories cannot loop their build orders. I don't mean that I set it to loop and it doesn't... the single/infinite build button is not present. For whatever reason, the auto-build button for my factories had been replaced with the fire orders button.

    Fire orders. Not for the produced units, but for the factory itself.

    Someone please make that into a concept art...:confused:
  6. wyao

    wyao Uber Employee

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    I haven't been able to see this issue myself. Are you sure you have all mods turned off? What commander loadout are you using? Is this on all factories or only specific ones? What tech cards do you have? Is this happening every time you play a GW or just one?
  7. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hello... welcome to the forums mysterious new Uber Employee :)
    Raevn, davostheblack, xanoxis and 5 others like this.
  8. torchwood202

    torchwood202 New Member

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    1. Vanilla PA, no mods at all.
    2. Vehicle Commander, as the Revenants.
    3. Only factory tech is 50% energy efficiency for all factory production.
    4. This is happening on my current GW game. I have yet to startup a new one.

    Additional things:
    I believe the trigger for this bug is to select a individual factory that is currently being built. After that, all of my factories lose their button to loop build units.
    Alongside this, whenever I try to quit the game when this bug occurs, my PA crashes. The GW game, however, just reverts to before I entered the enemy solar system.
    Running a mac, all software is up to date.
    Second time typing this post, so sorry if it's a little vague.
  9. whisperr

    whisperr Member

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    This also happens when playing AI skirmish and only with buildings on water.
  10. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    I saw this with naval facs about a month ago in multiplayer, as did many other players. I recall hearing about it being fixed, but I saw a post on the steam forums about it the other day as well so I guess it wasn't?
  11. wyao

    wyao Uber Employee

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    Got it. From what I can tell, this appears to just be a problem with factories in Galactic War on Mac only. I tried a couple other scenarios on different machines and wasn't able to see it anywhere else.

    To the engineering pit it goes!
    ace63, cdrkf, Remy561 and 2 others like this.
  12. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Choosing a default commander from the armory no longer works for me, I think I might have caused it with some modding but it's still here now that I've disabled all mods, deleted my user prefs, deleted gamefiles and modfiles and redownloaded the base game.
    Can anyone verify ?
    mkrater likes this.
  13. mkrater

    mkrater Uber Alumni

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    I can repro this as well. Nice catch!
    ace63, cdrkf, Remy561 and 2 others like this.
  14. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Reposting a reproducible galactic war modding crash since it's happening in PTE.

    It happens when a unit's tool_weapon is activated (meaning that the weapon turns to aim). I've had it not happen on units with new models, so it's not 100% all new models, but I haven't had it happen on old units.

    Download this:

    Then start a galactic war, build a vehicle factory, and then build a striker tank (next to the bolo/ant) and have it shoot something. Enemy, wreckage, tree, doesn't matter. Just get it to aim at something and then figure out why it's crashing because server logs aren't telling me a thing.

    These units don't crash the game when used in a skirmish, only a galactic war. This has been an unsolved problem in the modding community for about a year since I first tried to implement galactic war support in a server mod.
  15. bgolus

    bgolus Uber Alumni

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    All wreckage is just the unit model with a shader on them that randomly skews the verts and uses an overlayed wreckage texture w/o team coloring. You can get about 90% of the look by just using a unit model with the wreckage texture. Know you won't get any lighting on anything in the asteroid belt unless you use the asteroid shader; nothing in the celestial space gets lighting so it's faked in the shader.
  16. davostheblack

    davostheblack Well-Known Member

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    @jables - the new employee has no image for their profile. Clearly this is a priority issue for the next PTE

    Introduce yourself! Then we can love you too
    ace63, dom314 and cdrkf like this.
  17. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    I wasn't able to fire a nuke at an incoming asteroid, is this intentional ? please no...
    We need to be able to counter that stuff :eek:
    ace63 and Remy561 like this.
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    It would be cool if the puppets API allowed to create multiple puppets with one native call, so take an array of config objects like the other batchable calls. Same for unPuppet: Take an array of ids to remove multiple puppets.
    The cost of doing native calls is pretty DAMN high, so calling the same call many times really hurts a lot. I can query tens of thousands of raycasts with one batch in a second or two. But if I want to do tens of thousands of puppets (and dispose them directly again, basically I am trying to get the heightmap) it takes a minute or two.

    Though my specific use case (it's pretty) right now will also work out if that upcoming build placement call should be batchable and return a location that snapped to the planet surface. I think the first is confirmed, the 2nd would be a hope I have ;)

    Another thing I wonder about: Does the build placement test call ask the server or is it client side only? Client only would be preferable to me, so I can basically add a client side only building that is small and can be placed on some specific layer only and do my tests with that building.
    Last edited: July 26, 2015
    ace63 likes this.
  19. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Have you guys ever discussed making the wreckage actually look like metal wreckage instead of charcoal? I'd love them to have at least a little specular component and be a little brighter so they stand out a little. Sometimes I really have trouble distinguishing wreckage from the planet surface (especiall on the mountain biome).
    Remy561 likes this.
  20. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Two crash issues with the new raytrace API:
    First a simple malformed call kills PA:
    model.holodeck.raycastTerrain([1, 1]).then(function(data) {console.log(data);});
    the call should be model.holodeck.raycastTerrain([[1, 1]]).then(function(data) {console.log(data);}); to work correctly (notice the double array [])

    The 2nd one is more complex to reproduce. I tried to find a simple piece of javascript that can trigger it, but failed.
    So here is a download for a specific version of my current mod:

    To reproduce download that mod and enable it via pamm.
    Then start a game on forge. No need to spawn your commander.
    Open the UI debugger. Open the scene "UberMap"
    Execute this command:
    var map = model.minimaps()[0]; map.drawMapViaRaytrace();
    It will now create a 250*250 holodeck and move the camera around on it. On every location it will do a terrain raytrace that hits most of the pixels of the holodeck. It'll print the locations it moves to and which pixels it queries. On the last call *hopefully* this will happen and PA will freeze. No crash log is generated, it just stops responding forever.
    If you want to look at the full code that is run with that command check the file Minimap/ui/mods/ubermap/ubermap.js around line 930

    What I can say is that it seems to somehow relate to the specific camera locations. It's not just "one" of them, if I reorder the locations that it jumps to around line:
    camLocs.push([0, 0, 100]);
    camLocs.push([0, 100, 0]);
    camLocs.push([0, -100, 0]);
    camLocs.push([100, 0, 0]);
    camLocs.push([0, 0, -100]);
    camLocs.push([-100, 0, 0]);
    it does not always crash on the same location. I think at least.
    If I replace all those zeros with 1 it does not crash anymore.

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