PTE Build 76412-pte now live (updated with new build 12/16/14)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, December 5, 2014.

  1. vasonsenmic

    vasonsenmic New Member

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    A couple of graphical anomalies I happened upon:

    --Unit cannon pods change color scheme through their travels. In each shot they should have been Red+Orange, but sometimes they showed up as my ally's colors, and on and on final approach they turned Grey+Red. I love the attention to detail on them firing their thrusters to change their vector, though!

    --Astreus' shadows change when viewed from orbit, when close up it looks like a launch or commander pod.
    stuart98 and corteks like this.
  2. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    Do pods slam into the ground now? It seems to me like they do... All we need now is a pod wreck or just a model left behind, multiple unit capacity depending on the unit, and firing spread, and we've got a perfect unit cannon!
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That screen looks perfectly fine to me.
    Also do you really want the feeling of "big ships in tiny pond" back again?
    If any we need an equal reduction of land units to make them be in correct relation again.

    Also wtf why is the autoeconomy UI gone? Has been decided it is too hard to implement a working functionality before the build is pushed to stable? I hope that feature will be added back in again once we see the fixes to make stuff like t2 viable? That will need to include economy changes anyway, good point in time to introduce a new economy management function. I really like the idea of the autoeconomy function. It just needs to be implemented with the right numbers in mind.

    EDIT 2:
    Though from what I saw the 3 new ranked maps basically add 1 more tiny map (tiny starting planet with some metal planet nobody will ever use. Or if it will be used: Only used to annoy opponents by hiding for a while in a lost game...), 1 more small map and 1 decently okay sized map.
    Didn't we have enough tiny maps already?
    Apart from this rants I like the changes.
    Last edited: December 17, 2014
  4. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    Effects cleanup time time :D
    When firing units to a different planet the unit cannon aims straight up and units don't exit the cannon correctly, when it's not at 90 degrees they do exit nicely.

    233250_2014-12-17_00002.jpg 233250_2014-12-17_00003.jpg

    Umbrella laser doesn't line up with the gun.


    Nuke makes awkward turn when it's above the target area, a curve would look better, the missile also goes halfway into the ground before detonating, an airburst would look nicer :)


    Also when watching a replay the nuke missile smoketrail and siren like soundeffect do not obey time properly, when you reverse time the still unfired missile keeps it's smoke exhaust and sound effect even though you've reversed time to the point where the missile hadn't been fired yet.

    Annihilaser beam is kinda glitchy for a split second before firing, note the small beam protruding offcenter from the main beam that is hitting the target planet.

    Last edited: December 17, 2014
  5. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    To me the vehicle factory looks huuuge now compared to those ships.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Maybe because the vehicle factory is too big. I'd rather compare the units and structures to the planets.
  7. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    I love how PA got to the point that this is what people worry about. Far less when-I-do-this-and-that-it-crashes or my-graphics-are-glitched stuff. :)

    (I don't mean to say that the details are not important, but PA has come a long way!)
  8. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    I've seen this on pte-76412:

    AI commanders on absurd show some suicidal behaviour when they are confronted with armies that consists of dox and gil-es. Instead of walking away they tend to walk towards them, even if the AI spot the gil-es. It looks like the AI wants to uber-cannon the dox, but neglects the danger that comes from the gil-es.
    Maybe the neuronal net needs another training pass, with focus on retreat instead of committing the commander in such dangerous situations.
    @sorian ?

    Edit: This is an replay of such a situation: 14497755394757695733
    Last edited: December 17, 2014
  9. Engineer1234

    Engineer1234 Well-Known Member

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    I'm giving effects feedback now because I notice graphics stuff changing, like the artists are awake or something :p this is the time to grab their attention.

    While we're at it, will all the "old" models that haven't changed since beta get another pass ? all the new models that are introduced have far more detail and coolness than the old ones like the basic vehicle factory, it's quite noticable.
  10. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Yes! Also, I know a few modders who would kill for the old models :p
  11. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    Agreed, but I think the community already agreed upon that everything could use a schrink a looong time ago :p
    planktum likes this.
  12. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Wait, I did what? ;)
    (At least, I hope I am part of the community... :()
  13. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You're not if you don't share our opinion obviously ;)
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i feel the classnames of ships should be changed
    a battleship that is barely triple the hight of the commander in lenghs? ... what a joke ...
    that ship looks rather like a corvette in size ...
    considering the commander is supposed to be like 15 meters in hight
    and current modern capitalships around 250 to +300 meters ...
  15. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    corteks and ArchieBuld like this.
  16. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    I believe @tatsujb had a poll that confirmed a large portion of the forum community wanted slightly smaller unit scale. Not that I dislike the current size, I just think a smaller scale would make the game look cooler, and it would surely make planets seem bigger!
    Remy561 likes this.
  17. cmdrflop

    cmdrflop Active Member

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    reptarking likes this.
  18. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Yeah, well, polls... I'd like to quote Slashdot's disclaimer on that:
    (Emphasis mine) :)
    These forum polls may not suffer from the anonymous voting thingy, but they do suffer from bias since the subjects are not randomly picked. I rarely vote in those things anyway. (Although jables' "should I do biweekly updates?" poll was fun!)

    I mean, have you seen those Leviathans do a coastal bombardment? Rain of death and fire! Awesome! But those ships are just puny now as can be seen in burntcustard's picture above.
    cybrankrogoth and websterx01 like this.
  19. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Have you actually ever compared the size of ships to the size of the sea they are in? Especially before the resize they reminded me of big toys in the bathtube. xD Totally not fun to play with. How can epic battleships look epic when they remind me of playmobile?
    I agree the relation between ships and the rest now is off, but that's because the rest is broken, not the ships.

    Also that poll did have a lot of votes actually.
    Remy561 likes this.
  20. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    Any repro details on this would be great. Will be trying to get it figured out today.

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