Promethean Clan-General Discussions/Announcments

Discussion in 'Looking For A Clan' started by lancemich, September 27, 2013.

  1. speneth

    speneth Member

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    I'm on TeamSpeak if anyone's up for a game.
  2. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Ah you you can join yes.
  3. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Sorry guys my situation means I'm a bit unreliable at the moment and that's the way it will be for the foreseeable future. sadly this real life thing can have it's negative moments. As for the signatures feel free to edit them and add your own stuff, they are .png format.
  4. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Hey arch,

    don't worry, real life has to come first, as frustrating as that can be at times!
  5. speneth

    speneth Member

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    I would want to be able to edit the signatures, but I can't edit a name in because I don't know how to design it correctly to make the name have the theme of the picture like arch's. That would be cool if I could be able to do that though.
  6. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You could try inkscape, it's pretty comprehensive with a range of nice effects under the svg filters, and its free! I might make an editable vector version of the Sig and post it here if I get time...
  7. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Fantastic job tonight guys, we took on ballistic logistics and the realm back to back and beat 'em both.

    They will learn to fear the P.
    speneth, cmdrflop and nerofearstar like this.
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Some guys in teamspeak were talking about this. One of them praised you because lack of competition kills games and causes players to migrate while variety of player competition promotes playercount.

    I agreed with him. I will admit that Realm players always seem to learn the game faster whenever a new player joins they become decent by the next day, however the "best" players are evenly divided up and that is what makes me happy, including all the "independents" (brian and such).

    You guys happen to stream/record it? If not, no worries, I just wanted to see how it happened. This new build has been interesting, so many new things happening in games now.
    cmdrflop likes this.
  9. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    I think zaphod recorded our game against the realm, dunno if he'll upload it though. Our strategies weren't all that interesting to be honest though, we'd all only played a couple of games with this patch so we mostly just stuck to what we knew (ie lots of bots and air)

    I had a lot of fun playing with the new patch though, didn't get a chance to try all the new strategies but it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. We should definitely organise some more clan matches, playing large scale games against another organised team really does feel like how PA is meant to be played to me.

    Anyway, thanks for the support, see you on the battlefield commander.
    cmdrflop and nerofearstar like this.
  10. nerofearstar

    nerofearstar Active Member

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    zaphodx did record it well he said he did weather or not he postes it is anthor thing but as lap said we played guys defo coming togther as a clan and we pulled off 2 great games old school style so give ur selfs a pat on back we played well. so saying that now we are making a name for our selfs we need to keep pushing and this is why i said about training nights to keep our skills homed hehe
    lapsedpacifist likes this.
  11. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    Justice will be swift...

    I'm interested to see the recording of this one.
  12. nerofearstar

    nerofearstar Active Member

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    i hope u can get it for us to as we all would like to see it and as for justice well...... guess we will wait and see
  13. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Oh step right up to the plate glorious leader... We'd be delighted to have you front a team against us anytime ;)

    (PS I still haven't forgiven you for playing NC in planetside)
    cwarner7264 and nerofearstar like this.
  14. cmdrflop

    cmdrflop Active Member

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    Only followers of the VS will reach enlightenment :cool:
    lapsedpacifist likes this.
  15. speneth

    speneth Member

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    I would like to see how the realm game went down when I couldn't play it with the rest of you because obviously I'm not that good. I just need to get more skilled in the game for me to really participate in these matches. Good job on the victories by the way.
  16. speneth

    speneth Member

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    That training might be good for me right now. We just need to start planning it out when we can.
  17. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Heh, I just started playing planetside2, and I can't tell if I hate how cheap it feels playing against the VS weapons, or if I am envious of the dang lack of drop and hovercraft mechanics their dang equipment has.

    Either way, I hate playing against the VS, I feel torn inside trying to rationalize it so I just simplify it and attempt to play around red territory instead of purple, or red-and-purple territory and pick fights only with half-injured targets and avoid healthy purple ones altogether.

    As far as PA goes, this update changed a lot and I am glad that it appears to have breathed new life into this game as far as how you play it and how heavily the population has surged for the update. It is like everyone is 48 hours into a PA marathon with it (actually, everyone is asleep right now but in 8 hours I suspect every bigname player will be on again for another 48 hours nonstop).

    Also, you mentioned Ballistics Logistics. Are they in Planetside2 as well? I recognize them in other games and they are major influences in them, but don't know exactly which ones. The planetside2 roots are a wierd orgin for 2 of the more recognized clan names in PA, two games are nothing alike.
  18. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Haha, everyone thinks the other factions are OP (damn dat vanguard) but we won't start that here. Not sure if ballistic logistics play planetside, I know they are in a lot of other games.

    You say they're not that similar but they both A: require a pretty good grasp of strategy to play well (at least for squad and outfit leaders in planetside) and B: have a very large EU playerbase compared to most games, so it's not impossible.

    I agree about this update though, I've been seeing 200+ games pretty much whenever I log on. Really nice to see so many people playing, I've had some of my best games of PA ever with this patch.
  19. cmdrflop

    cmdrflop Active Member

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    omg, 200+ games o_O, serious, when? Havn't noticed that?! And did they just add that you can have multiple screens/views :eek: or is this for now just for the chronocam? Have to try it out!

    Also i wouldn't know if VS is good or bad, i'm a clanless newb in planetside 2. I just like to be a tech guru and walk around in a shiny purple suit which i feel doesn't really benefit you in a sniper fight. Which is sad, since having slow paced tense sniper fights is my favorite thing in Planetside 2 :D

    Edit:Oh, nvm, i thought you meant 200+ games in lobby, silly me

    Edit2: awh yeah it works, sadly i can only make 1 extra screen. I'll need more than that
    Last edited: February 21, 2014
    lapsedpacifist likes this.
  20. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Nicely done! I'll definitely try to get in on a few more games with everyone. This Sunday is looking good!

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