Private Match Feedback (Players, how was it, etc)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by joker, November 27, 2011.

  1. aflyingtaco

    aflyingtaco Member

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    I played in a PM where I was leashing you and you said I was a great support sometime back in september ... uC9MYLQyY=
  2. Goldielocks

    Goldielocks Member

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    Maybe people just aren't sure what to call out, myself included.
    I always appreciate it when people call out for the annihilator. I try to let people know where bots are on the map. It seems like it's important to call out where the enemy assault is right before overtime.
    But other than those three thing I'm not sure what else I should be communicating
  3. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    My memory is fairly bad, hence the "Don't think". You should play some more pm's with us then.
  4. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Weakened enemies. Support separated from their gunner, or vice versa. Enemy sniper trap locations. Enemy assassin locations. There are a lot more, but I really don't want to type out all of them.
  5. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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  6. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    As the assassin just keep calling out if you need help pushing bots in either side, if you want to switch lanes with tank, if bots are near our ball or when the annilihator is going to be up. Most of the time my teams ball goes down is that no-one says that bots are near our ball. The person who sees that bots are near the ball then doesn't call it out, usually dies to the assault / assassin, resulting in the ball dropping.
  7. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    As assassin I call out if I need help against the tank, if I just assassinated the sniper (so people know their ice traps are down), if I can't make it to the anni, and if I just got juice to coordinate where to use it since assassin can be contained failry easily without some backup.

    Aside from that, I will call out to get gunner\assault on my side if I have five or more bots about to push in on one side (I usually make the call once they make it to the bridge).
  8. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Calling out is easy for me since I've put a lot of time into comeptitive games. It also helps that I mainly play assault since that gives you a great view of the field.

    Gunner needs to call out everything he's shooting at. He's the front line and nobody should get past him except for some bot pushers. If he's getting hit by the sniper a lot bark some orders at the assault to go get him. He has to call out the other gunner's status... if he's healed and pushing or if he's seperated and retreating.

    Assassin needs to have a constant eye on bots and the enemy bot pushers. It's tough watching the anni when you just run lane to lane, but try to check it as often as you can. Call out anyone pushing up and absolutely ask for help if you need it. I find myself often asking "how are bots left/right lane" if I'm focused on one in particular, so I know how to plan my moves.

    Assault's the scout of the team. You should be engaging everyone and easily have the most vision of the team. You need to respond to all call outs and make plenty of your own. Seperated gunner/supports.. Sniper and his ice-trap locations. Keep an eye on how their tank is pushing... and I think one of the most important things is to call out and keep an eye on their assault, preventing him from sneaking up on your sniper/support.

    Tank's great for calling out a mix of slayers and bot pushers. I love sitting back and using my rail gun while scouting the field. It's important to listen as well so you can land that final shot into hurt pro's. Call out bots and bot pushers, and use teamwork with your assassin. Lock down the field then try to get a push going. Since you most likely will play back try to call out everyone you see.

    Support has to keep his gunner alive and communication is just as good as the heal gun. Calling out enemy gunner/support.. ice trap locations.. anni times.. and it's extremely important to call out the assault and keep yourself alive. Always listen for the assault call out as well as fire bases.

    Sniper's role is a lot of response along with calling out. He needs to finish weak players from across the map. Like the tank, if you're sitting back you have nice vision of the entire field and should call out everything you see.

    All in all, everyone needs to call out everything they are shooting, dedicate a little awareness to bot locations for both lanes, watch the anni, and call out anything/everything that seems like a threat. (A tank that has juice in their base... Sniper's ice traps in the middle or a firebase.. things that aren't exclusive to one role.)
  9. theyieldingram

    theyieldingram Member

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    "Stop shooting our ball!" miniokory whined.

    "Why are they shooting our ball?!" miniokory inquired.

    "Because that's how private matches work," kckzi replied.

    "Damn it! Quit shooting our ball!" miniokory exclaimed.

  10. Deadpool FTW

    Deadpool FTW New Member

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    Oh dear Lord Almighty...
  11. theyieldingram

    theyieldingram Member

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    The pitch of his voice didn't help.
  12. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Yay people actually spoke in the pm's last night! I'll be able to speak tonight,so you'll hear me whine at you guys more now :lol:
  13. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Was he the squeaker I kept hearing?
  14. gunked

    gunked New Member

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  15. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    must have missed out on a little fun when I left...

    yeah wildman, there was a pretty good amount of communication last night. Everyone loves to hate on lucky slick, but his communcation is through the roof. I think at one point I was teaming with Lucky Slick, Snarf, LeadLP, CrazySquirrel and Yielding... Yielding of course chooses not to talk, but if you combine those other 4 player's communcation with my own you're in for a headache. They all communicate really well, but snarf and slick are non-stop calling out.

    I was impressed with a couple of players. I'm glad we had some fresh faces and lower levels. I was impressed with James Meledy's sniper as well as Sublity Moon's. I think they need some work icetrap wise but they def do a good job.
  16. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    If I can next game i'd like to try sniper (as long as the host is good enough so that I don't triple scope).
  17. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    Chon's host should be fine then, I usually only double scope on it...which is weird, because I usually don't have a problem on it.
  18. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    I usually triple scope on everyone's host, although sometimes I get lucky and only double scope. That's how laggy private matches are for me :(
  19. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Need 1 more for a private match!
  20. theyieldingram

    theyieldingram Member

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    Y'all young'ns need to appreciate yer 'Nam vets some more.

    I lost my tongue durin' the time I spent being help captive in a rat tunnel filled with dozens o' Viet Cong, charlies, commies, North Vietnamese, it don't matter what ya call 'em. They nailed the darn thing to a table and cut it right off before my very eyes. And all I get naw is this? I fought for yer darn country, and paid for it dearly.

    I thought I explained this to y'all earlier. I can't talk without no tongue.

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