Pre-Fab Planet Landing Fortress??

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by turokman2000, December 30, 2013.


Should there be a landing fortress unit?

  1. Yes

    34 vote(s)
  2. No

    7 vote(s)
  1. meir22344

    meir22344 Active Member

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    Why not have fake heavily armored single use asteroids that you can build in orbit that do next to no damage to whatever they hit but you can like load units into them that are deployed on hitting there destination like the ork rok from WH40k.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    So a packed lunch?

    I can dig it.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  3. WarriorServent

    WarriorServent Member

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    Okay, I know this goes a little off track of what is already going on, but I had a thought. I believe there has been talk of Orbital engineers, right?

    If so, they could be used to prebuild SINGULAR structures in orbit that could then preform an orbital insertion to whatever area is desired. I am thinking that you couldn't build any large structures, only small ones like T1 defenses and radar, but a skilled commander could use those to secure a beachhead were he/she could then land engineers and build factories, T2 defenses, and a 'Stargate'.

    I do agree with the idea that there should be explosions in the area when the structures land, but nothing of the size of a Nuke, that would be to OP.

    Another thing that is good about this is that it would fit fairly well with the existing structure of the game, meaning that it is balanced with what Uber already has in place visa vi these Engineers and structures could be easily taken out with a well planed Avenger attack or using planetary defenses.
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    So dropping buildings from orbit?

    I am not sure about the implications....
  5. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    It might prove interesting if you could balance it somehow...
  6. WarriorServent

    WarriorServent Member

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    If you think about it, it is already balanced, the way I think about it, the buildings would be built inside of drop pods in the space around the planet, giving ample time for the defender to attack them before they could become a threat, BUT I am thinking about situations where you already have almost full orbital dominance, and you just cant attack the enemy commander.

    Even if the enemy commander cant take out the buildings before they drop planet-side, they would just be T1, meaning that the invader would either have to quote Stalin on the "Quantity has a quality of its own" and 'Zerg rush' one point on the planet, or would conduct multiple invasions across the entire planet, swamping down the defenders while trying to pump out factories and 'Stargates' ASAP in order to keep as many positions as possible.
  7. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Any half competent player is going to attack any landing enemy target, and they're going to do it immediately. If you can't land units directly, defenseless structures don't stand a chance.

    Replace "drop pod" with "bigger drop pod" and "building" with "piles of units". You're very slowly getting there.
  8. schuesseled192

    schuesseled192 Active Member

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    No you are being defeatist, you are saying that if you didn't notice or react in time you deserve to lose the game immediately. The game should not work like that. There should always be away to stave off defeat and hit back at your enemy else the game devolves into a mockery of what it could be. Planet Anni... Let's just call it "Wonder building race mode: Age of Empires in space mod"

    If artillery is overwhelming your base you can take out the artillery. (and still hopefully wanting to spam shields), If levelers are charging in you can quickly pop down a wall of firepower, if bombers are rushing in you can mobilize your fighters. etc etc etc. Rock coming in, launch nukes, smash rock, death rains on planet, ouch but planet survives.
  9. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    -Except if he's raced to build on the asteroid, then you can cripple his econ on the main planet, build your own KEW and smash it into his, before he has even managed to finish all 3 halleys. There you go, you've won the game.

    -The planet survives, it just kills everything on it.

    -I'm OK with being able to intercept an incoming rock before it's within orbit of your planet, but after that, there should not be a simple, "save my ***" counter. This would validate heavy turtling even more, as turtles would just build anti-asteroid defenses ASAP, and then no one would be able to stop them. If you want to stop an asteroid, you need to be aware of what your opponent is doing, and try to keep tabs on it. As a last ditch option, running away from the doomed planet should be the only thing you should be able to do, once it has entered orbit around your planet. He's smashing the asteroid into his and your econ, meaning that if he escapes as well, both of you are on the same footing anyway.
  10. jodarklighter

    jodarklighter Active Member

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    Right, but my idea covers systems that have no asteroids or small moons. If it's just two planets in different orbits fighting each other, it's pretty much always gonna end in a draw.
  11. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Do you ever see a need for anything? Sorry knight, i dont want to offend you, but reading your "i dont see a need for it" in every second thread regarding a new idea is getting seriously annoying. It got worse since you're a vanguard. As if that would make you an authority on those matters... Gives me the impression that you wqnt to shoot down those threads before an actual discussion about them could even begin to emerge. Having one option to do something (like invading planets) doesn't mean that we don't need more.

    Again, i don't want to offend you. I just said what needed to be said and you can dislike me for that, if you want.
  12. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    But those systems are boooring....

    Yes, I have experienced this as well, and I have actually suggested something similar to your idea before, it was just never really noticed. Anyhow, it might be a nice idea, either that or a slightly tankier, less damage, more AOE and firerate orbital bombardment device, I would prefer a frigate or cruiser, maybe a starbase or something, something that can stand a few umbrella and fighter hits, while bombing the surface with catapult or holkins shots, and if it survives long enough maybe dropping some dox and/or slammers from orbit...

    I really want to vote on this poll, but I'm hesitant to pick either option, because rather than "I think there should/shouldn't be a Landing fortress", I'm more on the side of "it would definitely be an interesting thing to experiment with".
  13. shenanigans42

    shenanigans42 New Member

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    I was pretty much writing a similar thing until someone else posted linking to your pose. I love the idea of a artificial asteroid. It would make them, and other asteroids effectively customizable star ship units, except using systems in place already. It would eliminate the worry of someone hogging all existing asteroids. as your economic might of controlling the entire planet would balance you back up, and would allow a platform for invasions with unit cannons and some factories mounted. Just bristle it with nukes. Or leave it empty and throw them at their planet.
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    But its a valid opinion .. why should we need a heavy mobile unit building option for invasions if the unitcannon may prove to sufice for planetary invasions already
    asteroids give you so many options far more then any other single unittype could do by itself .. the problem of course its almost always a big investment to do so
    i generaly agree to have at least orbital transports ... but
    we still didnt have any chance to test the unitcannon or stargate
    asking to include a heavy fortified mobile factories is just asking to put an experimental unit in which afaik the devs were against at at least before release .... so core gameplay and coreunits first
  15. hanspeterschnitzel

    hanspeterschnitzel Active Member

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    I also had such an idea, but the lander unit could produce units itself and would contain and anti-nuke, too, so you aren't just blasted off of the surface the moment you land. My landers would have only have the size of two advanced factories though, not have a nuke effect and would be build with the orbital factory.

    A stargate-lander is also a good idea though. :D
  16. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    No, it's not. Firebases are terrible invasion tools, especially with pelters and TMLs already on the enemy world. You need to hit hard and fast to have any hope of dealing lasting damage or gaining ground.

    A single catapult launcher says otherwise. A single point of failure that can be immediately blow up is not good enough.
  17. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    Sending bricks/cans/percivals like units via unitcannon or transports would give you that punch you would like it should not be limited to just one krogoth or fatboy like unit
    bobucles likes this.
  18. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    First off, seeing as you've brought it up, if you have any concerns over my behavior as a Vanguard you should bring that to another Vanguard Member so it can be properly discussed.

    Secondly, if you think I don't ever "see a need" for something, you clearly haven't been following my posts, not to mention my large backlog of PA posts going right back to when PA was still on Kickstarter. To be frank, I think your view on my posts is simply biased due to our prior discussions.

  19. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Exactly. Robot battles are good. More robot battles are better.

    The idea of a Krogoth-type unit is not to fight the main battle. Rather, it's made to clear enough landing space(the nuclear way) for the main army to land. Its actual combat efficiency is not very important for blowing up. If the planet has enough open space to freely land, then it's not a problem. Just send in the main force.
  20. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I rather think that you're trying to cut off discussions about topics you don't agree with before they even started. Some people might hold your words in a different light, now that you're a vanguard. You became even more enthusiastic in writing "i just dont see a need for it"s since you became a vanguard. Is it coincidence, or is somebody trying to use their new blue nickname in their favor? I don't say that you don't have the right to your opinion, but maybe you should consider the effects of your influence on these forums more carefully.

    All i'm asking you for is to be a bit more patient before posting your opinion in topics regarding new ideas. Because like i said, for many people, the words of somebody with a blue nick might influemce people into turning their back on a discussion, which might not have done so otherwise.

    And besides that, i just can't understand your opinion. Asteroids and unit cannons won't be nearly enough to make planetary invasions interesting. You know tat, i knoe that, everybody does. That's like saying we dont need tanks because we already have bots which can shhot stuff. Its perfectly alright if you're against this particulsr idea, but saying that asteroids would solve every problem regarding planetary invasions is very short sighted imo.

    Variation is the spice of life, my friend.
    Last edited: January 2, 2014

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