It's basically a campaign game with a coop campaign as well, it's a puzzle game more than a shooter despite the Portal "Gun"
I got it. If anyone is looking for a Co-op Partner, and doesn't mind playing section 3 hard light surfaces, then I am available 4pm-4am est. I played singleplayer first. It is why I am not so far on Co-op. Singleplayer was so great though, so no regrets. Co-op was definitely meant to last longer and have more replay value, so kudos on the portal team for making something with a long play life. Also, I like the part where he kills you. Lol. "This is the part where he kills us." "This is the part where I kill you." I also like how this statement was false: "Nobody is going into space, mate!"
SHAME ON YOU :evil: And I have no one to play co-op with. I don't really look at it as a big deal, I'm waiting for singleplayer surf maps more than anything. Also, don't read this if you don't like(admittedly minor) spoilers. I'll make it small so you can avoid it if need be. I remember there were supposed to be suction tube things somewhere. Was that only co-op, or did I get one of the elevator glitches that makes you skip levels? Or was it removed entirely?
Well thanks for that spoiler guard there arse and everyone in this thread plays on the 360 which i'm assuming you don't?
What was mentioned in the spoiler guard was probably "broken", as in it probably wasn't as nicely controlled as it would like to have been and/or lead to way too many solutions in puzzles containing them. What a shame really. And I am pretty sure nobody who hasn't played the game through yet understood my "spoiler", it was very vague. Didn't even put who I was quoting or who it pertained to.
PC player here. Surf maps are gonna be epic. Every new mechanic is BEGGING to be used with surfing. And BroI was more talking about the space thing. It's really nice wtf moment at the end.So what I mentioned was taken out? Darn, I was really looking forward to that. Serious puzzle potential.
It is just interesting that portal conducting gel was made of crushed moon rocks. Is this a spoiler too? If someone who hasn't played the game completely was to read this, they would think the spoiler is some test chamber where you go into space to complete it or something. Something about space, is all they know. Let's leave it at that, "you dangerous, mute lunatic". Also, you do see it. It just isn't used solving test chambers. You see several of them around chapter 4-5 of the singleplayer, and once again in co-op chapter 2 chamber 6. Pneumonic Diversity Vent
My new text tone is the defective turret saying "Yeah, how ya doin'?". Now I laugh every time I get a text...