Population down.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, April 11, 2011.

  1. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    Just cos you don't want to hear it doesn't make it any less the truth, also if you had bothered to read any of my other posts in other threads you will see my suggestions for increasing the population of this game so quit crying, and what makes you think i want people to leave? people have left already, the game doesn't even enter steams top 100 anymore, how are you failing to see this?

    ah unless, have you recently bought the game? like within the last month or so?

    BOOM-STICK New Member

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    I saw your suggestions. It's the you believing that it CAN'T make a comeback that's annoying me. It seems like you just want people to leave, but your ideas are pretty good.
  3. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    thanks, I think they are pretty good too, which is why I suggested them nearly 2 months ago but no one listened. Lets look at it this way, one of us is going to be right, and the other, wrong. So lets leave time to find the answer, however when the game is more dead than it is now (less than 200 players peak time) you can say I was right and I will forgive you.

  4. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Stop arguing people.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinions and you've each stated your viewpoints over each others' opinions. If you want this thread to remain constructive it's time to move back to the subject matter at hand.

    Both of you obviously want the game to succeed so you can play more, you just have different opinions on how things will pan out in the future. As Kotay said: time will tell.
    I hope he's wrong because I really like the game and want to see it grow, but I'm not going to argue about it to the detriment of the thread.
  5. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    I hope I am wrong too
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Remember, it has 2 platforms, and room for a sequel. It has plenty of opportunity.
  7. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I just want voice chat fixed, fire-base immunity fixed and a new map. That and new players willing to visit the site or learn to play over time.
  8. Overgear

    Overgear New Member

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    Lets be honest Tranq; the first game isn't doing great so there really shouldnt be a sequel. As Kotay said its not even in the top 100. Heck, a PSO server has more active players than MNC which is a huge shame.
    I'd love to play more but it's hard without new maps/modtools.
  9. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    seriously if this was some cool combo between Dota and a Shooter ( yes i am keeping my mind on that )

    then this game would have done so much better. see it like.. enemy territory in a (MNC/)Dota fitting.

    how MNC is developed right now, with skills and button smashing, its to repetitive for every1.

    a.k.a short lasting appeal

    also cause the ppl who are playing longer have a obvious knowlegde advantage in how to apply these skills the best..

    anyway all to all this game can be a quick let down.. certainly when some experienced assaults/sins are going god like on there pug heads


    Make it a shooter ! [​IMG]


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