Population down.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, April 11, 2011.

  1. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Just pointing out that popularity does not mean better unless you're comparing popularity.

    If you showed me 1,000,000,000 people that said the sky was red then I'd show you 1,000,000,000 people who were wrong.

    MNC could be the most fun game in the world and only have 4 players. Another game with 4 million players does not make it more fun. Just more popular.

    Of course something as subjective as "fun" is extremely difficult to quantify anyway.

    Still: more advertising for the game would be good... and more Noob friendly servers (once they get the damn stars working properly ;) )
  2. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    no i didn't wrote that reply. at this moment you probable have (just like many more here) the mental blockade that doesn't allow you to grasp the idea that most ppl don't like this game..
    but that doesn't justify it that you are allowed to grasp this accusement out of imagination land and attempt to make it sound valid to make me look bad.

    and jackbots ? no there piss easy

    btw those complaints fall under my "shenanigan" section.
    ppl who know me should know by now what i mean with that.
  3. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    and i always thought that a game could only become popular if it was truely a good game... my mistake


    doesn't mean i disagree though, just this morning i posted a thread against COD:BO stating that its useless to use a semi auto, sniper or lmg cause the easy full auto assaults and subs rule all.

    imbalance is a word that lies very close with COD...
    Last edited: April 13, 2011
  4. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Might want to check what a question is.

    Still don't know why you care.
  5. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Oh if only that were true, and all good games _did_ become popular. Ah what a world that would be :D
  6. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    cause the game has potential.

    i played LOL and when i heard there was a shooter version from it i pretty much squealed

    only to discover soon after purchase that it wasn't that amazing though...

    so yea kinda upset with how bad this game turned out..
    only instead of leaving like the other few 1000's i still try to see a glimph of hope in it to what the game can eventually become

    but its going slow... reall slow
    and my hopes aren't that high anymore.

    reply to zenstar:

    did you readed my reply that contained my story about "mental blockade" ?
  7. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    reply to zenstar:

    did you readed my reply that contained my story about "mental blockade" ?[/quote]

    I don't have a mental blockade. My quote was more a general wistful quote about general gaming. So many stupid games become popular (look at some facebook games) while awesome games build a cult following but never truly make it... and I'm not talking MNC (specifically) but gaming in general.

    As for MNC specifics: I think MNC is a very cool game. I have fun when I play and I have more fun when I play with friends. If you don't find it fun that doesn't mean it isn't fun. That means it isn't fun for you, and you're completely allowed that opinion.

    As for the general "fun factor" which we can try apply across the board: that's very difficult to quantify. Sure the game could use some tweaks and more content. From my point of view they're tweaking things and bringing us new content soon. I'm patient and I can wait.

    My point of view here is this: I'll keep playing while I'm having fun. I hope that more people will keep joining and Uber continue developing this game similar to how Valve deal with TF2.

    I'm not getting into any arguments about what should or shouldn't be done or changed or what. I've stated what I think already and there's been no contention around my 2c.
  8. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    I don't have a mental blockade. My quote was more a general wistful quote about general gaming. So many stupid games become popular (look at some facebook games) while awesome games build a cult following but never truly make it... and I'm not talking MNC (specifically) but gaming in general.

    As for MNC specifics: I think MNC is a very cool game. I have fun when I play and I have more fun when I play with friends. If you don't find it fun that doesn't mean it isn't fun. That means it isn't fun for you, and you're completely allowed that opinion.

    As for the general "fun factor" which we can try apply across the board: that's very difficult to quantify. Sure the game could use some tweaks and more content. From my point of view they're tweaking things and bringing us new content soon. I'm patient and I can wait.

    My point of view here is this: I'll keep playing while I'm having fun. I hope that more people will keep joining and Uber continue developing this game similar to how Valve deal with TF2.

    I'm not getting into any arguments about what should or shouldn't be done or changed or what. I've stated what I think already and there's been no contention around my 2c.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

    now that was a good reply, tyvm

    ( seriously, no sarcasm :p )
  9. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    No problems :)

    I don't know why people always seem to end up in arguments on forums. It's so much easier for us to take a relaxed approach when stating our opinions and sometimes just agree that, maybe, we disagree :)
  10. Terry

    Terry New Member

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    If price had anything to do with quality, then Exteel wouldn't of been fifty times more fun then MNC. Exteel was a third person shooter, with a hell of a lot maps, customization, gameplay was just as fast, and a hell of a lot less bugs. Oh, did I mention it also had a PVE mode where you fought bots all day, and kept them from capturing (killing) certain points, that was more variable and a hell of a lot more fun then blitz? Oh, and since you earned money to buy important things (like parts for your mech to make you stronger), it kept you playing a lot longer, just so you can build your 'dream mech'.

    People may say, "But Exteel was freemium!" Which is true. However, you couldn't buy in game currency, just parts. And those parts that you bought were no where near as strong as the parts you could buy with the in game currency. For the same price that you bought MNC, you could buy yourself a decent mid-range mech, and be fine for the rest of the game.

    Exteel, except in graphics, was the far better game. Better gameplay, MANY more maps, less glitches, money meant something, it was free for almost all intents and purposes. It also had a larger player base, a competitive scene with money on the line, AND servers which made sure that if you were a 'NEWBIE' you didn't get decimated by the best players until you were better, because the best players would level up faster and be forced into a higher level room. You could still join them if you want your *** kicked, but they couldn't come around and wreck you.

    Did I also mention you could connect to every 'server', that it had a lot more players in them, and the lag wasn't very bad?

    Oh, by the way, it's dead now. You can't even get it on a private server. It is, by all definitions, unable to be played at all. The company that owned it, dropped the game on all formats, even the foreign ones.


    My point is, just going 'freemium' isn't going to save a game. There's been freemium games out there that just beat the hell out of MNC in every area there is, and they STILL got shut down. The only thing propping this game up is its 15$ price tag. If it went freemium, it might extend its life for a short while, but then ittl fall flat on its face.

    Hell, 'S4L' is better than this game when it comes to content - and it's free, and is more of a sports game then this game, and even has comparable graphics.

    What these guys need to do is simple. They need to do what other freemium games (like S4L, and Exteel) didn't do. They need to do what TF2 did (and no, I'm not talking about dumb ******* hats, and nickle dimming their playerbase with useless crap). They need to release tools which will allow the community to make custom content, and then release a way for that custom content to be quickly made part of the retail game. And they need to make sure this custom content A.) Fits with the style of the game, B.) Is balanced, and C.) Released semi-frequently. Let community content drive this game, and you'll always have a dedicated fanbase, which will grow because of it.

    It would also be appreciative if they stopped tweaking with the game in ways that are lazy, but have a huge impact on how the game is played. I'd rather of them released a new map, then made bouncers a hell of a lot more annoying, making the few maps that are out there all that more annoying to play. I shouldn't fear bouncers more than some pros. It's stupid, and doesn't fit along with the other players bots.

    I'd rather of them concentrated on fixing the glitches, then nerfing the assault, assassin, and sniper, classes that didn't need the nerfs they got, while leaving Support, Tanks, and Gunners alone (classes that are always good in almost every situation).

    I'd rather of them balanced really awful maps that EVERY play I've ever played with has called awful when I asked them. I've played over 200 hours of this damn game, and I've never had a good game on steel peel. Every time I play steel peel half the server leaves because they're sick of the map. Every time I play steel peel, people bitch about it because its a terrible map. Every time I say its a terrible map, over half the server (the remaining half) agree. WHEN YOU HAVE A TERRIBLE MAP IN A ROTATION THAT DOESNT HAVE MANY MAPS IN THE FIRST PLACE, THERES A BIG PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Steel peel KILLS servers right now, especially late at night.

    But of course, they're not going to read this, or if they do, they'll backpeddle and make excuses.

    I'll leave this post with this:

    Pricetag is no excuse for a game to hide behind its problems. There are/were better games out there, for free, that are in the same vein as MNC.

    If they want their dwindling player base to kick back up, they need to get their rear in gear.

    And before anyone says: "WELL THEN GO PLAY THOSE BETTER GAMES"... I -do-. That doesn't mean I don't want this game to do well, and continue to do well. I put money into what was, and still is an incomplete game. 15$ for a game with almost no single player, and a map pool thats laughable small, IS overpriced as all hell, no matter how good the multiplayer balance seems to be. I've paid Indie games that were more complete then this, and were the same price. I did this with the expectation that if I paid more up front, I'd get more later. It was a promise, much the same that I made with TF2.

    If that's a promise thats broken, then so be it. I don't really care anymore. I'll play until the game is fully dead, and then, just like Exteel, shrug off its demise.
  11. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I agree with some of the TF2 bits.
    I hope that this is the way things are moving: Uber are developing content (new maps / game modes / gear / fun) bit by bit and we'll be getting updates that incrementally grow the game.

    When I first picked up TF2 I never played it at all. Then they added all the class specific achievements and alternate loadouts and I started playing and kept playing on and off until I got Monday Night Combat.
    From the look of things this is what Uber intend (we've already had gear added in patches and bullseye in his valentine's dress & st patrick's day dance) and I'm patient enough to wait and see what happens.

    I'm still enjoying playing and I hope that the game will grow both in player base and in content. I'm looking forward to Uncle Tully's Funhouse :D and whatever they decide to do next.
  12. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    I actually quit TF2 because the game was getting too "cluttered" for my taste. The real irony of it all it was the MNC pack that was the proverbial "last straw" (And here I am playing MNC, go figure) I do get a certain longing to play again everytime I see a tank wearing the pyro mask, I really miss playing that deranged lunatic.

    That being said.... I'd rather the game stay simple with the weaponset it has. However, I love new maps, can never get enough of them.
  13. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I didn't mind the weapon choices and extra gear. What began to bug me was trying to collect the bits I wanted without spending realworld money.

    I don't mind spending a little for something new every now and then, but something new every other week is a bit much and collecting the mats to craft things? Takes forever unless you play all day.

    And then there's hat-conomy. I like the hats. They're fun. I hate having to scrounge around looking for them and trying to trade for them. This isn't TF2 Hat Tycoon dammit. That's what I like about MNC's gear: choose whatever fun stuff you want. You have access to it all.

    TF2's pokemon mentality with weapons just eventually got to me. Give me all the options to play with. I don't want to hunt around for a new weapon only to find a 5th copy of one I already have and don't use.

    That being said I wouldn't mind buying in-game gear for in-game money. At least you can work solidly towards a goal that doesn't afecct gameplay and you wouldn't get trade whisper spam while trying to play.

    (and the pyro was always my fav too. mhrmhrmrhmmmr!)
  14. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    do you think uber will continue to develop the game though to allow it to get to the point you describe with less than 300 players per day at peak time?

    If uber had made more maps i think the game would have held on to more players, this is one of the reasons i stopped playing. Or if they had released the dev tools fast then people would've done a lot of the work for them, they could've just refined the best community maps and released them in an update.

    I really liked this game I thought it was good fun and quite fresh, but it just had too little to keep you going for a decent ammount of time. The one thing I really thank uber for though is introducing me to DotA, although i had played it in sc i didn't understand it, now all I play is HoN and it is great fun, thank you uber.
  15. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    I think they'll get there if they keep working. As they add more content and players come back to have a look (don't tell me you're going to completely skip uncle tully's fun house when it's released) people will stick around a bit longer. Especially if they add some awesomeness. With a tiny bit of luck and a bunch of hard work I think they can build themselves up quite a bit until they rival TF2
  16. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    If I may say the "spots" feel of S4 League left S4 when the company fired the main artist and changed everything to time based weapons.
  17. kotay

    kotay New Member

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    yeah but is there a big incentive to keep working if you have less than 300 peak players? And I know what you mean content makes people come back and have a look, costumes and stuff probs not, imo they are a total waste of time spent on game, maps yes, but one map. If I did check it out, which personally I doubt I will reinstall to try a map, it still isn't enough to make people come back and stay, they will try it out, maybes play for a few hours and after a week or so be back to the same amount of peak players as now, imo.

    Personally if I were the head of uber I would be thinking of moving on, as I would be doubting that mnc will make me much more money.
  18. DEPLOY

    DEPLOY New Member

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    This game is getting extremely frustrating and boring due to pub stomping, no team work, bugs, bad maps, not enough servers, shall I continue?
  19. MLGIntervention

    MLGIntervention Active Member

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    You have no clue you don't play the xbox.
  20. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Pubstomping? Never experienced that.

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