Population down.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by ZoZo, April 11, 2011.

  1. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    I've bought this game twice and it's still the best value I've ever seen. Most problems people have are lag-related or bad-related. I don't mean to be rude, people just don't understand how to juggle so many things at once and still synthesize strategies.
  2. d-roy

    d-roy Active Member

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    I noticed a lot of bad players quit because they are bad, and the learning curve is just way too old school for the mindless sheep that is called the "modern gamer". I have mate a who falls under this category.

    And just 'cause the game isn't as popular as 'nother game doesn't mean it's unpopular.
  3. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    It'd be nice if they made the game more accessible somehow. I'm not sure how... tutorial videos maybe?
    When I first started the game I was thinking "Basic shooter right.. just 3rd person! Something about bots... what?"
    I played the tutorial but it only really gives a small fraction of a feeling for the real game. Then I went and read some guides the next day (because I was bored at work ;) ) and picked up a lot more.

    Now a lot of people are going to hit the "I played the tutorial but I'm still getting owned" part and go back to TF2 because there's less thinking involved. If Blitz was properly explained (it's an easy concept after all) like all the TF2 game modes are explained then I think a few more people would 'get it' if you grok me.
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    See the things is "modern gamers" don't want to read anything. If they took the time to read the 'How To Play' section they could have a better understanding of everything.
  5. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    While I agree with you, they are also the future of gaming and there's more of the ankle-biters than there are the more mature gamer. Plus: accessibility is always a good thing.
  6. Kaeldian

    Kaeldian New Member

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    I just gave up on the game for awhile. The community was generally being a bunch of *bleep* and I was fed up. If it's truly down drastically from the free weekend when I joined, I'm not suprised given the amount of sheer asshattery I was seeing from the all stars.
  7. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    It's the idiots that rely on tutorials without reading first. (And notice there's a lot of them) :lol:

    DEPLOY New Member

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    It's the idiots that go pub stomping which turn a lot of people off, they play a couple games against a high level opponent and get frustrated quick because, admit it, the balance in this game is non-existant.
  9. duckling

    duckling New Member

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    If all the bad players quit how come I seem to come across so many?

    I don't know what's going on today, but for the first time since I've owned this game I've had a couple instances where I could not find more than 5 servers with people playing and that isn't full. In 2 cases I couldn't find one with less than 100 ping--which has never happened before.

    Did a bunch of people quit over the weekend and decommission their servers?

    I've had more than $15 worth of fun, and I'm still enjoying it.Though without a few new maps I can't see this game lasting much longer. New costumes are fine, but they don't do much to make the play more fun and varied.
  10. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    so much bull in 1 post..
  11. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    The game is really fun, but it seems that Uber Entertainment literally does zero to promote the game on the gazillion of sites on the web. I've tried to put up articles & update news on N4G.com, but single handedly this won't work. Especially, it doesn't work when there is nothing to write about.

    I have never, ever seen an ad for MNC, neither have I seen any articles. I've seen the Free Weekend on Steam & that is pretty much it. I believe it's foolish to expect a few free weekends is enough to establish a playerbase and a community that is interested in the development of MNC.

    There is a desperate need of updates to fix bugs and add features to make the game better. I don't see much interaction in the PC section from Uber Entertainment guys, hopefully they are working on the game, but for such a small game I would appreciate more developer appearance and/or Q&A.

    In their "Blog" department, there is little to no activity. Latest being the Aprils Fools & Steam Update 6. Where are the developer thoughts and ideas that should be shared with the community for feedback/discussion?

    The last week or two, i've not played it alone to enjoy the game, but only when friends were online so we could stomp a server after looking for one for 4-5 minutes. Has Uber Entertainment given up on this or something? Population is like 500 peak @ PC and that's across the entire globe. I can't play with Americans, Asians or Australians due to latency, so at peaks I find perhaps 7-8 servers with active players and they are filled & queued by people who can't be arsed joining a 0/12 and await players because your "Star Rating" drops in such a game, neither is 1v1 very fun.
  12. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    em Gozuu if the game was top of the world it would be selling itself.. obviously it isn't though.

    the gameplay is repetitive,
    cheap shenanigans are the main way forward ( annihalator/juice shop/1 hit you win abbilities for 1vs1),
    and there are plainly not enough maps.

    if they want to improve this game but don't wanna overhaul it ===>> completely <<=== from its roots then they need to make like atleast 500 maps

    ( over exaggerating but just to make a point )

    but probable that won't be such a big succes either (even though i do hope so)
  13. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Nobody actually cares about what you write amandis.

    Just sayin'.

    And yes, the game is fun.
  14. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    I'm not saying the game is "top of the world". It's far from that, especially because they are such a small developer with limited funds. Actually, the funds are limited to their sales it seems. However, the gameplay is funny. Atleast, it's more fun than any of the blockbuster FPS we have today, Call of Duty, Bad Company or Homefront. Those are generic teenage shooters with no purpose other than sales. I like MNC, it's innovative in the way the gameplay progresses. The game isn't completed imo but it's playable, it just lacks features that are necessary in a todays game.

    Developers aren't a part of the community, which I believe is the most vital part of creating a great game. Take the indie game Minecraft for example, Notch is bringing in community created mods and wishes and the game is a huge success even in it's beta stage. I'm not saying that MNC should directly incorporate some community wishes, but work with us to develop the game.

    You are correct about one thing, not enough content. There are more content in flash game than MNC. Two gamemodes, six maps, really? Sure, you might feel it's repetitive because there is a lack of content and I agree that there should be more. Capture the Flag, Pro Vs. Pro only combat. I mean, there are plenty of ideas to create more versatile gameplay, but what is the matter of doing so if no one knows about your game?
  15. zenstar

    zenstar New Member

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    Hey. the header changed... it says "Coming soon..."
    Huh... :?:
  16. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I think this game needs a few things fixed.

    Better Tutorial

    Communications/Voice Chat,Text


    All Star

    These are the things that are holding this game back.

    Not a lot of people hear about the game. New players dont get a good idea of the game unless they go to the forum. Older players dont often have the means to contact new players ingame leading them to become stubborn. They place too much value on stars or are turned off by getting stomped by good teams.

    I think I'll make a topic for more indepth discussion of these issues.
  17. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    My biggest wish for "next-gen" video games is that forums are a part of the game. There is no reason to visit a webpage when you can interact in the game. Steam sort of has this feature with their in-game browser, but it's not as nifty as it could be. Forums within the game would mean a closer community and people who arent often forum-goers would use it more.
  18. amandis

    amandis New Member

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    this is so much fail in 3 sentences.. seriously read my sig again and plz try to comprehend everything.

    cause i remember that i was quite accurate about everything if i look at the current state of the game. (to put it lightly..)

    apperently a few million ppl do not agree..

    but yea uberent needs a serious plan to give this game any chance of survival.
    cause reviving it with a free weekend every now and then is possible but come on that can't be the marketing vision that uberent had for this game before release

    so make a post about that and discuss how uberent can make changes to make the game more attractive for the bigger crowd and try to make this game atleast a bit more succesfull.

    (even though most ppl here are completely self centered, can't look further then themselves. and fail to understand what most ppl like to find in a game.)

    anyway, i know most of you don't want any change ( or else you wouldn't be here anymore ) and are scared that this game will completely Die out.. but being quiet about it and acting completely ignorant towards it if you do respond is not the answer.

    get around the table with uberent or piss of is my opinion.

    or am i now gonna see replies that all come out to the point that nothing is gonna be done again and big QQ / Rage posts towards my replies instead of constructive arguments why it isn't so....

    same as 2 months ago


    see thats the spirit, G.going NeoCyberman

    don't forget more content though ;)


    and yes uncle is coming out.. but im not convinced that this is gonna be THE baby boom of new recruits for this game.
    nor let ppl last that much longer then the recruits from the free weekend.
    Last edited: April 13, 2011
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Wasn't that post written by you on the Steam forums? Both these things are not really helping you.

    And you might want to refresh my memory, but weren't you the guy who complained about annihilators/ejectors/jackbots and the like?

    I don't get why you care by the way. You obviously don't like the game so why don't you just move on?
  20. Gozuu

    Gozuu New Member

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    Compare the ads & general PR of MNC to BF:BC, Homefront or CoD. Monday Night Combat has literally ZERO advertising and all of the above games had atleast half a year of constant hype and presucessors (Homefront got sales because of patriotic americans thinking that North Korea actually will attack USA some day. To be honest 90% of the Homefront sales was probably made in the US).

    I really don't think the mentioned blockbusters are more fun than MNC, MNC is just smaller - it's from an unknown developer & it has zero advertising.

    Will MNC continue to fall in population or will they do something about it? I don't care really. It's a fun game putting a few hours into every week, but with the current developer non-care attitude I don't see any future of the game.

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