Please remove Bots all-together (Devil's Advocate)

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by wpmarshall, July 4, 2014.

  1. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Since when was Narwahl in T2? We're trying to talk about 'vanilla' PA here rather than advertise various balance mods.
    As for the beginning where you talk about strategically holding water, where in a 1v1 scenario would you have the time or resources to not only get into a lake and keep it, but then also transition to T2 in that lake rather than just doing the same for Air or vehicles? Don't forget you win if you Kill the enemy commander, not if you survive for X number of minutes.

    I'll reiterate, bots seem like a suicide unit which throws paper planes at the enemy doing paper-cuts of damage at best. Why on earth do they cost so much? :p
  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Silly one-off mod. Would have been nice if they jumped, but they pretty much count as aircraft while flying - being immune to land while moving is probably a bit much, although they get absolute wrecked by fighter's range and speed, even though they can shoot back.

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  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Lol, and I am not arguing vanilla because vanilla is broken. Otherwise, we are arguing that dox being no contest to tanks is okay, naval being slow is okay, and nothing at all should change.

    I am arguing, that bots can either be cheaper, or they can have more comparable stats to tanks as far as actually taking 2-3 shots to kill instead of just 1, or they need the same dps. Their speed is niche, but it costs them most their health and most their damage to have speed, is speed really that useful in PA? They need speed and at least half a tanks health.

    And, I was arguing naval needs the same, because someone argued with me how that would make naval useful, and I argued if naval is too expensive to establish early and too slow to deploy where you need it then it won't be an equal citizen and the ONLY thing it is missing is raiding class units which shares the bot situation.

    And, Uber said they want bot to be infantry-esque. That is currently making them overly weak. There are many ways to fix this. There is an amphibious bot, if infantry is going to be unique you could give it a flying jetbot. Could, not must, but there are many ways to do that. Mods even show that, how many options there are for bots and tanks.
  4. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    I don't have a problem with easy to kill infantry so long as I can support them with tanks.

    but then again, tanks have extremely quick turret turn speed and fire rates that makes it hard to flank them even with more durable bots.

    Not that I am putting blame on any one thing, a mix of tanks/bots and new building HP currently make the bots what they are.

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