Please No Win/Loss Tracking

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ayceeem, May 4, 2013.

  1. athanasia

    athanasia New Member

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    For players like me who are either a noob or a slightly lower than average Joe, win/loss ratios seem at least tedious, at most a discouragement from the true fun of the game. I am not a pro at the game and probably never will be, the last thing I want is all my defeats and failures put on a list only to be shown to me every time I log into my account. It adds no flavor of fun to me. Especially if can't erase it or start fresh without making a new account, and just in case I ever DO become pro (Fat chance there) I don't want the failures of my noob days to still be hanging around like a clingy ex-girlfriend. However, the thing keeping track of accomplishment I.E. the number of planets destroyed and medal system is fine. Nothing discouraging about feeling like you accomplished something and it has no chance to discourage you in your own abilities, and yeah so what if I'm whining because I or anyone else doesn't want to look bad? This is a game and it's supposed to be fun, some people just aren't competitive enough to enjoy the win loss system and others just won't be good enough for this to ever be a fun or enjoyable thing for them. I really think this just has too much potential to discourage players, like me. Any system for ranking players that is more flexible would be more welcomed in my book. Also let players have someway to distinguish themselves as leisurely players and competitive players. If you do decide to go through with the win/lose idea, you could just show it for players in the competitive status, allow some way for stats to refresh and reflect the players current skill level, and for the Relaxed/Competitive player stats don't make them pick one and stick with it. Allow them the option to enjoy both sides. All constructive criticism welcome.
  2. orcaleader

    orcaleader New Member

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    Why not go balls to the wall.. and give me a spreadsheet of everything.

    • Wins
      Units built (ordered per unit)
      Units lost (Ordered per unit)
      Units destroyed (Ordered per unit)
      #Commanders lost
      #Commanders destroyed
      #Planets destroyed
      #planets inhabited
      avg. APM
      avg. Spending per minute

    All dem spreadsheets ^_^
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    i´m generaly ok with having a stats profile just to see for myself of how good i perform..
    it should show everything i have to know in order to improve my playstyle ...
    i don´t care if my win/lose ratio is visible or not ... what i do care is were do i lack, were am i good at, were do i have to improve in order to be competitively more succesful ...
    those who play only for fun won´t care bout stats at all and may just play unranked and/or against the AI anyway ...
    kicking and disconecting simpy in unsportmanlike
    sportmanlike gamers play with and against anyone and do the best as they can ...
  4. mkultr4

    mkultr4 Member

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    Unlimited accounts per game key:
    -You and your brother can each have your own account
    -Smurfs and trolls galore, people who will leave games the second they think they might lose because it doesn't matter if they can create a new account

    One account per game key:
    -You and your brother can still play the game
    -Almost no one will smurf or troll because it's their only account and they won't want to smear their record in ladder

    I do think there should be unlimited name changes though, like on Steam.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Hate to say it, but with game hosting and people peeking at stats and being jerks, and with people in public lobbies being jerks with stat checking, I would have to say there are positive stats to track, and negative ones...

    Commander losses, Losses, Planet losses, and Quit Outs are negative ones. People will only act unreasonably torwards them. Whether legit jerk or trolling jerk.

    Commanders killed, games played in total, planets destroyed, and special challenges done of some kind (cause a draw by destroying the planet you and your enemy share, destroy another commander with your own commander, never move your commander off of it's home planet, the commander was the first unit to land on any planet you entered throughout that match, collected metal off of every planet within the match, ect) are all positive ones. Also, they are fun things to do, do not track negatives or overly-positives, and can be rewarded with something (medal, color-scheme, commander type, emblem or title).

    Quitting out shouldn't be tracked over lifetime, but it should be kept in the ubernet servers like SMNC match quitting, and prevent players from finding games after quitting out twice within 5 games for a 5 minute duration after they next attempt to find a match.
  6. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    One account per game key:
    -No personal rank progression
    -No personal friends list
    -No personal private messages
    -Life or value of game tied to one owner

    Are you admitting win/loss tracking is bad?

    In which case meticulous stat tracking is its own problem looking for solutions that are even more undesirable. In which case I don't want it.
  7. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Honestly: If you have 2 people who want to play, you might consider actually buying 2 copies of the game if you like it so much.
  8. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    I disagree. If I have a game, I should be able to play it with my family. At least, that's how it used to be - and still is actually, thanks to Hamachi or such.

    But these are mere opinions, so nevermind.
  9. ticklemeelmo

    ticklemeelmo Member

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    Don't play ranked games if you don't like stats. Problem solved.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    fully agree with both...


    with family with friends with etc ... why not go straight up pirate the game then
    so you know uber doesn´t have anything from it ... duh ...
  11. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    Pay twice the price of a game so one other person in the same household gets to track their own, good value. Don't be dense.

    One account per key kills the value of a game to anyone who grew up with a NES, SNES, Sega Mega Drive, Wii, or the arcades, and with people who like playing the same games.

    No account limitations causes cretins to get butthurt because big bad trolls and smurfs can dirty their pristine ladder. (Spoiler alert: Trolls and smurfs would not've been stopped otherwise.)

    Well it's a no-brainer which one is preferable!

    Also, if you admit that you need one account per key for meticulous stat tracking to properly benefit the game, aren't you confirming what I originally posted?
  12. veta

    veta Active Member

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    1 account per key with multiple profiles also works
  13. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    It doesn't change the fact that a lifespan was put on our purchase. If people feel they don't get to keep the games they buy, the game loses value to them.
  14. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    "1 account per key with multiple profiles also works"

    .. but then only offlineprofiles
    cause if there would be multiple profiles to an onlineplayer it would give him the possibility to statmanipulating .. imo it would damage the competitve scene
    oh player x is bad on one onlineprofile he abbandons it and plays on another were he is initialy good but gets worse later on so he abbandons that as well and opens a new one..and so on .. sry but this is stupid .. he should only have access to one onlineprofile imho..
  15. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    That has nearly nothing to do with each other. 1 Account per Key reduces smurfing, which seems to be a good thing to many people. Apart from that there is no reason why multiple accounts per key would be a problem. I'd be fine with both,

    Given a ladder with elo/trueskill/whatever it does not matter that much to competitive players. Your win-loss might be not reflecting your whole carrier, but your rating will not be better, in fact it will be worse.
  16. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    Oooh. Actually yah. Then if someone is a total jerk in the game, they can't just hide it behind another profile, cause the account itself can be banned, and it means that you can still track stats and ladder rankings independently. Me gusta :)

    I guess I'm just spoiled cause every game before, what, 2007 or so, didn't limit number of installs/accounts. I mean sure, the only game I really played with another person in the household was supcom, but still.
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  17. veta

    veta Active Member

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  18. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    Smurfing was distinctly one of the things I listed in my post. You are suggesting meticulous stat tracking would not work with such smurfing.

    What degree it actually works is still dubious. (Or is even worthwhile in the first place.)

    Define many people.

    Each time I want to let a family member use the game, lend the game to a friend, pass the game to someone know, things regular human beings like to do...the game's value gets further used up.

    You never grew up with a Sega Mega Drive then, or an N64, and had common interests in playing Red Alert 2, Battlefield 1942 and 2 online. Such a thing is to be expected.
  19. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Multiple accounts per key is a bad idea all around.

    You want multiple people to be able to connect to the UberNet servers? Fine - buy yourself multiple keys. Multiple accounts per key just opens up the servers to have to deal with issues like someone creating 100 accounts and sharing them around. So you want Uber to pay more money in server and administration fees just so you can keep a couple extra percentage points of your 'game value'?

    You want to play a game against your brother in your own house? Go ahead - share the install files, pick your offline profile, and host your own server.

    Lan game? Same deal - flip the game around to all your buddies and host the game internally.

    But don't expect that Uber should provide you with online stat tracking, servers, friends lists, and other online services for free.

    As far as win/loss is concerned, track the stats - deciding if you want to use them can be changed at any time. And using economic efficiency over the course of an entire game as a rating value is silly - how many times do you let your eco go when you're doing your final push to crush the enemy? Or how many times do you suddenly 'waste' your efficiency due to a massive attack?

    FA:F's method isn't a bad one, if you have to pick any.
  20. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    I'm not sure you understand. This is kind of the point. Starcraft 2, and steam in general, makes what you describe impossible.

    Geez, a household on average is, what, 3 people? Is it too much to ask for 3 profiles? 2, even? We're not wanting one disc to be given to everyone. Not even friends, just people in the same household. It's enough that you have to set up two gaming rigs in one house. Spending 100 bucks on what might as well be one game sucks. Add on any DLC you have to use (Infinite War comes to mind, which was great fun but the only DLC I ever really want to buy), and the dollar signs start stacking up.

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