Please No Win/Loss Tracking

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ayceeem, May 4, 2013.

  1. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    While FAF does a lot of good things the 1v1 ladder still feels pretty dead to me. Might be solely because of a lack of 1v1 players, who knows.
    Also FAF does show the win-loss ration and the amount of 1v1 games played. That's kinda the same as to directly show win-loss-draw numbers.
    At least for the more competitive players (1v1 ladder) you should not hide stuff like this. Hiding it basically means you think they can't deal with. That's like saying: I think you are too childish to live with these numbers, so I am going to hide them for you.
    FAF indeed has a grasp of this concept.

    For a more general global rating it definitely makes sense to hide win-loss, though. Due to random-teamgames it would be pretty pointless anyway.
  2. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    In a matchmaking environment, the win/loss ratio is only relevant for the people in the top.
    Blizzard hide it because the matchmaking system do it's best to make that everybody has a 0.5 w/l ratio. Most of the people don't know how it works and are tricked that's a relevant information.
    Finally, blizzard put it back because the web is full of ignorant whiner.
  3. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    My win-loss was not 0.5 and I was only low masters.
    Also the situation of SC2 is quite rare, since it has so many players it can actually work out to give most people something around 0.5
    In FA having 50% was rather rare.
  4. blobbit

    blobbit New Member

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    That's not true at all.
    (In SC II WoL) Ladder was divided to leagues (bronze, silver, gold... Etc.) and leagues were divided to divisions, roughly 100 players in each.

    On average, players on top of their division had about 70% winrate while other players low on their divison may had something like only 30% winrate.
  5. thepastmaster

    thepastmaster Active Member

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    W/L records shows nothing other than just that. How much you have one and lost. Those who thing that a high victory score makes you a skilled player is out in the bushes a bit in my opinion. Say we have a player with 3 wins and 1 loss. The three wins are when s/he played 3 persons new to the game or someone who just wants a casual game or just wants to mess around for a little to kill some times. While the loss came from an intense inch by bloody inch battle with a player of his or her own skill.
    On the flipside we can have a player with 5 losses and 1 victory. the player has then sought out 5 players who are very proficient in the game, trying his or her best to hold their own against a veteran player to learn and increase their skills and the one victory is when s/he gained the upper hand and won.

    My thought on W/L records. Fun to have but somewhat arbitrary to your own skill as there are many factors that play into a win or a loss.
  6. blobbit

    blobbit New Member

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    I would like to see win/loss tracker which is not based on match total but on the past 100 or 1000 matches (and ranked matches only)

    That should give a reasonable number which should represent your skill level approximately.

    Win/loss tracker is not must for PA, but it wouldn't hurt anyone, I think.
  7. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    FAF shows score plus number of games played. It might as well show win loss.

    I do feel that stats on regular games is irrelevant and sometimes misleading. I mean win loss ratio is kinda meaningless if you play FFA a lot with 40 armies. A low ratio of wins in this instance may be very impressive.

    My biggest problem with getting rid of stats is, noobs want to be able to verify other noobs. In FAF I do this by checking the rating and making sure they have actually played multiple games. Zero games = auto kick, because smurf accounts.

    Stats on ranked games should be very trackable by everyone for obvious reasons and this information should be available to see in the regular game match making system. Noobs need protection, because they are the future of the community and W/L ratios is one tool they can harness.
  8. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    People with 70% win rate will be pushed in a higher league once they prove they can sustain their level. Do their win/loss will rise? No, it will go a bit down because they will play against better player. That's counter-intuitive because overall, their skill just raised.
    What can you infer if you win/loss rating go down ? Nothing.
    What can you infer if you win/loss rating go up ? Nothing.
    Does a 60% silver is better than a 45% gold ?
    I have never said that people will have a 50% rating.
    I say that this ratio do not carry any information because it is highly biased by the matchmaking system.

    Edit: except for the top players of course
  9. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    You can't have a good matchmaking system without tracking the progress. Perhaps if you had the ability to hide the w/l ratio then it would be okay but then again people need to have ratings so the matchmaking would work.

    On Uber's official servers smurfing will not be possible since you can only log in with your own account. Unless you bought several copies of the game.

    As long as there's no negative rating I'm fine with it all. If you keep losing you just get back down to 0.
  10. veta

    veta Active Member

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    making this an option wouldnt work

    if you can display W/L people will show off good W/L and if you dont display your W/L you will be considered a chobo, this brings all the pratfalls of win losses with even more pretension
  11. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    I expect that PA will be reasonably affordable. Smurfing will be as common here as it was on GPGNet; very.

    How many did GovtCheese have in the end?
  12. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    But I hate smurfs :(
  13. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Smurfing is what keeps the ladder alive :p
  14. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    The way I see it is, you aren't going to stop e-peen people, regardless of if they have their stats or not. They'll still do cheese moves to get higher in the ladder.

    And mind you, losing in a ladder drops your score. So unless you're trying to farm, dropping out of a game in ladder hurts you just as much as if you didn't.

    I'm pretty ambivalent about stats, I just don't see any reason not too that doesn't have a good counter reason.
  15. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    Cola_Colin, I am not aware of Forged Aliance Forever tracking win/losses. Where is this information accessed?

    Keeping win/loss tracking private is not a solution. It is still a way for players to find validation in them, who can still disconnect and create rigged games with friends(in a completely non-fun fashion). It is clear those suggesting this are running counter to what is being requesting here, because they too want validation from a permenant win/loss record, when the whole point is to remove this sense of validation entirely; it does not belong in games.

    Hiding losses until players reach a certain rank is even worse, because that is lying to noobs about their performance.

    The fact of the matter is rating systems like trueskill are everything you need for a competitive scene and matchmaking, and do it much better than win/loss tracking. The question then begs- other than the obvious fleeting need to dickwag which only serves to beget unsportsmanlike online play: Why even bother?

    "Everyone loves tracking win/losses!" No - no everyone does not. Only adolescent males with too much free time truly give a damn about this sh!t. I never felt the need to track of wins during childhood battles between siblings and friends in Mario Kart; my lan gaming days with my brother; nor my earliest days of playing online in Unreal Tournament and Red Alert 2. Actually worrying about win counts is not conductive to having fun.

    People love win/loss tracking in the same way they love to pad, smurf, stack and disconnect; people also love shields, factions, upgrades and achievements. That does not mean you are making the overall game better.
  16. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    That's a pretty big paintbrush you're using there. I understand that this is important to you, but understand that these people will be here whether we show them stats or not, and in the same quality, and not everyone falls into the category that you have outlined.
  17. veta

    veta Active Member

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    nobody competitive will care about win loss if you have ratings and rankings
  18. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    You can access the ladder in the tab "leaderboards" in the bottom. Then you can chose the different ladders in the top. Under "Global and matchmaker" you can chose 1v1 in the right, which shows the 1v1 ladder with the score, the played games and the win-loss ratio of every player in ladder 1v1.


    If you don't care about stats that's fine. Be happy with it, but don't try to take away the stats from other people who like them. Back when I was an adolescent male playing SupCom Vanilla playing for better ladder stats was much fun. Why take that way from people?
    Your arguments are pretty bad imho. You are trying to take away stats just because some people might cheat for them. With that kind of reasoning you might as well just not make a competitive game at all, because people might cheat in it after all.
  19. blobbit

    blobbit New Member

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    I don't see the connection here. Why would somebody worry about their W/L lose ratio if they don't care? Did I understood wrongly?
  20. veta

    veta Active Member

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    ya cola but that is a ladder only stat right, does the season W/L track over seasons? even if it does i don't think anyone has a problem with a ladder W/L as long as rating is what we all see in standard ranked games.

    i dont think FAF tracks your global W/L though

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