Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building types)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by pureriffs, October 23, 2012.

  1. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Well we could be foe's! :lol:

    But its just my opinion, he he.
  2. FlandersNed

    FlandersNed Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Why can't the game be realistic to a certain degree?
    And where did they say that it wouldn't be?

    If you pull out the scathis quote, I swear I will feed you to Sagittarius A*.
  3. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    They didnt say that the game isent supposed to be realistic, they did however say that they rather go with "awsome" then "realistic".

    I assuming he is misinterpreting that sentence into "Its not going to be anything realistic about the game".
  4. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    You guys can bitch about my opinions but the fact remains that the post has 2000 views and over 100 replies.

    Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building types)!
  5. dalante

    dalante Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    That has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of your opinions. In fact, that has absolutely nothing to do with anything, ever.
  6. exampleprime

    exampleprime New Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Can't ask for a game to not be simplified when you don't know how complex it is
    Also PA is meant to be an epic game. It is not going to be
    a) Supreme Commander
    b) Total Annihiliation
    Because those games have been made already. Its going to be a similar game but different. You can make suggestions but in the end the game is going to be made how its going to be made and the best you can do is give helpful suggestions and not argue that you want the game to specifically meet your own needs.

    This game is not going to be realistic. Sure some parts may be realistic enough but if it was realistic then the robots wouldn't have legs and wouldn't be coloured Orange

    The game is meant to be epic in scale, fun to play and follow the playstyle of TA and SupCom. Personally I like the idea of tech levels, and no matter what there are almost always going to be some sort of tech levels and upgrades in a strategy game. Its unavoidable once you start introducing more than 10 units.
    Also, only having 10 units would simplify it. Simplifying makes making it easier, that isn't achieved with tech levels.
  7. eukanuba

    eukanuba Well-Known Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Just to batter this ex-horse a bit further, what would be good in my opinion, and also what I suspect the devs have in mind, is units and buildings limited by cost, rather than a hard tech limit.

    So once you've built your advanced constructor, you can use it to build any advanced structure (in theory), and likewise the advanced factory will be able to build all advanced units.

    Forged Alliance tried to do this but the easy availability of experimentals stifled it somewhat. For instance UEF T3 has the “light” Titan bot, and the heavier Percival bot. What you're supposed to do in a perfectly executed version of the game is start off making Titans then later when your eco is better, throw in a few Percivals. Or use the Percies as sniping tools (this unit is an excellent example of a specialised high-tech unit that isn't just better than the earlier units - theoretically the best mobile ground-based counter for it is the T1 tank).

    The only issue with having all advanced units available well before you've got the eco to support them is that it will crash noob economies. But that's just a matter of proper tutorials.
  8. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Y'know, I really don't get the 'make it simpler so that it's easier for noobs to play'. EG, Supcom2 economy is somehow better because it's 'easier' to understand.

    I'm sorry, but that's gotta be one of the most rubbish reasons to make it simple ever. I can accept 'streamline the game so you have perfect clarity in the UI to control the many facets of the game'. I cannot accept 'People are generally stupid, so if we make the game too complex, they will cry and not play the game'.

    I mean, look at Minecraft. Crazy simple game, you'd think. And yet, people have made these hugely popular mods like Feed The Beast, where you have to spend literally hours trying to figure out the complexities of the different mods - and people love doing it.

    A noob who only understands 10% of the game will have fun, as long as you don't put him up against an enemy that crushes him. And as long as the other 90% is clearly documented, consistent and well designed, it doesn't matter if it's 'complex'
  9. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Don't forget DayZ, which is based on Arma, which is also insanely complex. And yet somehow it's popular enough to draw in tons of players. (Comparatively speaking, of course.)

    Must be the zombies.
  10. zordon

    zordon Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    In what way is dayz insanely complex?

    You have limited food and water, rare guns and equipment, permadeath and a terrible UI.

    How is that complicated?

    There's a difference between harsh consequences and complexity.
  11. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I think it proves its an interesting topic.
  12. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Exactly. Nothing more and nothing less.

    Attention doesn't mean you're right. Hitler got the attention of entire nations.
  13. elexis

    elexis Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Your narcissism astounds me pureriffs.
  14. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I guess you could call me a narcissist when it comes to RTS, i am down with that.

    As for you bullet stop reading the thread if you dont like it. All i see from you anyway is just dismissing everyones ideas like urs is the only one that matters. I only disagree with this one topic and maybe the fact that i want it in 2D as well.
  15. dalante

    dalante Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I'm calling you an idiot.

    This is a place for discussion, not just sharing. If your idea is bad people should attack it.
    Actually, if your idea is good people should attack it too. Otherwise you just got this whole postcount-based circlejerk going on.
  16. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Actually, it would make sense for a commander to have a very simplified and powerful interface. All the better to wage a complex war with.

    The only problem I have with a completely flat tech tree, is that it makes the game feel like a dev build or that some cheat is enabled. Everything's there, just click spawn, and it'll pop up. It makes the interface feel cluttered and every option just isn't needed at all times. TA used a very simple tech tree, quick to navigate but it clearly points out where certain units belong in game progression.
  17. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Your reply has nothing to do with your quote... Simplifying the UI is one thing, simplifying the game another.
  18. pureriffs

    pureriffs Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    I'm calling you an idiot.

    Your not calling me an idiot if ur calling me a Narcissist :s

    Your welcome to your opinions all is cool, chill dude.

    This reminds me of when D3 came out and the developers came up with this idea of getting rid of the skill tree. Any hardcore D2 fan knew this was a bad idea and a few people went onto the forums to view their opinions. They were all shouted down by noobs and went with everything the developers said, mainly cus they were blizzard fan boys.

    So the skill tree was done away with because the majority decided to side with the developers. The game was launched and all the real fans started playing it. They could see what had been changed did not like it and the game flopped. Mainly cus most of the fans did not read all of these forums and did not voice their opinions.

    And just like the forums there these discussions generally just turned into insults. But hey I gets thats what you get for posting online.

    I have been in the FAF lobby and chatted about PA and surprise surprise they don’t all seem that excited about it. At least the pros i talked to anyway.
  19. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    Good job. Now read the rest of the comment.
  20. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Re: Please dont simplify the game (tech levels, building typ

    That's because its TA like not FA like. People hate change; for example, the only real reason SC2 fell flat on it's face was because FA fans pushed it over when it wasn't a shinier clone.

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