i just think the ps4 is going to be the jaguar You 12 year olds, God bless you and your squeaky voices on multiplayer video games, you just don't remember that someone can impress you with a dumb number of bits, and it still not make a difference due to game scaling anyway. The only way it would make a difference, is to get a pc. Besides that, the literal reason the 360 had such success even though they had a big hardware fail on release, costs membership to play online, and be faster to cheat you out of you account and remove content... is because the ps3 and it's superior hardware didn't have the content or maintenance for people to happily stick with it instead of getting a 360. Until we see them release, we won't know if we will get quality from the ps4, and it is unfair to completely down screw the sales of the xbox based not on quality, which will leave us with suppressed games on suppressed consoles. Honestly, that is all console wars does to us anyway, suppresses gaming potential. That is why i like steam despite all of the annoying people around it. It is more indie than Sony or Microsoft will ever be, and non steam games can even be more indie than that. Entertaining games without the superficial system requirements. You can have cutting edge graphics, but it better be a base gameplay that actually makes an entertaining game. Not crap we seen too much of for too many years straight. That being said, I think this is a better game than some of the crap people extrapolate on nowadays.
Not what everyone else tells me. I tell them the exact same thing too. They throw their shoe at me. My roommate, who is a manager at gamestop, even says ridiculous things he supposedly heard, like how Microsoft might be deciding to increase their system's ram to 12 gigs to compete with ps4. I told him because he doesn't know much about computer functioning and stuff, how ridiculously extrapolated a number that was, and he just said maybe what he heard was less and he just doesn't remember. HE TELLS PEOPLE THIS AT HIS STORE THOUGH... AND THEY GET ONLINE AND SHOUT IT AT ME... :| But their specs aren't ridiculously different and the one who is better isn't necessarily going to be better. Yet, it is literally like it isn't about the things the systems even do anymore. I wonder when GTA5 will port to the PC. I hear they have a now hiring ad looking for PC porting, so it may be the usual crappy port within 3-6 months of console release. Still going to be better, with mods and expanded server support by people who just like to program, God bless them.
I never got the draw for GTA. The trailer for GTAV hits, and everyone is going nuts about it. I watched it, it didn't look all that interesting to me. The Saints Row series, on the other hand, look like a blast, even though they aren't my type of game. In any case, consoles hold no draw to me, no matter how amazing some console-exclusive may seem. I'm PC-exclusive forever.
GTA, for me, was: (GTA3 Miami) Find a car, race around, do the craziest stuns I could and try and get as many cops chasing me as possible. I did that for about two weeks, then I was done. At the end of the day, PS4 and XBone discussions come down to "who has the games I want to play". It doesn't matter what people say today. They'll change their mind the first time a game they absolutely have to play comes out, and it's only on one system or the other. I just finally bought a PS3 a year ago when I, one, needed a blu ray player, and 2, wanted to play Little Big Planet with my wife. At this point, I don't intend to buy either PS4 or XBone until I see something that makes me want em. I got my PC in the meantime. ;-)
My buddies and I did this and it was if you died or got busted you passed the controller. This lasted all Summer for us.
Those of us who've been on forums as part of our professional work for 15+ years had our smiles removed a long time ago. ;-) Unless it's clearly humor, I tend to not laugh. Especially given how often whiny people proceed to troll me/test my limits because they got sand in their.. underpants because I told them to GTFU.
A grown man paid 100 extra for a bluray player that plays little big planet. Now i have seen everything... ... so posts the man who still watches cartoons almost nothing but. Still, i can see the wife angle. Mine too would probably go for a ps3 as a bluray player and little big planet. I'm not entirely sure i could find myself playing it with though. I couldn't bring myself to play kinectimals
If you didn't know that's BroTranquilty (thetrophysystem)... After you realize that everything else falls into place.