No, I do that for me. I am not selfless. Which is why I am complaining about this bullshit being constrewed. It can screw up other people's fun. Like people fumdiddlyumping derpvoting for president, if you have a reason then vote but if you are voting based on looks or who promised you money then it sort of affects me when you screw up America, because then I cant stand to live here. So it's like that, except instead of screwing up where I live you are screwing up where I play, and its not that big of a biggie, I wouldn't terribly miss video games altogether but I would more than likely just go to pc and ouya.
congrats on your new console, thetrophysystem - the Zynga One ... s-new-ceo/
I requote myself when i say, i am getting a pc gaming desktop before considering either console. Guess what? I convinced my friend today to follow suit, and he actually was going to get a ps4. Hope this post makes some sad Sony fanboy lose sleep. That would make me sleep better...
I wonder if PCs will try to sell anything for cheap right around the console releases or just kinda go about their business as usual as if they don't care. probably the latter, but ya never know
Hey, you playstation nerds campaign that you rather buy a wii u than a xbox, and i seriously think the indie console everyone is sandbagging because it isnt ultrapowerful hardwarewould be the best of any console, considering both ps4 and xbox arent reliable until we see for sure.
I may make the PS4 my main console next gen. The only exclusive I care about is Halo, and Bungie is now multiplat! But oh man, will that Halo Xbox One console look pretty...
The new Halo games (4 and beyond) just don't look that appealing to me. They turned the Forerunner thing from a cool mysterious backdrop to huge floaty attack robots.
I'd rather buy a Wii U than an Xbox One or a Playstation 4. At least it has games I'd like to play that aren't better on PC.
PC>consoles The only reason there are console exclusives is because they get paid for doing so. Everything runs better on pc. Its still half a year before the new consoles are even out and pc's are already several times faster. How will that go in 2020 when even silly laptops beat consoles? The only good thing i saw is that they have the same architecture as the pc meaning its easier to port stuff which means more games for pc.
Might as well rename this general next gen discussion lol. Anyway a small note here, ... r-xbox-one FF14 is a no go on the 360/XboxOne because Microsoft doesn't want cross platform play.