Those are not my pictures. I was in Scotland when I was young, right after my time in the air force. That was before cellphone cameras and online-photo albums. We had rather good weather though. It was the end of summer and we only had 2 days of rain, one of them at the Devil's Staircase. I think 2 rainy days out of 12 is pretty good for the end of summer in the Highlands.
My image of Scotland. On-topic, I bought a PS3 again and one thing that I've realized, the controller is so small and it's so god damn hard to claw. I guess Xbox has the greatest controller of all time.
I remember being in Scotland when I was about 10. We saw two frogs having sex in an aquarium and we thought it was the funniest thing ever.
You can see why I'm SO PROUD of my country. Can't god-damn WAIT to go home tomorrow evening. One of the fire-eaters I was camping with on Sunday though is obsessed with the place.
I'm just saying, pr wise, people be lemmings... Like, this xbox rage reminds me of planetary annihilation steam rage, which reminds me of every group of indignant slots who want stuff so they gather up their internet angry mob and become annoying as hell. It is literally 200million people with a preset opinion based no way on personal thought or adding anything new, but is the same thing over and over... Money, cheaper, want it cheaper, cheaper, too expensive, group boycott, cheaper, too expensive... Rules, want less rules, less rules or we will all clot together like cholesterol, less rules, don't like rules... This way, want it this way, it will suck this way but we want it this way, if its not this way we will gather to not buy it, make it this way... Oh, then they complain about it afterwards, ruining it and guaranteeing it dies. Does this console bullshit not sound like last gens? My more original than others idea: wait till release and see which you actually want
I will still say that I haven't seen anything new or exciting about the PS4's features, only that it apparently doesn't have what Xbox 1 was going to have, and it has some PC F2P games that have been out for ages. Just the usual "better specs, non-retarded architecture".
Well I don't know about that. There's his "trying to explain damage rating side" which is sorta normal, then the rest that involves getting mad (mad in both senses) when people try to explain that no one will watch the 100s of general gameplay demos he's uploaded.
Here, have some PS4 news. PS4 purposely removed the PSEye to beat Microsoft on price. I kind of figured this was the case, though I thought it was more that they hadn't finalized development for it. Either way, smart move because that appeals to the other users who didn't want that a part of their console. It does mean fewer companies will make stuff for it but honestly isn't the PSEye just a lesser version of Kinect? It's probably better this way. "Official" explanation for the PS+ fee on PS4. Stuff we already know really but there's your validation. It did give me some new information though, I didn't know Sony was working with Gaikai for cloud based gaming. I remember when Gaikai used to offer demos of things like Dead Space 2. I'm actually a little sad they're not doing that on their homepage anymore that I can see.
Well idk about that, i like technology pioneering. I should totally get a Google glasses. Anyway, I'm not going by cheapest, that's what kids get because their parents are frugal, and i hate playing with squeakers. I'm not going by technology, every game is going to be scaled by system spec anyway to run at maximum and i never mind the scaling. I am going by best, games and features and other pros. Oh, squeakers, they get teamkilled too. Oh, and boosters, god i hate double xp weekend...
Reminds me of something put on my facebook the other day That was in response to a status I'd put about the PA thing, because in my masochistical way of trying to educate people, I was getting a ton of abuse as an Uber fanboi. Which I'm well aware I come across as often, and I like the guys, but I don't think their games are the best. I just get sick of internet mobs very quickly because they get very angry very quickly over anything they can
yuske's rant about consoles Notice how it is 3 years old. This is from old consoles. I feel this way. Idk what other people get, i get what i like more. It was the ps2 and ps1. Didn't the ps2 come out before the xbox? How can a true gamer not play one? Anyway, before that it was dreamcast, then n64, then snes, then genesis. At this moment, my biggest worry sadly is if more than two people will get a xbox... if it dies like sega and playstation blows, ill carry my hate to the grave. It had either better be worth it, or people better not blindly back it 100%. If everyone endorses the sucker system, I'm going to be the crazy guy starting the boycott of all Sony products across the board.