Playstation 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by AraxisHT, June 11, 2013.

  1. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    I live in Japan so it's natural for me to buy PS4.

    Besides, nobody plays CoD on 360 here. Very thin community. I need players to play against so PS4 is a no brainer.
  2. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    Honestly this topic is pretty much not about PS4 features, it's about what PS4 isn't doing wrong (at the moment) compared to MS.

    So here's another bullet, apparently only 21 countries will be able to play the Xbox One at launch, and hey Japan isn't one of them. Though as you said, Xbox doesn't really have a presence there so it's not very surprising.

    I'm not sure if Xbox One is region free or not but apparently PS4 is, so even if it isn't in your country, buying it on Amazon is valid.
  3. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    The Xbox community here in Japan is really thin. The last time I played MNC, no Japanese players were around. But hey, MNC has been dead for 2 years anyway.
    Last edited: June 13, 2013
  4. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Yeah, that's a big ouch. I wonder how that decision was made?
  5. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    Xbox bombed in Japan, no pun intended.
  6. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    Oh you.

    But he's right. Very few of their sales come from there, and likely the same holds true for other countries not in the 21, here's the list btw:

    Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States

    Now this isn't saying it's the final list but they indicated already elsewhere that Xbox One won't come to several Asian countries til late 2014. This practice isn't too unusual I suppose but it is more bad press they don't need right now.

    Back to PS4, news is the F2P games won't require PS+ to play things (at the developers discretion), so you're probably good to go on thing like warframe and such.
  7. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    I guess 99% of the Xboxtards in Japan will switch to PS4 then.
  8. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Xbox One -is- region locked too, mind. Since if LIVE isn't available in these regions, you can't authenticate with the server, or use cloud installation, or use TELEVISION

    But yeah, this console generation is turning out to be more "who can do the least stuff wrong". Nobody is talking about cool new features, it's all about who f*cks up less than Microsoft.
  9. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    I don't understand why anyone gives a **** about either console. They're just limited PCs.
  10. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    Enter in your browser :p

    Sony the troll :lol:
  11. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    I highly doubt Sony owns that domain...
  12. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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  13. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    Ah but I wrote PS4 isn't region locked. Anyway as far as cool features, I think Sony is going to be off to a slow start again, the PS3 was slow as well, all they need to do is NOT mess up this golden chance they've been given and it'll work out.
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Opps, this fell out of my pocket as I walked through... ... -policies/

    Actually, it didn't. I honestly wish I could actually post this into the OP. Any mods listening that want to edit the OP to include that link?

    I swear, I have had enough of ps4 fangirls shouting crap at people. At this point, fangirling of any next gen console gets your topics flagged by me on forums, messages flagged by me on messaging services and online, your accounts flagged by me for every and all reasons, you being flagged as a hacker on any place I can report it to, me flagging everything on you on Black Ops 2, and me shooting your equipment and you in the leg with a shotgun pistol to injure you time after time again on Black Ops 2 as well as me standing in front of you trying to get you kicked for teamkill or shot by enemies or me trapping you in the corner with a riotshield.

    This is how I fix the fangirl issue, and God almight I enjoy every second of it.
  15. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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  16. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    You're a tad bit late there mateythough it's always amusing to me that on the internet 24 hours is really late news. While the name is odd, we have a full topic dedicated to that.

    It's enough for me to not protest about them as much but if you still want to see why people would still go against it, just hop on reddit for a bit. It's not all about Kinect hate. ... ernet_and/
  17. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Yeah, I am pleased with Playstation releasing a gaming barebones new console. It definitely plays games, honestly most parents are probably going with it for this reason, the price and fact their kid will never use the kinect.

    Honestly, to me, the kinect is not really an invasion of privacy, it is attached into the system but there is nothing saying it won't work while the kinect faces the wall.

    Indie support, I see both consoles will physically have indie support, but xbox's was pretty crappy last gen and ps3 wasn't entirely better. It is yet to be seen, but I haven't seen evidence of either doing a Steam Greenlight style access. It would be amazing if they did, and opened the floodgames for everyone who wants to make a game to jump in and then everyone would have these tiny little personally made games that I love. Another reason to get a PC until a console does it as good. One of the consoles should have a flash player app so people could port flash games to the console.

    I am totally considering which to buy, after release, after I get my new computer. What you guys think of an 8gig ram 2.8mhz processor 1g graphics card?

    Nah, people are still raging really hard, like down my throat... like, if you get them to stop, I would totally hear 80% less arguing over false facts throughout the day.
  18. missionaryposition

    missionaryposition Member

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    Sounds like someone is a fangirl :lol:
  19. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    EDIT: I left a part of my response in quotes by accident.

    I'm getting neither any time soon as I said before, definitely not by launch, neither systems launch titles impresses me greatly. The only reason I favor PS4 more is due to the history of last generation, 360 basically had one thing I wanted (that wasn't on PS3 or PC), Halo. That's it. PS3 had all the exclusives that would interest me otherwise.And basically I'm counting on them to repeat that performance over time, if they don't, well I won't be getting one XD I still have a PS3 to get.

    However, don't undermine the issues with Kinect, whether people believe in the privacy issues or not, paying $100 for something you don't want is a problem. It is forced integration. It is a SMART move by MS to get the developers to use it, but consumer wise, it makes their system look less ideal. I actually thought the original Kinect was a cool idea, but I don't want to be forced to buy one. I'm not rich, that $100 would make a difference IF I was buying them.

    Don't forget the flipside as well, Microsoft backed off a little too much here. They gave up family share. That was something that made people interested in the system regardless of other issues. For those people, the system is now nothing special. Me personally, I don't see why they had to drop family share entirely. They just needed to keep the online connectivity requirement for family shared games, that would've made them real winners here.

    Also despite the region locks being lifted (which is also great), I doubt it will change the other problem with it in the first place. Most of those Xbox One gold features are for Americans, UK if you're lucky, that's not attractive to people from other countries.

    48 hours ago it was true information, it's now false, those people will learn of it same as you did over time.


    There's not purpose in including that quote, however it is to point out the word "changes". All the DRM policies were true before yesterday, they took a step back. They'll learn slowly, if you post them official information instead of dancing, it'd be faster.
    But as mentioned before, they still have various reasons to detest it, old information or not.
    Last edited: June 20, 2013
  20. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    Xbox fangirl spotted.

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