Playstation 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by AraxisHT, June 11, 2013.

  1. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    Ah no rpgs for you, shame. They're really quite different from one another and I don't just mean look. You can actually like and hate multiple games in the FF series just due to battle system changes. However, since I made that post turns out KH3 will hit Xbox after all so that's one taken away from their corner partially.

    Those "free" games are fine considering you're paying for the multiplayer service anyway just like certain rivals. If you don't want it, don't pay. If I had one I probably wouldn't.

    And to fit in...
  2. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    Don't get me wrong, I love RPGs. As a teen, I played more RPGs than anything. It's just that Final Fantasy has always been terrible and convoluted and Kingdom Hearts doesn't look much better. It's only value seems to be nostalgic, which doesn't apply to me.

    I'm getting tired of people using "Free" games as an excuse for a mulitplayer fee and then using a multiplayer fee as an excuse for forcefully renting "Free" games.
  3. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    The one thing that I just don't like, and have never liked about Playstation, is the overall feel and style of everything about the games on it. There's just that--- "playstation look" to everything.
  4. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    I tend to dislike things "just because" too
  5. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    Fair enough on the first part, not everyone likes everything. I never even got to play FFXIII so I can't say much but I'm still glad to see them hanging in there.

    And the free games aren't an excuse for multiplayer fees. If anything, the excuse for the fee is "Microsoft does it, so we can too". Simple as that really. "But hey if we're going to do this, let's throw users a few bones eh? Have some games."
    I'm pretty sure they're just doing this because they know they can get away with it nowadays so why not, it makes them money and no one will fight hard against it when their main competition does the same thing.

    I basically skipped last generation unless you count the 3DS. PS3 would be my second choice, Wii the first.
    Wii wasn't the greatest technical thing, but it had the games you could only get from Nintendo, games that never touch the hands of MS/Sony, that's it's saving grace. The only way it separates itself. Even with the Kinect/Move, it still held it's own, not only with motion games but standard games like Brawl and so on.

    PS3 came second, because the personal difference between it and 360 were too minimal to me. Half of the more interesting games were on both systems (or on PC), GTA, Resident Evil, FFXIII, Skyrim, Call of Duty (number), Sports Game 2013, etc or had similar counterparts (Forza vs Gran Tourismo).
    But PS3 had a few more exclusives that personally interested me, Uncharted, Journey, Infamous, God of War, Rachet and Clank..

    The only Xbox exclusive that ever existed that I cared about was Halo..while I have enjoyed playing that game with friends, it wasn't going to sell a new console for me ever especially with bad internet. And this trend is looking like it might repeat itself this generation.
  6. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    So did you guys hear that Xbl Gold will go away once Xbox One released and Xbl will then be free?

    Also about those free games from PS+, once you stop paying for PS+ you lose all those free games.
  7. Just1more

    Just1more Active Member

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    Nice try microsoft.
  8. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    In any case, I still prefer Xbox 1. The one that came out 2002.
    It has Mechassault and JSRF and Halo 1. So thar.

    Modern consoles are literally just boring me with all their hassle. If I want to do a million things at once, i have a laptop. If i want to put in a disk and play i have all my old crap ;3
  9. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    "Free" games. People need to realize that it's just a rental service.

    I hadn't heard about the free Xbox Live. Is that real?
  10. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    I think you'll be like one of those old people that refuses to learn how to use a computer because they think it's not worth the hassle sooner than the rest of us ;). Like that type of old person that compares learning to use a computer with brain surgery while a kid practically knows it instinctively.
  11. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Probably not xD because i have a gran who's like that and its infuriating trying to teach her to use her laptop.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The free games on the 360 are yours to keep forever even after you stop paying for Xbl Gold.

    Also It's not confirmed about Xbl going free. It's just speculation simply due to the fact that Microsoft didn't say anything about Xbl and it's price.
  13. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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    Surely that would indicate that it isn't going to be free?
  14. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    I'm with Jammy. What kind of insane company would just make their biggest cash cow free for no reason?
  15. NegimaSonic

    NegimaSonic Active Member

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    Halo 1 is on PC too bad nothing beyond 2 is as well. I'm thinking one day JSRF might come to PC and other services like the Xbox store or whatever.
    Don't know anything about Mechassault.

    Anyway most modern consoles don't have hassle, you just play it or don't...well except for Xbox 1 in which case you better have internet for the console everyday or you don't play anything XD

    You are hanging on that too hard, that's a bonus nothing more. It's like buy one drink, get one free, so long as you actually wanted to "buy one" for that price, then the second one is a bonus, you lose nothing.
    But if the store next door is also offering that same drink, for the same price but you only get one, why are you complaining about the first store?

    That's not even touching on other issues like how a good portion of Xbox live features are irrelevant to people outside of North America.

    Not to mention the very questionable used games/lending feature they have, PS4 just sticks to the good old days. This is a feature that doesn't even directly benefit them or publishers, just the users. The "online pass" kind of thing won't go away though but not from them, they leave that up to the publisher's discretion. P.S. There's still conflicting reports on this but the other report is saying no online passes period, whichever is the case it's good.

    Oh and while the console isn't exactly cheap, it's still cheaper than the Xbox One. In USD 100 cheaper to be exact. Want to go back to that "free" stuff, that's more than a "free" year of PS+ if you buy it over the XBone. Or you can switch it up and save it for whatever peripherals that come out like another PS Eyetoy or Move. Basically if Xbox One didn't come with a "Free" kinect, it'd be cheaper.

    And hey of course we have the good old once a day online check of the Xbox One, seems like it isn't a problem, but hey, stuff happens or people have bad internet, your whole console could turn into a box if you can't access the internet. Not a PS4 issue.

    My two issues with PS4 are that their launch looks kind of weak and no real confirmed stuff exclusive for it, but since I don't buy at launch, that's a moot point for me along with the launch of the Xbox One not being a huge draw despite more exclusives (some of which are merely timed exclusives and not real ones). I stick to what I said before regardless, I pick Nintendo for most exclusives, PS is just for the things that won't work on the WiiU and whatever original things they have.

    The second issue is the online fee. I accept it as I've explained, but based on their past history it is a disappointment, but not the worst thing ever. I kind of expected Nintendo to eventually drop their policy as well, it was kind of written in at one point concerning the original DS but AFAIK no one ever tried to make people pay.

    It'd be an effective counterattack on PS4 that affects users worldwide. They need some more positives.
  16. infinitycanvas

    infinitycanvas Well-Known Member

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    I recognized that but doubt Microsoft will weigh in favor of it.
  17. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    It'll probably stay paid, they said people's existing Gold memberships will carry over to One. There's also a pretty piddly list of countries that can even get the service from Launch
  18. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Actually they said you will get 2 free games for each moth of Xbl Gold up until Xbox released and all the said was your "Xbl Account" will carry over. They didn't mention Xbl Gold. I'd say they are picking what they do and don't say very carefully. Don't want to rock the boat.
  19. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    I dunno, I was pretty sure I heard "gold" being carried over in the initial reveal event.
  20. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    They're probably just piling on all the bad stuff, getting it out of the way, to come back to have one good thing (directly business-wise) to say in hopes it will soften the blow.

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