That sounds absolutely hilarious! xD And I really like Ilomilo, it's fun and cute and I had no idea me playing it now is early access. I just thought the process to get the game was a little odd...
Most of the time when I play with Jon, Tom, and Scented Midget, we're not even trying for real so much as just funking around. Taunting till our moneyball drops and then coming back for the win, making ridiculous classes. Jon now plays sniper and only goes for sniper grapples. The funny thing is, he does well doing it. I like making a gold clip size assassin and only using my shuriken, or spending an entire game never leaving my base and only spawning bots. Also, one game I was playing with Midget...he was support and I was assassin. We were on the same team, but all I did the entire game was follow him around and slash at his face to block his line of sight. :lol: When he died, I'd run back to our base so I'd be there for him when he respawned. Next time I'm on DeadEye's team, I'm gonna have to do that to him.
Ah Gremlin spam is so much fun. Also slashing at teammates and cockblocking. I like hanging around my team's sniper if I know him and trying to block his sight. Apparrently it doesn't work quite well as Assassin though. Also it was fun doing the invis and reappear thing near your Sniper. I remember Kor got pissed when I did it by accident though a few times, so maybe it is a good thing they got rid of it. You seem fun overall though, have we played a game and I don't remember it? All I remember was we were in a party and I was at the dash and was wondering why you were a a short, chubby black lady. You sure didn't sound like a lady...
Fallout, Mass Effect, FF tactics, Pokeman. Although I don't take these games seriously I always try to make an uber god character. You know I'm going to make a topic about games we are srs about.
Ahhhh Mass Effect was so much fun. Except I am soooo nice when I play games like that. It's like I care about what the NPCs think of me haha xD Although in like Fable or Fallout I steal everything I see. Then I become an evil character though I don't do mean things Being a klepto doesn't count I think xD
The Mass Effect series is amazing. I loved both 1 & 2 and I know I will love 3. The whole atmosphere and ME universe is what drew me in. I played both to no end exploring and completing every possible thing. The only thing I haven't was the Insanity playthroughs and a bunch of skill achievements. Vanguard and Infiltrator are my two favorite classes. Once the official release date of ME3 is announced I'm going do a blitz playthrough of both games a few times. It's what me and my brother did with ME2.
Hidden Source. Its all but dead now, fired it up the other day to find 15 people in servers total. But on we marched and in the first server we hit some americans one of whom was using the all talk to improvise a scary campfire story based on the gameplay. Combined with sitting on peoples heads and then making a noise so their teammates freak out and gun them down. All sorts of things in that game were loads of fun with friends. And alot of the player base were in it for fun. Frequently guys would join and just team kill at the start of every round, so we developed a counter to them with the annoying poisen dart gun that does minimal damage but blinds you for a good 6 seconds. The rage. Oh my god the delicious rage.
I LOVE playing Castle Crashers; it's such a zany game and the times can get nuts. Borderlands can get pretty crazy, too, haha. It's difficult to find a time when I'm NOT laughing on MNC, hahaha. The game in general is just a big funfest, what with the bright colors and Bullseye and Mickey Cantor. But with any game, it's the company you're with that truly adds to the atmosphere. I find I crack up most when I'm with you (Jane), Jen or Billy. On that note, I miss you Jane! D:
Without a doubt L4D =) Game: "Warning don't hit cars or you'll start a horde." Me: "Spencer don't!" and of course with my friend before I even finish my sentence he's done it haha. >.> and sure everyone dies...but him >.> lol I play MNC to kill time/for fun. I don't care about leaderboards and stuff, I just play to enjoy the game. CoD is a rarity with my friends but fun to kill some time...or I like to translate the game's name (cock of duty modern gay fag stupid 2) xD
WHY DIDN'T I CATCH THIS SOONER? I miss you too! There's some stuff I have to explain regards to the deleting spree and you and Oxy. That'll be private though. We had so much playing together! We should do an all female MNC game night, I have three gal pals right now that play it besides me and we can have a full 6 (wo)man team
I LOVE that game~! My highest score is 11259 on TikTok by Ke$ha. I just can't get that last Gold Move down, though! I would LOVE to play Raskulls if only I had the points for it. It's so fun and charming~! Jane, I THOUGHT I hadn't seen you pop online in a while... D;
I play every game for fun, if I'm not having fun I can't play any of my games. Just recently bought castle crashers, and that's a pretty fun game, did the demo for Raskulls.. god that's fun. No money though, sadly. =( Other than that it's MNC, Mass Effect 2, Borderlands, and occasionally Halo: Reach. Oh! And World for Keflings, Worms: Armageddon, Hit Man: Blood Money, Doritos: Crash Course! I'm sure i'll be playing Brink for fun, and that Section 8: Prejudice when it comes out.