Planetary Annihilation Beta for $40! (Today only)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by imvudude, November 12, 2013.

  1. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    ^This. Well said sir.

    So you tell me that "I can wait and f*ck me because its your game and you will do whatever you want with the price and that pre-ordering means accepting people who don't give a s*it about the game will get better offers than people supporting project at early stage. I will get best deal on 2015... well thats decent answer and great motivation for customers to support future projects isnt it?
    How about buying the game in 2040 for 1$? Will that help the company and game development?

    I want to help, I want my money to be spent the best possible way because my money is my worktime, as I respect developers worktime I expect same respect for my support.
    Last edited: November 13, 2013
    luieburger likes this.
  2. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Woah woah woah cool your jets.... I think you need to step away from the computer. You are only hurting your argument by using bad language.

    Most games and New products go through price drops to encourage new customers to get on the action. I'm pretty sure your pre-order has more stuff then this price dropped version.
    Last edited: November 13, 2013
  3. luieburger

    luieburger New Member

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    I'll tell you what, UberEnt. If you let the $40 guys have access like you should, I'll go to Humble and buy a 2nd copy there just to support the charities. Because at the end of the day it's not about the money to me. It's about you guys doing what's right for your customers. Heck... I donate $20+ for the humble bundles when they have Linux games in them because I like buffing the Linux average.

    I think UberEnt didn't intend to do this to us, it's just an oversight. They can fix it. Of course they can also ignore us and say things like "It's not going to be much longer until everyone has access." and I'll never buy another UberEnt game again, and I'll definitely never pre-order one.
    abuk007 likes this.
  4. arbitraryranger

    arbitraryranger Member

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    What are you doing to my game?! How dare you let other people purchase it without my explicit permission, don't you know that I spent $60 on it, which is like 60% of the operating budget! I'm selling all of my stock in this selfish, profiteering company for supporting people with needs through several charities! Charities! How dare they! I'm downloading Origins this minute and supporting a real game company called EA, at least they know how to treat their customers!
  5. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    I did use CENSORED bad language to express my frustration. While your statement about new products is true, youre wrong about my preorder having more. The dropped version comes with all goodies I recieve + beta access, which I didn't get and if I would like to get I need to pay extra 20$ to my 40$ purchase.
    popededi likes this.
  6. luieburger

    luieburger New Member

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    Yeah... because obviously we're against the charities. *eyeroll* Also... I don't think the $60 people are complaining here. They've been playing without any problem. It's the people who pre-ordered for $40 but still have to wait for access, while those who are less enthusiastic supporters can go pick it up for $40 and start playing right now. So get it right.

    Also... just because it's a charity sale doesn't make it right. Unless we want to drop another $40, we're excluded from the charity option because we were enthusiastic and pre-ordered instead of waiting. Also, I'm happy to buy a 2nd copy to support the charities, pay $20 to upgrade for the charties, or even just donate directly to the charities. So you're being childish by making this out as some kind of selfish ploy. Grow up.
    abuk007 likes this.
  7. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    It is not about the price of the game, charity, denying other people to play the game or Uber get additional $$, it's about being fair regarding people who support the project with same value. I bet there would be a crapstorm if the game was sold for 15$ which is even less than kickstarter copy just a few days before release. This is the same thing but touching smaller amount of customers.
  8. BradNicholson

    BradNicholson Uber Employee Uber Alumni

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    We're here and we're listening to what you have to say.

    But, I want to make something clear: please be civil. This isn't a place to be disrespectful, abusive or crude.
    DeadStretch and abuk007 like this.
  9. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    Excuse me, I just got irritated by 'neutrino's' reply. I see that my post was a bit over-expressive. It's just that all they joy of preordering the game, supporting development and getting all the exclusive goodies for that vanishes with that kind of events... Sorry once again.
  10. BradNicholson

    BradNicholson Uber Employee Uber Alumni

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    It's OK, brother. Just wanted to get that out there. If it helps -- I see that you're peeved and why you are, too.
    abuk007 likes this.
  11. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    I know this might be hard to solve, but I hope you guys won't leave us with the feeling of being ignored.
    Some random suggestions:
    • Pre-sale owners of Combat edition get upgrade to Warfare
    • Pre-sale backers get some exclusive goodies
    • 24hour upgrade possibility alongside sale
    • 5$ upgrade to Warfare with bonus Commander only for Pre-sale Combat owners (% of that to charity)
  12. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    It's not a negative.
    It's an opportunity for Uber to once again prove that they are a community oriented dev.

    Y'all just need a bit of patience :)
    MrTBSC, tatsujb and Arachnis like this.
  13. luieburger

    luieburger New Member

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    The other thing to consider is that some folks paid $60 for beta access, and their beta is being cut short if you were to let all the $40 folks in. I'm not a $60 pre-order guy, but I could see them feeling undercut a little bit.

    At this point I'm happy that BradNicholson addressed the issue and recognized that it is a problem. Maybe this is just a mistake and the $40 folks don't get anything out of it. That's fine by me really. As I've said before. I really have no issue waiting. If Uber made an honest mistake then hey, no big deal. Of course, I don't speak for all of the $40 people.
  14. arbitraryranger

    arbitraryranger Member

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    Thank you for correcting my ignorant rant, in it you have justified your anger and you have set forth what is true regarding your situation; I apologize.

    Once again, please accept my humble apologies, I am being childish by making this out as a selfish ploy regarding your situation and disappointment. I never meant to personally attack you as you are simply looking for equality in regards to those that have pre-ordered for $60 and those who get immediate access from a cheaper albeit later charity purchase. I plan on taking your advice and I will begin to grow up. Thank you for your kind and gracious words in regards to my sarcastic post earlier, I appreciate them as most people would respond in a way that is belittling.

    For curiosity sake, why are you so angry then regarding this situation if you're happy to pay for any of the above options, which have been made available to you now? I don't want to presume or incorrectly perceive your reasoning again, so that is why I am asking.

    Thank you.

    heyiisrandom likes this.
  15. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    That is true, still 40$ folks do get the beta through sale, so it affects both.
    @Culverin Cute polar bear :) And I agree with what you say. I wanted to bring attention to the issue and I think I did. Now it's dev's part to solve it.
  16. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    Uber, this isn't addressed to you guys.
    Please don't take this as me being passive aggressive, but I think some people just need a bit of a wake up call.

    This situation is about "perceived value".
    In my eyes, whoever commits the most with the least info = most loyal and hardcore fans.
    These are the ones any Dev would kill to have and would fight a cage match to keep.
    It's not your casual cow-clicker-stay-at-home-mom that pitched in the kickstarter, it's the people that played TA, SupCom and FA.

    The less info a fan has and still commits to back a game shows faith in the concept, the project, and the honest, character and competence of the devs. This should be prized and rewarded with bonuses (like that awesome exclusive content we see in the backer's forum).

    Unfortunately, I cannot claim to be one of those.
    I kickstarted, but at the lowest possible amount.
    Somebody who went in for a higher amount deserves more goodies than me.
    I only bumped by pledge after seeing the planetary biomes concept renders (seriously, that canyon image I keep posting is why I decided to back this game more).

    Faith should be rewarded in kind with more good faith.

    Oversights happen, Slip ups happen and there will always be short temper, short sighted community members.
    abuk007 likes this.
  17. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Yep, I'm a little annoyed at it too I guess, but not really that much. I don't mind having less nice things, since I'm too cheap to spend the $60. The annoying part is that I paid the $40 so early because I was trying to help the devs, and now I see that I could have waited and had more for the same price.

    Oh well, there are bigger things to worry about than having to wait another month or two to play a game. By the way, is there any chance beta access will drop to $50 soon? I bet a lot of preorder people would give you the extra $10 for the upgrade.
  18. heyiisrandom

    heyiisrandom New Member

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    I purchased beta access on steam for $60 through their early access store and I'm happy for sales like this to happen it brings in new money for the game (ie we get a better game) and money go's to charity (ie people in really bad situations live better lives) but I for one would feel a little peeved if the $40 preorder folks would get access for free now and I'd feel a little peeved for 3 reasons

    1.I'm sorry but you decided to pre-order and wait you can wait.. I know I sound like a **** but really its not a change from anything you agreed on and waiting for a game has always meant you can get it for cheaper I admit this is the first time I have seen that happen before release but as I said above it has been done for, I'm sure, very specific reasons (ie helps charity, people live better lives) and we get a better a game

    2. despite the fact that the people who have paid $40 today will get the game +beta (and all the nice extras I got with my $60 purchase), I couldn't be happier that Uber have done this it supports charity it adds value for me (the game is better) and it promotes a site like Humble who are doing some bloody awesome work (cheap games for us, money for charity on a weekly basis)

    3. last and least I paid $60 for beta access why should the $40 pre-order's now get beta access for $20 less then me with out any value added .... again you chose to wait ..... wait.... or pay the extra $20 I mean really its not much

    Edit: all of you who paid $40 and are happy with this sale and happy to wait please disregard the above and most of all thanks for being patient!
    Last edited: November 13, 2013
  19. bytestream

    bytestream Active Member

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    I payed $60 to get here and I'm totally fine with PA being on sole on the new Humble Store right now, and that's not just cos 10% of the money goes to charities. Going on sale on Humble is great PR, a lot of people talk about it and probably will buy the game which means that we have more people to play against, that the community will grow and that more people will become aware of that gem we have here.

    Off topic question:
    I sadly missed the Kickstarter campaign last year cos I had to work somewhere with no real Internet connection (toughest 6 months of my life so far), so excuse me if I ask what all the fuss is about. The current Kickstarter page says that you get beta access at the $40 level and that the only level that got you the game without any form early access was $20 which is still only half of what people pay on Humble now. Did I miss something?
    Last edited: November 13, 2013
    lokiCML, LavaSnake and stuart98 like this.
  20. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    That is a bit confusing. Wait until you see the alpha tier.

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