Planet Native Civilizations

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by felipec, August 21, 2012.

  1. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    You people come up with the most random, complex suggestions that have nearly nothing to do with making an RTS - plate techtonics, tiny insignificant critters...
  2. krashkourse

    krashkourse Member

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    No thanks
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Watching native critters get completely destroyed is mostly an aesthetic touch.

    You know who else was an aesthetic touch? Pit girl.
  4. CrixOMix

    CrixOMix Member

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    I have no basis for what I am about to say.

    I want sand worms.

    But really. Critters are cool. Something necessary for fun gameplay? No. But they improve Starcraft II quite a bit. I'm sure they would improve PA
  5. calxllum

    calxllum Member

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    I spent two weeks making a map just about critters in SCII. You are you critter, evolve the critter. Burn everyone.... And it will nevah be public! >:D
  6. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Yes, but you guys are wanting entire masses of critter people who scream and run away from giant robots or sneak into their bases and hit them with sticks for no damage. That requires more AI calculation in a game that's already going to be pretty busy doing work for gigantic armies smashing each other for very little outcome.
  7. calxllum

    calxllum Member

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    Not really. We just need animals. Like in other RTS games along the lines of SC2.
  8. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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    Besides, TA had fairly static maps in comparison to other RTSs like Starcraft. And yet it somehow didn't detract from the game in any way. (Possibly it made the game less distracting. I know there were times when I had to do a double take in Starcraft before I realized an alien creature wasn't an enemy unit.)

    Kvalheim has a point. Some of these suggestions are a bit farfetched.
  9. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Starcraft and Warcraft got away with it because they're much smaller in scale. Having to simulate wildlife on planets would involve FAR more work to get them to the level you guys are wanting
  10. calxllum

    calxllum Member

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    Spore was doing more then moving critters around in circles and it was fine.
    And according to everyone we are simulating 1 solar system at a time.
  11. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Spore was also dedicating it's entire system to doing what it did. PA has to do all the work of multiple giant armies, the management of said armies in terms of resources calculations, movement, combat, as well as the procedural world generation.

    And on top of that, extra work for critters which WON'T ADD ANYTHING TO THE GAME aside from about half a second of "oh, that's neat".
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Critter AI is trivial. It's not something that will end up a huge system drain.

    Besides, the critters and their civilization may be worth some metal/energy. Let the hunt begin!
  13. justcallmedude

    justcallmedude New Member

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    So, I read a few pages of this, and I had a thought. I'm not sure if this is what the OP was going for, but this is something I think I would like to see. Just an idea, feel free to bash it into the ground ;) I'll try and use the best imagery I can to paint a good picture for you readers =)

    So, Imagine that it is about 40 mins into the game, you have established your base and economy, and are starting to expand and explore. You have space travel, albeit Tech 1, and have a small colony set up on a nearby moon. Suddenly, your Orbital Sensors are screaming like fire alarms. You scan your map, and discover that a new planet has just entered your system. You think to yourself "Maybe I can get this planet, and get the edge I need!" So you, and your enemies of course, send scouts to investigate.

    After battling it out with your foe, you land on this strange planet, only to discover a rogue technology from the distant parts of unknown universe, and they are hostile! (I imagine the "Sentinels" from The Matrix) They too have detected your presence, and have become very agressive. Now, you must not only worry about your enemies, but these new machines....

    Eventually you are victorious, and have gained control of this strange planet. You colonize it, and discover that it is resource rich. Ah, what a gain! But alas, whilst battling with these machines, you have neglected one of your flanks, and the enemy is coming at you with full force. Some victories are short lived...

    To me, this could be an interesting, and challenging random dynamic to the gameplay. It would be on a scale appropriate to PA, and could have lasting changes (good or bad depending on the outcome ;) ) to a match. The enemies could be randomized, possibly from 4 or 5 different "races" if you will. You would learn these enemies, and when they show up (if at all) you would then have to change your strategy in order to benefit. If you choose to ignore them, they could attack you, or your enemies could conquer them, and now they have the upper hand.

    This could be something implemented post launch, as possibly and "expansion" like patch.

  14. calxllum

    calxllum Member

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    Well, the real question is.(I'm not sure on that idea)Will it be the game or our computers that run bad from critters? Probably neither. And you do not understand, critters are something to screw with when you have done almost all there is to do in the game! Build walls around them, herd them, hunt them. Brag about having more then other people! Also squish them.

    They don't take much power to get them to wander/run in circles.
  15. ucsgolan

    ucsgolan Member

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    Native creature as something more than graphic element Unnecessary complexity for RTS game.
  16. AustinMclEctro

    AustinMclEctro New Member

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    I like your imagination. You could look at as a more developed idea as such:
    -->As being random- either unintelligent (as in fauna) or intelligent and developed, as in what justcallmedude is saying where they were a hostile space-faring civilization that intruded your solar system.
    This reminds me somewhat of the Grox from Spore (sigh)...A common enemy, or a powerful, potential ally.
    Yeah. Otherwise they're like A.D.H.D. vents for people & sources of lulz, but they're nice to look at and they add immersion.

    There could be huge, powerful fauna (ex: giant worms) that were a source of special resources, hence a real reason for them in gameplay.
    ...otherwise they're useless.
    Last edited: April 22, 2013
  17. Nukesnipe

    Nukesnipe Member

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    How about we walk in, melt the natives into goo and then use that to make the Phallus Cannon Mk. IX?
  18. AustinMclEctro

    AustinMclEctro New Member

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    Everyone wants to see a giant **** in-game that shoots white plasma globules at planets, yes.
  19. technoxan

    technoxan New Member

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    I agree. And these races wont be hard to make if you just have one or two unit types per race :)

    PS: nice story dude :mrgreen: :D :)
  20. zinric

    zinric New Member

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    what if it where just remnants of older civ that could be ether destroyed or even rebuilt and depending on the action would depend on the reward. say a capture and rebuild could give you an edge in resource collecting over time or new unit production. or the destruction would give the same thing but immediately instead of over time.
    merely food for thought

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