PC Crash Report Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by XShadowStormX, January 5, 2011.

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  1. Mr mOr

    Mr mOr New Member

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    It says it's a runtime error or something like this... Look at the MNCBUG.png file.

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    Last edited: January 20, 2011
  2. tron

    tron New Member

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    Crashes after 2-5 mins of multiplayer. appears frozen with a black screen for 30 secs returns to menu with a lost of connection message. happens every time, with every resolution setting and 3 different video drivers. old, current and beta. even after updating to the newest version via steam.

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  3. Deacon

    Deacon New Member

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    My video driver keeps crashing, seemingly at random. Everything freezes, and then I get dumped back to desktop with a message telling me my ati2vag display driver quit working and requires a restart. Out of half a dozen times I've tried playing I've only made it through a 10 round exhibition game once.

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  4. sgouki

    sgouki New Member

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    still now crash crash crash~~

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  5. jaaaaaaaaaam

    jaaaaaaaaaam New Member

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    First and second crash happened while choosing class in SP

    third crash happened during the tutorial (turned to shoot something and it died)

    The game crashes completely, i cant alt+tab, ctrl+alt+del, the only thing i can do is turn off the PC completely.

    Haven't tried MP yet though.

    Edit: using XP Pro SP3

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  6. tizzlexd

    tizzlexd New Member

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    Whenever i play the single player/tutorial i randomly crash. Computer would restart or just freeze there. Whenever i join a multiplayer room and move my character it would freeze then restart. Graphics sometimes wouldnt correct itself as well.
    wouldnt be able to alt tab or do anything. Forces me to restart

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  7. ums

    ums New Member

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    Getting a black screen (video signal ends) while the ambient sound continues. No response from anything (e.g., even toggle of numlock/capslock lights on the keyboard is frozen). I call this the BlackSOD. The behavior is consistent with another game recently where after a few minutes of what appear to be really smooth play, I suddenly get the BlackSOD. The solution was to force the program to run on only a single core.

    The crash is repeatable. The farthest I've gotten in a single exhibition blitz is to the Jackbot round. The earliest it has crashed has been around round 6.

    For the logfile attached I left the black screen up for a long time before doing a reset. The only escape from a BlackSOD is to hard power-down the machine.


    Is there a config somewhere that can force the engine to run on less than all available cores? I'd hate to do that since it was running smoothly at 1680x1050 even on my less than stellar 9800gt. Let me know and I'll give it another test. Wish I could spend more time with the game. :cry:

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  8. Perste91

    Perste91 New Member

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    Dont know if i can call it a crash, but its something that certainly is annoying in the sense that i cant play the game.

    Just installed the game, but each time the game starts up my screen goes black, however i do hear the sound/music of the game going in the background. If i move the mouse around abit i can even hear the buttons being highlighted - however, after a minute my screen gives me this message "Out of reach"...which says absolutely nothing to me.

    I thought perhaps it might be my graphics driver in need of update, so i updated it - but the same thing happens when i try start up the game again. I get all the sounds, but my screen goes black and end up giving me the "Out of reach" message.

    Any ideas? Sort of bummed out since i bought this game for myself and a friend to play together, but because of this thing i cant..

    My graphics card is NVIDIA Gforce GTX 275
  9. busfahrer

    busfahrer New Member

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    I have tried to finish the tutorial now 10 times or so, but never could because the game would always freeze at some point. Sometimes 2 minutes into the game, sometime 7 minutes.

    Also tried to play multiplayer once, froze after 2 minutes or so.

    Freezing means it just won't respond and just displays the last rendered frame forever.
    Not even CTRL+ALT+DEL or alt-tab works, I have to reset my machine when it occurs.

    I play many other games for prolonged periods, and they all work fine, so I guess my machine is not the problem...

    Please look into this :)


    Attached are DxDiag and Launch.log

    edit: Now that the final version was released on Steam, I tried it again, but sadly, the problem persists... :(
    What I noticed: Prior to starting the game for the first time, Windows asked me which user to run the program as, which is quite unusual for WinXP (SP3). The default selection was my current user (which, under XP, always has admin rights, I believe), which I selected. However, there was a small checkbox underneath saying something like "Protect my data etc. This may make your computer more secure but stop the program from funtioning correctly". When starting beta for the first time, I left that checkbox on. When I just started the final Steam version, I disabled the checkbox. But as I said, the problem persists. :(

    edit2: Somebody on the Penny Arcade forums gave me the following advice, with which I could play through the tutorial for the first time, so I think it probably did the trick: I'm using an ATI HD5770, and the advice was to uninstall the current driver and to install the old 10.8 driver. Apparently, Uber are aware of this issue and working on it, even if I couldn't find anything on these forums. Perhaps something should be added to one of the "common/known problems" thread?

    Greetings, busfahrer

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    Last edited: January 25, 2011
  10. thmanwithnoname

    thmanwithnoname New Member

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    I'm having the same issue as busfahrer. Playing through the tutorial, my computer will completely freeze at a random moment. The screen doesn't render any more frames, but the crowd noise continues with no skipping//errors. The last time this occurred, I had closed every other program on my computer prior to starting the game, so it doesn't seem to be a conflict there. C-A-D doesn't work, nor does ctrl-esc or alt-tab. The only fix so far is a cold boot.

    EDIT: I'm also running a Radeon 57xx graphics card, and busfahrer's rollback solution also worked for me.

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    Last edited: January 25, 2011
  11. mteejay

    mteejay New Member

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    JUst downloaded the game from steam. let it install and validated files. played the game for about 2 min in the tutorial as assualt before the machine hard locked on me. had to cut the power to force a restart.

    the second time round, i loaded up the mp, and it crashed within 20 secs of the intro, causing the same hard lock.

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  12. Uuni

    Uuni New Member

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    Game crashes after few seconds from start. Tried all the fixes I could find.
    Now I'm just really pissed because I lost my 11.49 >.>

    Tried updating graphics drivers and using lower settings.
    Now it crashed even faster and seemed to break my sound chip or something. Horrible skreeky noise at terribly loud.

    I couldn't even play any multiplayer games even tho it wouldn't crash because all the servers have custom content.

    Thanks for selling me a broken game.

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  13. pilate

    pilate New Member

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    Hello !

    here ,crash after maybe 15-20 minutes playing

    Attached dxdiag and launch logs

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  14. Mangalz

    Mangalz New Member

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    My game installed and patched, and then i get

    "Steam must be running to launch this application "

    while steam is running. Ive tried every fix ive seen and nothing has worked.
  15. nucky

    nucky New Member

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    First time playing, I was able to run the game for about 15 minutes before it crashed in Tutorial. Had to restart my computer.
    Second Time, tried Multiplayer and that only lasted about 20 seconds after joining a server.
    i want to play ! game seems soo fun!

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  16. digitalrun

    digitalrun New Member

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    I play for 15-20 minutes and then the game crashes, requiring a hard reboot. Able to connect fine to servers (that are updated to the latest version). I suspect PhysX shenanigans. This used to happen with Starcraft 2.
    Here are my logs and DxDiag.txt

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  17. ThrashR

    ThrashR New Member

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    Crashing issues here too......

    It happens at the same point every time in the tutorial (when I activate the powerup, after building the turrets). Single player crashes when class is being chosen. I havn't even bothered tring online.

    Hard restart required each time. (Totalling over 13 so far, and I give up until this is patched)

    I have read lots of fix suggestions through the MASSING amounts of crash threads popping up, nothing fixes it!

    So far what I have done:
    redownloaded game (Steam)
    verified data cache (each time installed)
    run the game in windowed mode (the menu is so much smoother, but I will get on to that later)
    downloaded/installed the older 10.8 ATI driver
    disabled crossfire (in windows)
    editted the ini files (suggested fix through another forum)

    In windowed mode the transition between menu screens is smooth. The fullscreen however takes about 10sec and I can hear the menu music stop each time the screens need to change.

    Got to be honest, I am not impressed. The last game to run so badly on the unreal engine was Unreal Tourney 3, if this is not fixed I will be asking for a refund through steam. I am sick and tried of buying games that have been beta tested (on a variety of different computers) to the point they are happily released only to be found that they were not ready yet. Console gaming may bee the money market but we deserve to have working PC version of the game (even when they are ported!).

    I have managed to launch the game by changing the videocard drivers to 10.9 (for ATI). So I have played the tutorial and I enjoyed it....truly. I have also played singlepayer blitz also good (even though quite repetative). Now I have moved onto tring to get multiplayer going. I have hit some new interesting snags along the way.

    1. The multiplayer lobby is irratic at best. The ping toggle never stay on the best ping at the top once I have selected to play in a game.
    2. If I pick the server I want to play on then move my mouse to click join I see that the server that I have chosen is now longer selected (Just the one at the bottom of the list)
    3. The server listing are muddled up and most servers have a minus amount of players, which means I cannot join them
    4. The few servers that I can join have a 50/50 chance of not joining due to a lost connect to host problem.
    5. Once ingame for the few that I can join sucessfully I cannot die without locking up the game after waiting to respawn (the clock still shows 8 secs till spawn). On the one occasion I did spawn a second time the game locked up (not hard lock just ingame only crash with the esc button still taking me back to menu)

    So as you can see, this game is just taking up space on my harddrive for no reason at the moment. Please put your asses into gear and sort your game out. Not only is it pathetic to see a good idea wasted, but, you get paid to do this. I may sound quite rude but I dont want to waste my money and thats how I feel at the moment.

    27th Jan 2011 EDIT:
    What is now working/more stabe:

    1. The server listing keeps its highlighted state when I hover over another server but do not click.
    2. The server numbers seem to be accurate (spots remaining)

    What still isn't working:

    1. I have had 1 game (in total online) before I crashed at the map end/change. (Possibly a custom/local hosted server but not a dedicated)
    2. Server browser still doesn't keep settings once the screen has been moved away from.
    3. Game still locks up once I have connected (usally within 30 secs). I am told that this is a server problem stemming from servers still running the beta code. So I guess time will tell with them.
    4. I have had a few game lockups when I join a server in the lobby. Once the teams are set and the map loading screens come up it loops the load video and the messages scroll through as normal ocassionally changing. This is not a hard lock just game not responding.
    5. The menu still runs slowly when getting into the settings the sound cuts out and anything that is changed in settings gives the impression of a video restart, this occurs even if just a change to the sound volume is made (5 sec black flickering screen).
    6. The adjusting arrows besides the settings (world detail, etc) work, but, the bar indicator does not show any change until settings are applied and I get back into the menu to see. It is like the video cards is still having issues with this
    7. Still getting a few lost connection to host errors when joining a game, but not as many as yesterday.

    Quick questions:

    Is there a way to patch the server browser, to show what servers in the list have been updated to? (Like an additional table in the game settings listing)

    Now that this patch has been issued and I have patched my copy (build 19609), can I go back to the most recent ATI patch being 10.12? Or has that hurdle not yet been overcome?

    I have attached a new game log for today

    EDIT 28th Jan 2011:

    Still the same patch/build

    I have had a error come up as I was shutting down the game today

    Error.txt has the detalis along with the 50b2_appcompat.txt

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    Last edited: January 28, 2011
  18. Deacon

    Deacon New Member

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    I tried installing the 10.8 ATI drivers, and I was able to play through 6 10 round exhibition games back-to-back without any issues. Fingers crossed, but it looks like this might have taken care of my problem for now.
  19. d3m0nicp3nguin

    d3m0nicp3nguin New Member

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    I crash on start up, yes I went through the start up fixes and has done no good, I have spent over 3 hours just trying to get this game to work now. Please find me a fix...

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  20. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Based on your dxdiag.txt, your video drivers are outdated and should be updated which would cause the material crash. Also your card is below the minspec for MNC which might give you performance issues.
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