PA + orchestral music = honey + herring = crap

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by sokolek, September 13, 2012.

  1. Crusha K Rool

    Crusha K Rool New Member

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  2. 6animalmother9

    6animalmother9 Member

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  3. asgo

    asgo Member

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    I think the best we can hope for in this thread in a collection of music references and suggestions.
    Let's face it, everyone's taste is different and it is kind of unlikely to convince others to change theirs. ;)

    Since the soundtrack isn't directly linked to game-play behaviour, it's more a question of what type of music oneself judges fitting for the occasion and attributes like fitting, usual, common, clichéd ... are also more subjective opinion than objective measure.

    in the end, as long as the chosen style is realised in a great manner, at least a part of the community is happy, the rest will have to tune in their own choice of music, as usual...

    better than the alternative: choose the democratic way, make a bad soundtrack mix out of all the styles and everyone is equally unhappy :)
  4. AraxisHT

    AraxisHT Active Member

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    I played Homeworld. I agree. OP's link sucks. Try this one.

    Orchestral is defiantly the way to go. Orchestral doesn't necessarily mean classical, but I'm hoping for classical.
  5. jg325

    jg325 New Member

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  6. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    :shock: That will definitly reflect the creativity of the developers!
  7. rorschachphoenix

    rorschachphoenix Active Member

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    I am glad that the soundtrack will be a orchestral. Because orchestral music had an emotional impact to almost all people. And that does not apply to other types of music. It is no accident that film scores in 99% of all cases are orchestral. People respond to that kind of music.
  8. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    I like classical, but IMO most symphonic music is overblown (or at least the kind I have heard). Listen to this: You can barely hear the actual base tunes beneath 50 random instruments playing other junk sometimes.

    (that said, big fan of each star trek series' intro music. <3 jerry and joel goldsmith)
  9. mcdonnell991

    mcdonnell991 New Member

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    Or maybe not... Skrillex does crap music !!
  10. Tekcor

    Tekcor New Member

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    As others have mentioned, orchestra does not mean classical. Need an example? Halo theme.
  11. stanhebben

    stanhebben New Member

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    We all have different tastes and experiences with music. Please don't call someone dumb because he has different likings - that will only degenerate the topic into a troll war. Also to all camps, don't be too quick to say "I hate classical" or "I hate electronic" - in each music style there are a lot of great songs as well as not so great ones and shutting doors to an entire category is just sad considering all the great songs that exists in the many styles that exist. Beside, in the end, we also have a certain choice about whether we like something or not.

    Personally, I am glad we will have an epic orchestral soundtrack for this game and I'm confident it will fit really well into it. I respect the opinion of sokolek, but his post just expresses dislike and contains no interesting message. The soundtrack is orchestral and that's not going to change. Asking for the ability to play our own soundtrack easily would have been a more meaningful topic.

    I do like some of the follow-up posts, though, as some really nice music links have been posted and funny comments have been made :)
  12. archmagerudi

    archmagerudi New Member

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    If there are battles of epic scale, then there should be music that is truly epic. And music that requires an orchestra to make, is far more epic than something any kid with dance ejay can produce.

    If the game included dubstep or techno or any other form of such music then i would just instantly mute the music. Thus depriving the game of a lot of its atmosphere.

    There is a reason a lot of truly epic or emotional scenes in movies and series include classical music and not techno.
  13. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    This word is competing with "awesome" to see which can lose all meaning first.
  14. giantsnark

    giantsnark Member

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    IMO it's already happened in common English usage. "Awesome" used to mean "inspiring awe".
  15. dosbag

    dosbag Member

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  16. acey195

    acey195 Member

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    When trying to prove your point, I suggest NOT taking Koji Kondo :p, I am a Zelda fanboy myself I guess.

    No, I get what you mean, to people who hear this tune for the first time, it may appear to be all over the place. Imo this tune is now so old, there had to be some addition to remain fresh. In this case they added some layers of instruments, which I can enjoy as I already know the base line of the music. You may be right that, that does not work for new listeners.

    Also /thread ?
  17. borreh

    borreh New Member

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    Orchestral music all the way.

    I am a big fan of music myself, listening to tons of differents styles, from classical to folk to electronic to industrial to experimental to death metal to freaking Linkin Park. And if I know something it's that music styles get old, fast. Just listen to electronic music from the 80's, it's not something futuristic now, because the styles changed, creating it actualy sounds retro. Today we have dubstep which I like a lot for it's dehumanized futuristic sound, yet I am quite sure it will be as futuristic in 20 years as Kraftwerk is today. That's called old school.

    Compare to Star Wars. It was released in 1977 and if it was done today, I am pretty sure it would have a simillar soundtrack because of how timeless it is. Yes, there are differences in style between 70's and 2010's orchestral scores, but they overall sound simillar. You do not get the feel of "It is so yesterday" when listening to such scores. Compare to, say, Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds which is IMO a magnifficient album, but when two of my flatmates heard it two years ago they bursted into laughter. And yes, it was very futuristic in the 70's. 78', if my memory is correct, that's two years after Star Wars.

    Besides, this game has a legacy of Total Anhiliation to follow, and that is a legacy of epic orchestral sound.

    I *do* think that adding some elements to the music that would express the game's humourous old-school feel would be nice.. But that should be limited to additional elements of not of the orchestra, not replacing it.

    For example, I think that a chiptune sound used in some loud angry orchestral battle theme would do miracles..
  18. jurgenvonjurgensen

    jurgenvonjurgensen Active Member

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    >Star Wars


    Try telling that to George Lucas.
  19. giantsnark

    giantsnark Member

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    Fantastic example. The music clashes with drama of the scene so badly it's painful. Of course, this scene has a very distinct atmosphere, while RTS games might have more room to be more things to more people. Maybe the OP just doesn't feel or want to feel that kind of atmosphere in the game. Which I find puzzling, but hey, it wont hurt my gameplay experience if he wants to mute the in-game music and play his own.
  20. plasma_wolf

    plasma_wolf Member

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    The best musical track (to my mind) in Command & Conquer.
    The best musical track (to my mind) in Total Annihilation.

    The reason for this. The music of TA makes the scale of the battle sound larger while it gives you the sense that you command and control everything. The music from C&C souds good because of the C&C environment. Therefore, it will not work in something else than a C&C environment (I doubt it would even work in anything of C&C after RA2).

    The TA music does work for SupCom and Forged alliance, though not for SupCom2 -> the size had been greatly reduced and (definitely for me) I no longer had the idea that I was in control of everything like in the first game.

    IE game music should work with its environment. Classical music can be adapted for this more easily than techno music.

    Adding some guitars could work, but GPG didn't think it would: this made it in the game without guitar.

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