PA is Top Seller

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Zaphys, December 1, 2014.

  1. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I'm about to buy 6 or so copies for all my friends who say they want the game on Steam.
    warrenkc and thetrophysystem like this.
  2. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    I picked up my digital deluxe add on, because i liked 2 of the 3 commanders, but man...i wish i live in a cheap world where every commander was 1$....maybe 2$ xD
  3. duncane

    duncane Active Member

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    Um those reviews basically complain about limited play due to generated maps and balance. Nothing to do with tutorials?
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    The first did mention a missing tutorial. Also they seem to consider a game "dead" if they can't find a game vs opponents as bad as they are themselves and for that reason demand a tutorial. xD

    I am confident I can do an interactive tutorial that goes like this:

    "Hey player, this is PA, controls are like this blabla"
    "Okay now build a factory over there" (ping over there)
    "nice you completed the factory"
    "Now build a mex then another factory" (ping location)
    "Okay take that engineer and build those mex" (ping location)
    "Don't forget to protect it, good players are guaranteed to try and kill those expanding engineers, so send a few tanks with it"
    "Another good idea is to build a radar"
    "Ah you completed the radar, oh look there are dots moving towards your engineer, seems you will be raided very soon, be careful to keep your units in front" (Ping location)
    <dox attack>
    "Ha you defeated the dox raid and the engineer is alive" / "Damn your expansion engineer died, make sure to quickly send a new one".

    That kind of tutorial is quite possible using a bunch of cheats and a fixed map. Basically the player would need to install a server mod that depends on some cheat mods as well as a client mod. Installing mods with pamm is easy as it gets.
    I am just not sure what exactly a tutorial should cover.
    klavohunter, drz1, Zaphys and 2 others like this.
  5. retrry

    retrry Member

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    They really seem bleeding money if 3 months after release they do 80 percent sale.... :)
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Or they're desperate for money...

    But but, I like your idea!
  7. Zaphys

    Zaphys Well-Known Member

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    That sounds great, really, but in my opinion, using a mod for a tutorial has the same limitations as all the community guides and videos: you have to (assume they may exist an then) look for them outside the game. I think only players who develop an early interest in PA for reasons not directly connected with wellexecuted game mechanics (because they don't know how to play initially) will go look for extra resources to improve their play.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    that is true
  9. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    I think that they just want to create a bigger playerbase. With a 80% sale you won't make a lot of money however you do get a bigger playerbase.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Well more players can easily mean more people going "oh hey friend, look this game buy it" in a few days, when the price is back to normal.
    The economic implications of "80% off for 24h" sales on digital goods are not easy to tell really.
    klavohunter, xankar and squishypon3 like this.
  11. cynischizm

    cynischizm Active Member

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    Steam sales and the humble bundle work on the principle that lots of people will buy something they wouldn't normally buy if it seems like a good deal. Given the low overhead of digital distribution it's a sudden cash injection with little or no penalty. You might miss out on a few people that would have bought it at full price, but you hopefully sell enough to more than make up for it. And an increased player base helps bring new people through word of mouth. More players overall should also mean more people online improving the community and the experience that the new people have.

    Also you hear the odd story of something like this happening. Though hopefully Uber are nowhere near that stage.

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