PA is on Sale!

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by brianpurkiss, April 3, 2014.

  1. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Yes, in fact I bolded it, so I'm not sure why you bolded something I didn't respond to. Well, that's not true, we both know why you did it.
  2. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Wait... you didn't respond to the words singleplayer, only to the word proper, when in context, proper was being used as an adjective, to describe singleplayer?


    You're right. We both do know why I emboldened singleplayer :p
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    a single player game requiring internet, if you have internet anyway, is still a single player game. I don't even... Why would it be anything else?

    I hate DRM as much as anyone but, what is sim city then? Is it not a singleplayer and not a multiplayer, is it just a not?

    besides, half the updates we got, which had no content added, were server updates. The server has always been designed and intended to be released. Argue the chronocam, but the servers and always online, whelp, now you forced me to say it, haven't you:

    The Game is Pre Release, It Says So Buying the Game, It Says So Launching the Game, You Agree to a Disclaimer Upon Launch, You Agree to Know This. Expect This as a Release Feature.

    I hate saying that.
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    The argument isn't "Is this singleplayer?" The argument is "Is this proper", as Quitch just pointed out.

    Because you know. If you don't have internet, a singleplayer game requiring internet is.. well it's a nice screensaver.
    So yeah, it's singleplayer until I am unable to play multiplayer, and then it is a screensaver.

    Is that a proper singleplayer game?
    Notice the Use of the Future tense.

    It's quite simple. Don't. It's not necessary, because we're talking about a feature which is still to be implemented, and comparing its lack of implementation to judgements on the games price at the current time.

    This is a rather pointless discussion. I've said all I have to say.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    You know, most people ranting and raving about Sim City's stupidity on release, agree that it is pretty much in most cases a screensaver. But I am not arguing semantics there. I am just arguing, there are plenty of games on the market requiring internet to login for singleplayer, and are singleplayer.

    That is like saying, a videogame isn't a proper videogame unless it comes on a cartridge. That is a highly dated standard. If that's your standard, you might either be a redneck or the Angry Video Game Nerd. However, I find neither cartridges nor offline to be standards of singleplayer. Especially in the modern free-to-play era we live in, those game obviously can't have offline, then you just hack them to avoid paying anything for unlocks.

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