And 54412 does? Just updated and it won't let me start a game, publish game spamming, no feedback, worked in the first beta build though..
By the way by default for me alt-enter does not switch in and out of fullscreen. The keybinding for me was ctrl + enter for some reason
Haven't played in a while......... Gonna jump into the system editor in a bit, and I have one question: are all players restricted to starting on the same planet? Could I start a vs. AI game and start on a different planet from the AI for a more sandboxy type thing (assuming the AI doesn't go orbital)? EDIT: Just went 2x air fact > adv. air > orbital and I was able to defend myself handily and get my commander off the moon I set for starting, and onto the planet. Sim terminated when the system I set up finally had the 2 moons almost hit each other. Which was another weird thing. Set up a 1 planet, 2 moon system (listed as experimental, but still played) where the moons would orbit opposite, and were supposed to eventually hit. Ended up playing out as a planet/moon combo with an extra moon floating around the system. I think the other moon detached from its rail eventually too, going to hit the other one. Anyways, damn this game has come along in a short amount of time What unit makes engines btw? The air and vehicle units didn't have it listed in its build selection bar..... or does it only appear on a planetoid with a radius < x?
Advanced units under Factory I believe. Edit: Might have to be a radius of less than 400, unless they changed it in a patch (last played a couple hours ago).
Cursor bug fixed in latest build, currently Linux version don't have any serious glitches. But with current build Uber break compatibility with Ubuntu 12.04 and Steam runtime, want to believe it's will be fixed soon.
Ever since the US East server went offline again about 5 hours ago, I haven't been able to reconnect to any games.
There is no "one united US server", there is multiple "small" servers on each location. If you have problems it's mean all of them are busy at moment.
Really? Did you make a video of this? Can tell me more about filling the crater with water? I dont know that this is already in.
Assuming your planet/moon has a radius of less than 300. In the system view while playing a game you will see a list of planets/moons in the top right. Any celestial with the ability to be moved will have X amount of markers on them that indicates how many Halley's it needs. Once you've built that amount in that same system view it will then have the option to 'Annihilate'.
When trying to interplanetary move to a slow-moving body, it takes an unreasonably long/infinite time to move there. The transport seems to slow to the same speed as the planet but never actually reach it. Giving it another move order will stop this behavior and make it actually enter orbit.
haven't had time to destroy a planet yet, keep accidently destroying AI commander, F#@$Ker keeps getting in the way but when I do, I'm gonna blow some @#$#@$, yeah. I think I will just move my comm to different planet than AI lol