Aye, amphibious means "land and water" irrespective of how they exist in water. Most vehicles in the real world float on the surface of the water then drive on land simply because that's the easiest for us humans to deal with, though there are a handful of hobbyist amphibious submarines. Something like a hovercraft is no different than a submarine or a plane for us in terms of tech required. We have a number of different "layers" that units can exist on. Space, air, land, water, underwater, seafloor. Right now we have planes that must transition between air and land layers, and submarines will eventually be able to transition between water surface and underwater layers. Right now the "land" layer doesn't know about water, which is why unit just gleefully walk underwater, the "seafloor" layer doesn't actually exist yet. The "water" layer is only vaguely aware of land which is why boats will beach themselves then drive back to water. "Underwater" has no knowledge of "seafloor" (since it doesn't exist) so it was intentionally disabled to keep submersive units from just roaming the planet underground. Once we have the ability for land units that don't go underwater and units that do go underwater intentionally (like the commander) having units that go from land to water surface or vice versa will be trivial. It's all work that's in progress and coming soon. Because of the now public nature of this game and our intent to keep the game internally playtested regularly these features take a little longer to get worked on and added as we spend a little extra time making sure the features that are in are working as expected. (note: boats driving on land is currently "expected," land units driving in to the side of buildings and getting stuck forever is not.)
I think it would be cool if amfibious tanks were hovercafts, but amfibious bots walked across the bottom. Marine bots could make sneak attacks if the enemy doesn't have sonar, but hovertanks could also serve as a poor man's navy.
There is- It's just not as noticeable as it was in TA. There is a sound though, when you're getting attacked. And one for when your commander is getting attacked, too. I remember when there wasn't one. xD "Oh God! Where did half my base go- AW DAMNIT!"
at this point i will take anything better then what is there now. i heard it this time but i thought that was the "i cant build here" sound. a more noticeable warning would be appreciated.
I'd love a little red ui indicator and the ability to press space to snap my view to the combat. Or a popup window that you can swap to fullscreen. That should be possible once the splitscreen stuff gets implemented down the line
Since it will be retail in December, unless your already 90... Don't think you'll be 90 when they bring it out :roll: (unless you're 89 about to turn 90... :ugeek: )