I was trying to hide my Com in a hillside. it ended up getting stuck... hehe In one game I was able to hide inside a Mesa to escape bombers. It makes me think that a unit that could dig bunkers would be awesome. and I was able to get inside the middle of the planet for a look around... by holding down F. I have not tried this in a multi-player yet. This is a view of my base from the other side of the planet.
T2 power plants dont grid snap next to each other very well. also i saw some terran next to a valley "max out" into space rather randomly.
I just played a 3v3 game would have been fun but the glitches were going nuts. Crazy texture patching everywhere, constant UI problems with build cues getting stuck from left shift + entering to team chat. Major lag. Definitely looking forward to next update that stabilises and optimises despite all the glitches it was still pretty fun. Loving the economy method now, the more I play the more I see Uber's vision for how the colossal armies will power up
It's a legendary surf spot, the unique ocean floor terrain is famous for pushing together two sets of waves to make some seriously _huge_ waves. This ties in with the timer coalescing they're doing in 10.9. I've been running it on my daily driver, it's a huge improvement. As good or better than 10.6.2 was :mrgreen: Edit: How often do new builds usually pop out? Is there a schedule or is it more like surprise christmas??
Surprise. There's no public schedule. However the game is in a pretty playable state so the updates will probably start being spaced a little further apart and contain more changes. Just my guess.
Yah.... don't get used to that. Land units will be going back to expected behavior very soon now. The amphibious nature was a short term work around so we could build naval.
This reminds me: out of curiosity, are any land units (bots/vehicles) going to be amphibious, or is it just the commander?
I see no huge need to spend dev time on hovercraft for launch. Any time that can be spent on orbital and interplanetary and the UI for them should mean more sales and more money for a quality expansion in which hovertanks make more sense.
Ampihbious does not have to mean hovercraft. It might as well mean what tanks currently do: Drive on the ground of the sea.