These two just lead to 2 new bugs: You can no longer select aircraft which has chosen to land inside buildings, they still do that. Two air fabbers arriving at the target at the same time, will also choose the SAME orbit around the building - with the very same offset. This overrides the normal collision rules and they become impossible to distinguish until finished (when they separate again). Units also no longer glitch through building, but they now tend to get stuck instead. Pathfinding is utterly broken when you build a dense base. Oh great, that broke even worse. You can not only target them, but you also see their elevation AND when you hover, you even see what the blip is hiding.
For the record, this kind of response is incredibly annoying. Not the first part, because those are legit bugs, though neither are new actually, just easier to encounter now. Starting with "Oh great".. You realize we're in alpha, right? We've tried to make it clear enough. In the process of developing software, there is a phenomena known as "knock on effects".. where making one change exposes new (or old) problems. Let us know, please. But starting with "Oh great" just kind makes you seem like someone who doesn't respect us. I don't mean "kiss our butt" respect, I mean simple common courtesy and understanding the purpose of an alpha.
Why was this done? To me selecting things under construction is a feature, it allows you to give them orders. For example construction and waypoints can be queued for a factory under construction. Engineers in a factory can be given their queue without waiting for them to finish.
I think it was more of an annoyance when trying to select the factory and instead you got the UNFINISHED unit. I prefer it this way, would rather wait and give the engineer a build order once its built instead of trying to select something and instead get a unit that can do nothing to help.
The factory is much larger than the unfinished unit within. Usually the problem in selection occurs when you want to select the unit but keep selecting the factory.
Exactly. I was under the impression that it was on purpose that you could select unfinished units so you could give them build orders in case of engineers.
It would be nice if this were the case. However I personally kept selecting the unit ALL THE TIME. It was so crazy annoying. It was practically impossible to select all my factories by doubleclicking them without having an idle factory to doubleclick. It's actually still a bit hard, because the hitbox for clicks of the factory seems to be a bit small compared to the building somehow. Maybe it would be a good idea to only allow selecting the unit in the factory when zoomed in + increase the bitbox size of the factory. But if the unit is selectable this bug also needs to be fixed: ... &sort=desc
I usually box select everything :shock: selecting units over buildings is great when selecting your commander/army now in the middle of your sprawled base/groups of fabbers you have working together, but if you wanna select a factory you couldn't box select when something was being built, which is pretty much 90% of the time. I know I could just click select stuff, but it's total habit in games like this for me, control groups or not. That's why, now that range circles are in, I'm hoping that selecting thru the planet and having command sidebar appear even when multiple unit types are selected are next up for a fix...... Also, an option for persistent range circles on buildings, even queued ones when you hold shift. I loved that is supcom, except I believe that it was toggled for units as well. It would just make planning where to plant radars easier, and plan coverage for defense. Its sorta implemented in sc2, but usually only when placing stuff like pylons/cannons.
Garat, not to sound like an annoying pain in the arse, but is their an ETA for mass points and stuff?
hehe, yeah and stuff Especially selection through the planet, mex and building collisions. But I know the answer will be: We don't give ETAs.
I started up a game and I waited as it loaded then at 2:10 PM PST horrible bugs attacked and I had to restart my computer. (Mac Build) Edit: As it loads it becomes extremely slow and takes about 3 minutes to close. Please give me a fix. Already re installed.
Getting this error when I try to download the Linux build, (Wouldn't mind using on Steam, but wasn't sure if you can use both your Uber account and Steam to manage on various machines) which is frustrating me. I already tried clearing all of my cookies and cache. Using Firefox. Code: MalformedPolicyMalformed Policy
I'm getting a 403 Forbidden when downloading the Mac and Linux clients: Request URL: mVyZW50LmNvbS9QQS9QQV9NYWNfNDk1OTUuZG1nIiwiQ29uZGl0aW9uIjp7Ikl wQWRkcmVzcyI6eyJBV1M6U291cmNlSXAiOiIxMC4xMjUuMTI4LjExMSwgMTg3LjI zLjEuMTkwIn0sIkRhdGVHcmVhdGVyVGhhbiI6eyJBV1M6RXBvY2hUaW1lIjoxMzcx NTE0OTQ0fSwiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjEzNzE1MjU3N DR9fX1dfQ__&Signature=QsWEe-SCxfJUgNq14ctPwLVN6B82lmocSD83jBkj04VeJH9hmJYPCDs7dUyVAn44wlPWPs MHJdT~hCnDGKRbampIbmVSAN8ZIsKj5mvOrah1Y0IjKfYM~wVWzNwWzGlVByn 5rFbtzCeIWqpavsbLy5GnWww362JJ1XLobRvkvEk_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIOVJ4VBN ZZU4TTQA Request Method:GET Status Code:403 Forbidden Body: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>MalformedPolicy</Code><Message>Malformed Policy</Message></Error> Edit: added line breaks so it doesn't overflows the forum post.
The ETA on metal spots is during the morning stand up for the last 2 weeks neutrino has listed metal spots as being his main priority... then having higher priority tasks come up to fill his day. As of today he's officially passed metal spots on to another programmer who's time doesn't get randomized as often as his does. So, ETA is soonisher than before.