Never. I still have them all installed! Though I have to admit it's surprising how often I'm recognised on a new site, due to DoW 2 community experience. (/derail)
There probably won't be a specific one (I'll check in a bit, still doing other things). This build was pushed for one reason - it has our first viable Mac build. Now we just need a way to get the build to people. Announcement coming about mac soon. It will probably be limited to Steam for now, because our own launcher is proving to take a bit of work to get it ready.
There is one change I like: I can target radar blips now. Maybe it was 49499 that made it possible, but I like it alot.
This will absolutely go away. You cannot balance an RTS like this with unlimited metal. I'm sure someone will end up making a no build limits mod though!
Well, it won't even completely go away, because of metal planets, right? Or are there plans to modify how the system works on metal planets? I have no strong feelings one way or the other, but I'm always up for experimentation to see what works.
An interesting point, balance. Isn't it already balanced? Both sides have equal access to both supplies and units? I don't see how unequal metal distibution (through metal points not being exactly the same distance from each starting player) balances anything.
Unequal distribution of metal points is a solved problem that we can deal with. No limit on metal production means.. well, frankly, it's kind of boring and doesn't encourage the core gameplay of base expansion.
Well it does require a player to expand beyond there base if they want to easily increase metal production. Makes territory significantly more valuable. Certainly improves the "balance" between turtling and more aggressive game play.
*facepalm* Sure it's "balanced", but it is no fun at all. Might as well not have resources at all, and just give you a ton of units at the start to play with.
I think I said it before and I will say it again: Adding in mexspots is my most awaited gameplay improvement.
Yeah, as I said mexes are a gameplay-improvement. Stuff like selection has nothing to do with gameplay. But yeah, UI wise I really want a better control about what is selected and what gets selected, too. It happens far too often that I randomly select stuff without realisiing and send it off somewhere.