Ordered the $40 of the site will I get steam acces in 4 days

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by w3n2u, June 9, 2013.

  1. northbehemoth

    northbehemoth New Member

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    Re: Ordered the $40 of the site will I get steam acces in 4

    What a horrible joke, I sincerely hope that you do not purchase the game at all. Not only do I highly doubt that there will be a price drop to 20$, I also doubt that you understand how kickstarter works and along with that it is very clear that you are a child. To be taken in the worst way imaginable.

    Kickstarter gives companies a chance to produce games they want with out a publisher, and to do that the require funding. The people who gave money to kickstarter did not buy the game. Instead they funded the project so people like you have a chance to purchase the game. As a reward the companies offer incentives to fund the games such as early access, and exclusives. You aren't paying a penalty. There is no choice in the matter, that is the actual cost of the product they are providing. Perhaps with this new information you have been cured of your ignorance. If not feel free to Pm me and I will be more then happy to try again.

    Or perhaps you can just wait a few years.
  2. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Re: Ordered the $40 of the site will I get steam acces in 4

    I will be very surprised if the beta on Steam isn't $60. I suspect that the Steam price on release will be $40 but it might be $45 or $50 depending on what Uber decides to do.

    However I am confident that with the possible exception of Steam sales PA will never be cheaper than $40 within the first year or two after release as that would make all the people who have already pre ordered kinda mad. And even then I don't think we will see PA in a Steam sale until around next July at the absolute earliest if at all next year. (If it does pop up on sale next year on Steam it will probably only be 10-20% off at the most. So $32 at best.) I think an anniversary sale in December 2014 is far more likely than a summer 2014 sale but I wouldn't hold my breath.

    I'm sorry that you missed the Kickstarter but that's just how life goes sometimes. If you are waiting for PA to be $20 on a Steam sale I think you will be waiting a very long time. At the very least the price on release will not be less than $40 and might be as high as $50 so it can't hurt to pre order PA now.
  3. Shireknight

    Shireknight Member

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    Re: Ordered the $40 of the site will I get steam acces in 4

    Steam pricing for the Alpha has now been revealed and I'm actually quite impressed, I'm in the UK so when I'm talking figures of $20,$60,$90 in my above posts I am of course thinking in my head £20,£60,£90 so although it's still quite expensive the finally revealed Steam price of £67 for the Alpha I consider to not be too bad.

    Using that as a guide I would guess the approximate release price of the full game to be probably rounded to either £24.99 or £29.99 which is the average price of a newly released game here in the UK (I think I paid £29.99 for Supreme Commander and SP2) which I think most people here would be happy to pay :D

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