Orbital "Layer"

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by l3tuce, July 31, 2013.

  1. verybad

    verybad Active Member

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    I would like to see 2 (or possibly 3) orbital layers. Both of these would be essentially for "stationary" units. One would be a layer that orbits the planet in a set amount of time, the other would be a geosynchronous orbit, where the unit stays above the planet in the same location. The orbit would have to be determined before the unit is either orbited or created (for in orbit creations) It should take a bit of time to move between each layer in order to allow defenses from carried units being possible. (Space based Battle of Normandy anyone)

    This would give you the option of creating a regular assault (using orbital lasers) or protecting your own orbital space above your ground locations.

    As for planet to planet movement. I think they should allow mobile orbital units (eg the Avenger) to go from planet to moon orbits, and back again, but NOT to other planets in the system. Leave that ability to tech 2 mobile units to give them an interesting feature. I would love for a fuel system to be placed in the game that limited the range of mobile orbital units (giving a reason for fuel stations/carriers) Let them refuel using a mix of energy and mass, but only at those carriers and stations. If they run out of fuel, they can still move, but at the rate of the radar satellite.

    Units I'd like to see: for gameplay reasons.

    Tech one units/buildings not on the list should include.
    Tech One Orbital Engineer. (Can make Orbital yard, other non-mobile tech one orbitals, and fix or assist units/stations in orbit.
    Orbital Yard (able to make tech 2 orbitals, must be made by tech 1 Engineer, can only be made in orbit, immobile))
    Asteroid Miner Can mine any asteroids in the main gravity well once it starts mining it can't move again.
    Solar Station (large very effective energy stations cheaper and better than other tech 1 energy, but vulnerable.

    So tech two orbital would be things like
    Tech 2 Orbital Engineer
    Fighter Carriers
    (can carry 8 tech one/4 tech 2 orbital OR atmospheric fighters, must be in atmosphere to launch atmospheric units,
    ECM Satellite (block Radar satellite), solar stations
    Multi-ground unit carrier (carriers 8 tech 1 4 tech 2) units to another planet in the system) very poorly armed, but decently armored. Can enter atmospheres.
    Orbital Dreadnaughts Fairly heavily armored and very well armed, can attack 9with nukes) from orbit, slow, can move to different planets in system. Can build nukes (slowly) It can build up to 8 nukes, but can't launch them any faster than once per 30 seconds, they about 3 minutes to build unassisted.
    Orbital Cruiser Carries strong radar, strong against orbital fighters, weak against heavy orbital units. (orbital turrets/stations and the Dreadnaught mainly)
    Orbital Destroyer Carries ECM (Blocks radar), decent all around unit, fairly fast. Carriers long range anti-platform weapon (Torpedoes)
    Jump Station. Allows instantaneous jumps to other planets in the system for HUGE amounts of energy, if there is another jump station there then the energy cost goes down significantly. Only tech two ("capital" ships could take advantage of this. Super slow to build
    Jumpship mobile though slow, very large unit, very vulnerable. Very ridiculously expensive. Must deploy in order to provide jump service (takes some time, same energy drain as jump station)
    Orbital Miner Mobile mine, can land on small planets or moons up to size 25 or so can take off on it's own if necessary. expensive but it is survivable. Can land once on larger planets, but can't take off again.
    Planet to Orbit Elevator. Can be built from orbit to ground (must be on the equator) Cost depends on the mass/size of the planet can move ground units to a jumpstation directly instead of through carriers, reduces cost of jumping from (but not to) 50% Very visible building, when destroyed can cause signifigant damage around it as it's cord fails Very expensive, but in the long run, worth it.

    All this stuff mainly makes the orbital units mostly useful at moving other units or defending themselves, with some artillery use. Please not that the interplanetary movement would take time unless you have jump stations/jumpships. There would be no combat during deep space movement.

    The jumpship/station movement system would provide a strategic unit that while not very dangerous in and of itself can be super-dangerous for moving units around. They become targets that the other team WILL try to take out.

    Only tech 2 CAPITAL units can move to different main gravity wells, tech ones stay there unless they're on board a tech 2 orbital. Overall Orbitals provide mobility between other planets, resource collection, and assault upon other planets. Anti orbital stations (turrets) would be better at fighting overall, so a well defended planet would need a significant fleet in order to land the ground/air units. Capturing an orbit means something, and there are Essentially locations in orbit rather than it being just a lump of space. Orbital units are very expensive, but in many cases rather epic. These sort of units would allow both turtling and attacking, and would expand the game rather than just put the same units in space.
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    We can all agree that, as long as units are dedicated to being inside or in transit to a valid battlefield ie a planet, and the orbital layer amount to something new or different than air, then it should be fine.

    Satellites moving between planets wouldn't be impossible irl btw, using gravity slingshot would get velocity. In game, i could care less if everything can travel or whatever. My main concern ingame is for orbital not to be air. It is way to high up to be allowed to fluently affect every other layer. Just let it do specific things. I wouldn't even mind satellites not doing anything like move or attack but having a passive or rechargable ability, like planetary visual coverage or an inaccurate ten second artillery bombardment.

    Something that can also be done, is where air costs a maintaining rate, orbital can cost energy for sustained use instead similarly, or can have higher build cost for less maintain cost, stuff like that.
    lokiCML likes this.

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