orbital arriving pinpoint, possible change?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by tatsujb, September 12, 2014.


Change orbital arrival mechanic.

  1. make orbital units arrive the midnight of that planet (preferably not stacked but in formation)

    42 vote(s)
  2. keep it as is, suck it n00bz, I pwn u asses all day lel get rekt

    81 vote(s)
  1. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it's not balanced and is a but-ugly way of working things. that it be a solution to another problem is irrelavent if it itself is a problem not a solution. I think we can agree there.

    Gaz giants needing more interaction and units is for another thread.
  2. robber364

    robber364 Member

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    While you run the "risk" of making it easier to defend a planet, I think that limiting the areas you can enter a planet to the equator could be a very good idea. As it stands, I think that the ability to drop orbital units in anywhere is incredibly powerful, and the number of people in this thread ignoring or defending that fact is a bit ridiculous. Adding the ability to actually muster a defense would go a long way to making orbital combat less about sniping structures and more like actual combat.

    Orbital is hardly dynamic as it is, but the recent balance changes have given avenger blobs the advantage. If people really are silly enough to spam anchors on the equator, it just means that you can fly towards the poles where there are likely fewer and strafe across the equator to take out the anchors as needed. If you don't like that idea, just nuke where you plan to land. That'll clear umbrellas and anchors alike.

    TL;DR - I agree with tatsujb, because orbital should be actual combat, not a snipe-fest.

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