Standard build is: PP Mex Mex Mex Air Fac (100 Air Fabs) Mex Comm > Spam PP Air Fabs spam Mex's defences, radar and AAF's Here is a list I compiled of all build rates, pretty useful for build order speculation. Energy Propagation Metal Propagation Energy Build Rate Metal Build Rate Metal Cost Commander 1000 10 1500 30 N/A Metal Extractor 0 7 N/A N/A 300 Energy Plant 700 0 N/A N/A 450 Advanced Metal Extractor 0 24 N/A N/A 4500 Advanced Energy Plant 5000 0 N/A N/A 2700 Sea Metal Extractor 0 7 N/A N/A 300 Sea Energy Plant 500 0 N/A N/A 450 Advanced Sea Metal Extractor 0 24 N/A N/A 4500 Advanced Sea Energy Plant 5000 0 N/A N/A 1800 Vehicle Factory 0 0 675 15 600 Bot Factory 0 0 675 12 600 Air Factory 0 0 825 9 720 Naval Factory 0 0 925 18 840 Fabrication Vehicle 0 0 1000 10 225 Fabrication Bot 0 0 1000 10 180 Fabrication Aircraft 0 0 1200 6 270 Fabrication Ship 0 0 1900 12 450 Advanced Vehicle Factory 0 0 2025 45 2750 Advanced Bot Factory 0 0 2250 36 2200 Advanced Air Factory 0 0 2425 27 1650 Advanced Naval Factory 0 0 2850 54 3300 Advanced Fabrication Vehicle 0 0 3000 30 1000 Advanced Fabrication Bot 0 0 3000 30 1350 Advanced Fabrication Aircraft 0 0 3600 18 1350 Advanced Fabrication Ship 0 0 4200 36 1900 Fabrication Sub 0 0 1425 12 450
I just tried it out and he's right you do get 200 power well to the factory point then I varied my build
Was that the pgen - 4 mex - factory? OR Was that the pgen - 3 mex - factory? Cause if the 3 mex one gives 200 surplus power than surely the 4 mex one would put you down to 0.
I've seen so many gen 1st builds, and it makes sense. 12000 storage / net 500 energy drain = 24 seconds of optimal build time. You get 40 with the 800 metal storage, and only the commander using it. 3mex+gen = +1 metal +200 energy, one more gen makes that +900, and the air factory only uses 825. Building 2 gens after give enough for a fabber to construct mex galore. The one thing I find is that metal econ manageable with less of them in the early game if playing by gentleman rules, since it forces more travel time, and your econ can replenish, and does so quickly. I usually go gen>3mex>gen>fact>2gen>defences! with my commander, then use a fabber from the factory to make another 2-3 more mexes and 3 gens for an advance factory, which I then assist build when the commander is finished One thing I really wanna work on is having each advance factory as it's own base. Spread out a little, but not have attacks on my power really affect anything but that factory.