One-Unit Army Mega-Bots... FOO-y

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by nanolathe, March 15, 2013.

  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: Mega-Bots... FOO-y

    Sounds a hell of a lot more interesting than OUA Mega-Bots.

    I'm still working on those other roles... I'll be posting them... eventually :p
  2. swappan

    swappan New Member

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    A mega unit which takes ships under his arm and brings them from 1 lake to the next sounds cool.

    I dont know why some people are afraid of mega units. Mega units does not say anything more then big units. They could be even weaker then some t2 unit, or actually be a t2 unit. Neutrino also stated that he dont like 1-man armies.
    It could even be a good balancer, like for example the megaunit has a strong attack + long reload time which is good verses t2. Not so good versus the small and inexpensive t1 units. This way t1 is effective throughout the game (not saying it is not the case now, but we dont know the exact balance between t1 and t2).
    Or a high health megaunit + weak attack which soaks up damage from defenses. Or a magnetic one that attracts bullets and any unit that comes too close (with a on/off button, would be usefull :) ) and explodes on death. Would be good versus defenses and slow units, not good vs fast units and long range weapons.
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Get me a transport that carries ships around and it's all good.
  4. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    Re: Mega-Bots... FOO-y

    This sums up everything I am betting on this project.

    I would support this project without the interplanetary just for this and love this project to death because you didn't just meet my expectations.
  5. YourLocalMadSci

    YourLocalMadSci Well-Known Member

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    I posted this in the Mega-bot thread, before I noticed the discussion going on here. After thinking about, i personally came to the conclusion that there is still mileage left in the one-unit-army super-unit, although it needs to be handled carefully:

  6. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    Re: Mega-Bots... FOO-y

    Agreed! Basically this would make it a Commander Transport only. Making it unable to fire/move without a commander inside of it would be good to. This would let you abandon the suit if the fight is going also shows your enemy exactly where your commander is, so you want to protect it at all costs and you would take unnecessary risks. It would also prevent Experimental spamming.
  7. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    Just to put it out there I would prefer to use Mega bots to defend my bases and only put them out there if necessary and use the lower cost units to push and kill the enemy.
  8. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    If you'd like to talk about the Mega-Bot Commander Suit please do so in its own thread. This thread is about Mega-Bots and FOO Strategies. Unfortunately this thread went off-topic a long time ago and I forgot to reign it in.

    So, FOO Strategies. What do people think about FOO and, from what we know already about the game, what do you think are the likely first strategies that new people will adopt to win?

    Most Importantly, how do we limit their power to a reasonable level so that it is beaten, if not consistently, at least reliably by a skilled player with good scouting information?
  9. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    I think it could be a nice a fun way to limit such big units by making them consume a lot of resources.
    Like experimental fusion reactor need a lot of energy to keep functioning, experimental bots could constantly use energy to keep them from exploding.
    That way, it would not be possible to mass them without wasting a lot of resources.*

    ( if as an example a experimental units use 8 m/s and 4000e/s it would mean that by keeping it in your base would cost you the resource of one tank every ten second )
  10. ironjawthestrong

    ironjawthestrong Member

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    I am of the opinion that making the Uberbot super slow would be a convenient way to limit it's power.

    When you make using and Uberbot more trouble than it's worth (having to have an army of AA to protect it, etc.) the only people who would use it are those who want to use it. It should be a "Man, I can't believe I got wiped by an Uberbot. How did I let that happened? It was epic!" sorta' thing.
  11. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Isn't that the whole point of Tier 1 units? Build factories, spam tanks, a-move to victory.
  12. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Seeing as "teching" has been removed largely from the game, then yes I'd agree, T1 or "Standard" unit spam is good... but how does that work across multiple planets? Now you must add to your rush, either transports or the Unit Cannon.

    Very Simple FOO strategies are now forced to include more than Standard unit spam when you deal with multiple Planets. Which begs the question: Will Standard unit spam actually be useful when faced with more than one Planet?

    The "usual" RTS staple of the rush is greatly exacerbated by the sheer unwieldiness of transporting them across the void, wouldn't you agree?
  13. syox

    syox Member

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    Mega bot could be used as artillery or AoE counter.
  14. thetishler

    thetishler New Member

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    I'm expecting the megabot to be an HP sink. It's not fast, it's not particularly fast at killing ground units and it has no AA defense, but it's got a huge chunk o' health, making it good for cracking defenses or forming a beachhead on an enemy planet. Perhaps give it a slow-firing gun that only really hits stationary targets?
    Last edited: March 21, 2013
  15. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Without splash damage, so that it doesn't slaughter everything.

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