Once this game goes to pc i think....

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by oultrabeatdowno, August 20, 2010.

  1. Patch

    Patch New Member

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    Obviously I'm alluding to the energy shield, which acts as a form of extended, regenerating health instead of traditional armor (reduces the intensity damage has on health).

    It was atrocious. Enemies hop back and forth behind rocks waiting to be sniped. They group together when stuck with a plasma grenade instead of separating. Hunters stand in the same spot when being circle strafed. There is no flanking; instead, players run into new groups of enemies when backtracking. I have never understood how anyone who is not crippled could have a difficult time with Legendary. All of the Halo games are far too easy, even with the difficult skulls activated.

    You really need to play a game with proper AI to understand how piss poor it is in Halo. Please give Operation Flashpoint or ArmA a try.

    Every FPS should allow a player to carry two weapons plus a sidearm. And don't forget that Master Chief walks around in a billion dollar wonder suit. It's not too much to ask for a pistol, accurate rifle, and rocket launcher.

    The main weapon is an assault rifle, but it works like an SMG. It's inaccurate, weak, and has no zoom. It's a boring, generic weapon with a digital ammo counter lifted from Aliens.

    This isn't my point. Tim Schafer's games are amazing. Halo's paper thin plot involves a collective of alien species who declare genocide upon the human race. To have enemy soldiers walking around sputtering cutesy phrases is ridiculous. It's bad writing that ruins the tone.

    Are you fking kidding me??

    Because console FPS's are terrible. Aside from ported titles like Starbreeze's Enclave & Butcher Bay, the only decent console FPS that comes to mind is TimeSplitters 2.

    Eleven Xbox titles were available for the North American launch. Microsoft attempted to use Blinx as the Xbox's mascot, not Master Chief.

    Bungie/Microsoft could have easily added an update that made Halo compatible with Xbox LIVE. Instead they ignored it in order to increase sales of the horrid sequel.

    Bungie's previous series (e.g. Marathon, Myth) had plenty of fans. Many Mac gamers had been looking forward to Halo for years until Microsoft swooped in and gobbled it up for the Xbox.

    You have no idea what you're talking about.

    No, DOOM brought first person shooters to the mainstream's attention. It was available on the Jaguar, 32X, PlayStation, Saturn, SNES, 3DO, and Nintendo 64.

    Are you even old enough to remember Columbine?

    How would you know if you had never played an FPS prior to Halo?

    Please play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Complete, then tell me how many of those problems it has in common with Halo.

    Only if people like you keep buying trash.

    Read this.

    Unless you're deformed, you're mistaken. Analog sticks cannot compete with mice in first person shooters. It's like playing golf with a baseball bat. You're equivalent to a stubborn old executive who would rather hunt & peck than learn to touch type.

    This explains much.

    MLG and GB are a joke, but your participation can be written off for being young and nave. As for Shadowrun, nobody takes it seriously on the PC. It's a bad ripoff of Counter-Strike. There's a very good reason sealed copies sell for $5.

    I'm not an elitist. There are many good games available on consoles. Halo is not among them.

    One who enjoys a poorly designed game or poorly written book has...poor taste.

    Likewise, being unaware of why a game is poorly designed or a book poorly written makes one ignorant.
  2. Intricasm

    Intricasm New Member

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    The Grunts were the only Comedic aliens in the faction. They were used as cannon fodder by the covenant, were bad at following orders, and were generally just terrible soldiers. The Elites never made jokes as far as I'm aware, nor did the Jackals, Hunters, Prophets, or Drones.

    I knew about the Flood and such, but had never looked at an article that pointed them out. Interesting stuff.
    This is just your opinion. I don't like PC shooters, you don't like console shooters, neither of our opinions matter, though.
    Halo was considered the main Launch Title for the original Xbox.

    How could you update a game that had no live functionality? Unless they tried to re-release the game with xbox live attached.

    I was talking strictly of the Xbox version of the game. Microsoft bought them and had the title changed from a Mac RTS to an Xbox FPS. They didn't know that Halo was going to be the big smash hit that it was.

    Fine, maybe I should have said that gamers were looked down upon as nerds and geeks? Because at that point in time, they were. I speak from experience.

    The majority of games on consoles in that time were really crappy FPS games, or RPGs. Halo did bring Console FPS games into the mainstream. Doom wasn't really mainstream other than people claiming that it caused shootings and suicides. I'm not saying Halo was responsible for gaming even existing, that would be stupid. But I doubt so many people would have bought an Xbox without Halo there.

    Yes because naturally once I played Halo I refused to touch any other FPS game ever made.

    I said almost all, not all. I have STALKER, as well as many other PC games.

    Once again, it's your opinion. If I like something, it isn't trash to me, no matter how much you hate it.

    Wait so, I have to be deformed to be good with analog sticks? I grew up playing console games, I didn't really start playing PC games until I was 16 or so. I'm better with analog sticks, deal with it.

    You really love your personal assaults, don't you? MLG has some of the best console gamers alive in it. Just because you don't like console FPS games does not mean they are worthless. And yea Shadowrun was similar to counterstrike, except it didn't suck. Counterstrike is a terrible game.

    That's mostly because FASA went out of business and support for the game was gone.

    Once again that's your opinion. I like what I like and you insulting me wont' change that.

    You say you aren't an elitist, but you're acting exactly like one. You're being condescending and insulting to me because of what I like. The main draw with the original Halo for me was playing with my friends at LAN parties and in each others garages, it gave me hours of enjoyment and fun, same with Halo 2, even with all of its flaws.

    I enjoy the Halo games, and the books, and pretty much everything Halo. Nothing is really going to change that(apart from when Bungie stops making the games after Reach.) I'm finished arguing/debating/being insulted by/with you about the games, you had some good points as to why you didn't like the game, and I respect that. The same thing I said earlier applies to how I think of things people like. You like what you like, and i'm not going to try and convince you to hate it, the same goes for me.

    I'm going to keep playing the Halo games made by Bungie, i'm going to keep enjoying them. They are nowhere near perfect, but they're damned fun, and for me? That's enough.

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