Offensive terms to describe hostility

Discussion in 'Uber Entertainment Discussion' started by yxalitis, November 13, 2012.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    ^^ Well im not entirely sure that i agree, many simply use words in ways familiar to them without thinking to much of their meaning (so if someone has heard facerape and rape your base aloot he/she might begin using them him/herself without reflecting to deeply about the words) and the word still technicaly have that second meaning so even if they dont think about it they are using them correctly.

    But i get your point. As i have said before, me personaly dont normaly use the word in question becuse there are several other better words that can be used. But i still feel that people have a right to use the word rape.
  2. extrodity

    extrodity New Member

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    My respect to your friend sir. I hope she is coping well.


    People like me? Please do elaborate.

    I am by no means ignoring people who are upset by the word, for whatever reason. I genuinely feel for rape victims; I infact have 3 friends who have been raped. I do not like the word rape, and do not use it in an agressive context.

    Of those 3 friends, not a 1 of them is upset by the word rape. They ARE upset by graphic images/descriptions of the act however, and naturally, I do not ply them with rape videos.

    I'm not dismissing the fact that the word does cause trauma for some victims, but that is because of how the associate it. I imagine it is not the only word that upsets them. If someone does not have the tact to treat those people with respect, and, knowing their circumstances and what upsets them, avoid using the word rape; then that person is an ***.

    This topic has used the word 'rape' more than 75 times thus far. By both people defending the right to say it, and by those arguing against saying it. The OP says it 4 times. One last time, I shall say - context.
  3. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Il add that my definition of literal was wrong, for some reason my personal definition of the word was "Being in accordance with, conforming to, or upholding the exact meaning of a word or words."

    But the correct definition is "Being in accordance with, conforming to, or upholding the exact or primary meaning of a word or words."

    So yeah, sorry. :oops:
  4. cobycohodas

    cobycohodas Member

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    Absolutely every reply from any of you guys speaking in favor of using the word rape, saying you can't be held accountable, saying to be less sensitive, saying the word's meaning has been changed, would likely update your replies if you were violently raped yourselves.
  5. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    As i have said before, shielding rape victims from everything that can cause a traumatic experience is not the answer. You wont be able to sheild them from everything. Its better to try to help them deal with the trauma instead.

    Offcourse there are limits to this, for example in my opinion they shouldent show pretend rape on tv.

    To continue my child learning analogy it would be the same as letting your child make a mistake he wont be able to adapt too or overcome (like stepping out in traffic and being hit by a car for example).
  6. cobycohodas

    cobycohodas Member

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    Okay let me get this straight...

    Instead of censoring the use of the word rape on gaming forums, we should have rape victims deal with their issues, and allow gamers to use violent language.

    So basically you are saying that being raped is the problem of the rape victims and thus if a rape victim happens to want to play a game, it is their fault for being affected by the language immature gamers use.

  7. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    No your not getting it.

    Rape victims will run into traumatic things no matter how much you try to stop it. Theres no telling how many things both big and minor that may trigger it (For example, if the rapists said "hello" before raping the victim then the word "hello" may trigger a trauma).

    So trying to sheild them from traumatic things is an exercise in futility. Instead the society should focus on trying to help them process their feelings and ease their trauma.

    The word rape in itself isent evil and may actually cause less trauma then something emotionally connected like a smell or a sounds or it may trigger no trauma at all.
  8. cobycohodas

    cobycohodas Member

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    So how is this a reason for the acceptability its use in gaming forums/ in online gaming?

    Do you not think that censoring of violent and triggering language that is unnecessary for the gaming experience is part of what society should do to help ease the trauma?
  9. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Sheilding them from minor trauma triggers such as words isent helping them ease the trauma. To be able to process trauma and get better they need to be exposed to it first, not hide from it.

    The reasons that rape shouldent become a taboo word is as follows (in my opinion mind you).

    1. Sheilding rape victims from trauma wont help them, they will run into trauma triggers no matter what we do. Its the same as preventing a child from ever making any mistakes, later in life he/she will without doubt do a mistake and then will be unable to handle it.

    2. The use of the word rape draws attention to the issue, people thinking about it and being aware of it is a good thing, since they then can work on solutions and ways to prevent it.

    3. If the word was made a taboo in for example gaming, but it then spread to be a taboo word all over, then the issue of rape would be neglected becuse people wouldent talk or think about it and try to avoid it (since its taboo). But it would still happen since its part of mankinds instinct and not something thats a result of using the word.

    Okey, now i have repeated myself a couple of times in this thread (sorry), i think il shut up now unless someone adds something new.
  10. ghwerig

    ghwerig New Member

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    Let us posit for a moment that we are in a contest. This contest is competitive, and the stakes are high, as such emotions are involved in any communication that occurs. Say a person wins, or even just defeats a particular opponent that has been causing them trouble, or even easily defeats an opponent. In any of the above cases, this person wishes to gloat. It is a natural reaction and something we all do, some to greater degrees than others. Now this person wishes to use words to describe his victory. He wants to imply there was never any competition, he would have easily defeated this opponent, it was like taking candy from a baby. He wishes to imply that this victory is humiliating to the defeated, that it is emotionally scarring and they should never again try at this particular contest as they will just as easily be defeated. Typically speaking, sex is regarded as taboo and as such is free reign for one who is attempting to imply this particular idea. Lets us also suppose this person would like to metaphorically shove all of these descriptions of defeat into the very symbol that defines the defeated opponent. He wishes to do this, so that this person and any who come into contact with them will know they have been defeated and who has done it. Now typically speaking if a person wishes to gloat in such a fashion, they do not have the time required to describe the above, as the defeated will leave/walk away/drop channel or other wise cut them off before they have the opportunity to gloat. They must sum up their gloating in as few words as possible so that they can lord it over and shame the defeated before they have a chance to leave the venue. That's right OP, I just raped your face.

    Your problem is not with the language, please don't take it out on language. Your problem is with people being unsportsmanlike winners. That is a far different and far more complicated issue than censoring a few words, whether people do it themselves or companies do it for us. Censoring language will not fix the problem and you will just find yourself playing whack-a-mole with whatever else it is the rude and crude have moved on to, as they will continue to find new and vivid words and phrases to describe their victory when they defeat you. And if their language does not elicit feeling of shame and self-loathing in their quarry, they won't use them.
  11. yxalitis

    yxalitis New Member

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    1. "Sheilding rape victims from trauma wont help them"
    I can't believe you typed that, are you serious?

    2. "The use of the word rape draws attention to the issue"
    Only if someone stands up and says: "enough!" In game use, to the insensitive few who use that term, no, they aren't thinking about rape victims.

    3. " If the word was made a taboo in for example gaming"
    Please, out down the crack pipe, I never said the word, in and of itself was the problem, go reread my OP, I said it was the use of the word to describe a "glorious victory", that was my issue, not the word itself.
  12. Pawz

    Pawz Active Member

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    This. This speaks to exactly the problem - winners want to gloat, and between friends you get those fun back and forth conversations where the verbal sparring is sometimes just as much fun and the loser gets a chance to take the winner down a peg by mocking his victory (You only won because I didn't want to crush such a delicate pansy as yourself, etc).

    Some people can't seem to distinguish the fact that this kind of conversation may be appropriate between friends, but is not appropriate between randomly matched players. This isn't a problem limited to gamers either - some people think it's just fine to go off on a vile spout at a referee in a sports game.

    Anyways, back to the topic on hand. Is it so hard to just agree that promoting a professional and courteous atmosphere in your game is a good idea? There is no need (and no point) in trying to ban or censor words. I do believe however we should hold announcers / webcasters / professionals to a higher standard - if you're going to be a public face of a game, act like a professional not a 12 year old.
  13. mrmaximo

    mrmaximo Member

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    We should change the name of Planetary Annihilation to Planetary Fortification, and instead of annihilating planets will make big walls that keep all the bad robots away while we reason with them, and bake cookies.
  14. yxalitis

    yxalitis New Member

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    Oooh, I see what you did there! :eek:
  15. ayceeem

    ayceeem New Member

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    This community's continued disregard towards the referencing of murder is disgraceful and goes to show how immature gamers are...

    ...Oh...Oh no!

    Look what you've all done. You chiggered me!

    I hope you're all proud of yourselves. You don't know what it's like to live with uncontrollable chiggers and be mocked for it.

    ***Chigger woahnig***

    OP, please place a chigger woahnig at the beginning of this thread.

    Nothing is more devastating, scarring and life wreching than the cold darkness of lifelessness when someone forces control away from your own life. The removal of such violent and chiggering language that is unnecessary for the gaming experience can only do good.
  16. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    ^aww, he's practicing bait recycling, look at the eco-friendly troll! :D :D :D
  17. grayfox

    grayfox Active Member

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  18. yxalitis

    yxalitis New Member

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    Awesome link bro...

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  19. yxalitis

    yxalitis New Member

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    Now don't get me wrong, but aren't we talknig about giant robots smashing each other?
    Where's the "murder"
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Wishful thinking.

    People might, MIGHT be able to be forced by admins to stop doing it in the forum.

    In game, people will continue to do it...

    Especially the new players, who already come and leave so fast, will come and use it and if they got banned then it's back to BlOps and every other game that will allow it. Even Planetary Annihilation wouldn't be good enough to keep people if this rule was enforced.

    So, sorry to say, it might be easier to get used to it on your side, or to nag about it to everyone who does it. This being a rule would make Planetary Annihilation have as many players as Super Monday Night Combat, and Super Monday Night Combat have as many players as Monday Night Combat.

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