Oculus nooooooooooooo!

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by cwarner7264, March 26, 2014.

  1. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    The difference between Facebook and this forum is that people register for Facebook explicitly to not be private. Facebook also runs off people being sociable, which is obviously why they encourage it.

    The worst case scenario between OR and Facebook is badly shoehorned Facebook integration, while still pushing the tech forward with the additional resources. Even if this is the case, this still benefits VR as a whole by raising the standard for any Facebook free competitors
    Gorbles and garat like this.
  2. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    This is pretty much it. Of course if you posted a picture of someone else here without their permission, you'd be warned/banned because that's explicitly against the rules. We are not a "real identity" website, so people have the expectation of anonymity unless they decide not to. Mind you, that's still up to the user to make sure it's not easy for someone to backtrack them if that's important to them, but that's a different topic.

    If you're on Facebook, and worried about privacy, you're probably in the wrong place. :) In general, if you're on the internet and worried about privacy, you should lurk only and never post _anything_. Plain and simple. There is simply no reliable way to guarantee privacy on the internet. An unguarded IP address that is logged in a single location can be enough to track someone down - at least to a household level.

    I have plenty of real things to worry about. I don't post bank accounts, passwords, or important private data on the internet. Otherwise, I tend not to worry about it, because there are enough things I actually have control over to worry about. :)
    Gorbles likes this.
  3. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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  4. thebigpill

    thebigpill Well-Known Member

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    Some nice trivia: this actually happened once on these forums. IIRC, nothing really came of it because the SMNC forums were a modless wasteland where anybody posted whatever they wanted at that time (including me I will admit).

    Back on topic

    There was also an kotaku article but lolkotaku.
  5. sylvesterink

    sylvesterink Active Member

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  6. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    @thebigpill, it happened to me. I did get a pretty swift ban (one-week mind you).

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