No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size box"?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Neumeusis, September 13, 2012.

  1. pizwitch

    pizwitch Active Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Nobody wants a 'commander' USB key? :'(
    Update :
  2. thefirstfish

    thefirstfish New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Well... they do just have to put it in the game box, which they'd be sending anyway to most people who will be getting a usb stick, so it shouldn't have much impact on shipping costs.

    It's bound to have time costs though. Very impressed by Uber's dedication in meeting even niche requests like this.
  3. sporkwitch

    sporkwitch New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Not to mention the quota system you aussies have.
  4. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Patches are not .exe files anymore. This isn't 2003.
  5. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    This is so 2003. lol
  6. sporkwitch

    sporkwitch New Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    Many games package large update batches for separate download. Prime example is EVE Online, which has a traditional patcher, major full client releases as a big executable, and incrementals to update from each previous build. In other words, you just need the most recent full-client major release, and keep up on the incrementals.

    Modern update schemes and schedules are not incompatible and do not preclude manual file downloads.
  7. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    Re: No DVD in the "Commemorative limited edition full size b

    I have my physical copy coming in the flash drive but I do miss the old distributed patch files that we use to run. If I had them I could just keep an archive of the patches for anyone that needed to apply them. I still have my archive of call of duty 4 patches and also the World at War ones. For supcom though you were able to just copy and past the old installation of the game into the folder you wanted and bam it was installed like Crysis. But I would still love to see the downloadable patches still its a system that worked and there wasn't reason to change it. But its not like its going to kill me if we cant get them but its sometimes easier to get a patch out that way and not have someone always downloading when they reinstall the game. If they had the files in an archive they could just apply them. This is especially a problem when so many more companies even here in the US want to implement smaller bandwidth caps.

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