New players vs Old players

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by sicklyash, November 9, 2011.

  1. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    This. But not bored or confident. I am very good at entertaining myself in-game, and have a very hard time caring about the outcome - unless a large party shows up and immediately hits the "Ready Up" button. Then it's serious face.
  2. sicklyash

    sicklyash New Member

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    Yeah samzeez i dont like pub bullies DX
  3. bro1016

    bro1016 New Member

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    I don't like landslide games. Normally if I could 1v6 the other team, I will:

    -Play lazily. Either clear bot lanes from fullscreen as tank or do nothing but turtle and heal teammates as support, but never deal with enemies and normally go like 1k/3d.
    -Play some joke setup, not really contributing to the game but trying to go as positive as possible with some handicap.

    I had some balanced games recently. They were great. I got to put on my serious-face.
  4. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    When I melee'd you 5 times?
    Yeah, those were actually a few real good matches. I hadn't had that much fun in awhile.
  5. bro1016

    bro1016 New Member

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    The first game you weren't trying at all, when I joined in torwards the end, and I won.

    You started winning when you started exerting effort, the least bit of effort, any effort at all. But at least you had to try.

    Yep, when you melee'd me 5 times. I had to practically let you melee-kill me, and you were guranteed those melee-kills, in order for me to push bots. Which kept us alive up until overtime.

    They were, which was why I pushed bots at the cost of k/d. Thank god I don't care about k/d else i'd watch my moneyball's destruction from the almost-complete safety of my spawn. But I can dodge a few airstrikes.

    By the way, the first game I joined and helped win vs you, we won by seconds and less than 10% of moneyball hp. The second game we struggled till the end, and I managed to open up your moneyball in overtime, which brought us really close to winning. Close games are good games reguardless of the outcome.

    Also, wasn't there a support in your party, who juice-rushed our moneyball, got lvl3-tank-charged, grappled, and charged again before he could do any damage to the moneyball at all? I would say that demonstration of crowd control was the most you could expect out of any one player.

    I have decided the XBox verson of the game takes much more skill, the PC version is a lot more nerfed. Stopping XBox juicers is so hard.
  6. ZOoo00OOm

    ZOoo00OOm New Member

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    OXYteam versus TEG
  7. jaysofacton

    jaysofacton Active Member

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    Try going 'sin and clearing lanes when you have to but spend the rest of the time just watching both sides, trying to keep the match balanced :mrgreen:
    Try using south-paw as a handicap - I still use the standard controls from time to time: being a lefty this aint easy... or is this too much of a handicap for you? just a suggestion that keeps me amused from time to time.
  8. joker

    joker Active Member

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    it seems like no matter what u do to handicap yourself in a pub its almost impossible to find balance. the average pub player is just downright awful and does nothing but walk around with a target on themselves. i hate pushing bots bc its boring imo so when i do play vs parties i still win the slaying match its just a matter of how many of them push the bots.

    as far as new players vs old players its been forever since there has been any talented fresh blood, but thats likely bc the game's population is dying out and privates are basically dead. the next notable player will likely be an existing one who just starts playing better
  9. bro1016

    bro1016 New Member

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    I was playing on a terible team vs the hitman crew, and one of my snipers was smg'ing bots. :cry:
  10. Bobomb Bob

    Bobomb Bob New Member

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    After playing today with Gunked I can conclude that everyone left in the game is fairly awful, i feel like the best times were like May-June. And those two weeks of constant privates, I miss that :cry:
  11. joker

    joker Active Member

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    i play once every so often maybe 3 times in the path 5-6 weeks and every time i feel rusty and shitty yet it doesnt matter. i feel like everyone who plays this game it's their first shooter and they just have zero general ability. i mean even at my worst when i first got this game i would put up a decent fight against the better crowd of players, but 99% of whats left is easier than killing Gears bots

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