New killstreaks

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by grimbar, January 28, 2011.

  1. WhiteHawke

    WhiteHawke New Member

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    25. It wouldn't be so easy to get if more people had a basic understanding of the game's mechanics.
  2. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    thats not too hard o_o
  4. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    hence me asking for more.
  5. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    Hey guys I couldn't help but notice that I'm really good at this game - but I noticed that there is no designated e-peen stroking forum on these boards - what's up with that?!

    Either way, I managed to thinly veil my ego as some sort of feature request, thank goodness!
    All the best guys, feel free to discuss how amazing I am.

    P.S. If you look at my other picture you can see the rules for my fan club that I'm expecting to form soon. Yep, it'll be pretty exclusive hence the 'deleting', but, I'm sure that if you all stroke my e-peen enough you'll be fine.
  6. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    You missed the point, entirely.
  7. dormedas

    dormedas New Member

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    I'm taking the stance that the idea of the game is not to maximize your kill/death ratios and flaunt about it, but rather to help your team push into the other team's base and destroy the moneyball.

    I highly doubt adding longer streaks will make the game more enjoyable for a majority of people. Lots of players have issues grasping the game's mechanics, thus making an uber streak an achievement to them. However, if they finally got their uber streak, only to see that they got killed by a guy proudly wearing their "I got 200 kills in a row" streak ProTag, they would realize that what they did was effectively nothing; possibly undermining the idea of the achievement.

    Just remember that by getting 50 kills, 0 deaths, you're approaching the maximum sniper rifle kill ProTag faster.
  8. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Achievements are something to strive for, your argument regarding the uber streak applies just all well to ultra streak so it really doesn't apply here.

    There are achievements for building lazerblazer turrets, they are about worthless, and even they don't distract from the original scope of the game (which I grasp and am quite capable of).

    Your argument is pretty much reduces itself to "I don't want people to have crazier killstreaks because some people could get frustrated because they are incapable of doing that"

    well guess what, ProTags are meant to show off by nature so my suggestion is spot on.

    Edit: The ProTags that require a certain amount of persistent frags are no display of skill, only persistence and therefore not suitable for showing off as much as "I killed this many people without dying"
  9. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    He has every right to ask for a higher killstreak badge. With the amount of pubstomps and how easy it is, he just wants to show it. I also feel like 25 can sometimes be too easy.
  10. dormedas

    dormedas New Member

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    I still see no benefit, from the developer's perspective, of creating a ProTag that awards you for getting 50, 75, or 100 kills without dying in a match; especially when death in this game is a VERY temporary set-back (i.e., has very few consequences attached to it).

    This ProTag, assuming that many will attempt to achieve it, reduces players to strategies that maximize damage and minimize risk; most likely leading to the sniper, and possibly a skilled assassin. We don't need more of those classes. Two snipers or Two assassins is plenty for any team; and I argue maybe too much, for snipers at least.

    Thus, this may turn people who would normally be playing the game for the fun of it, the objective based gameplay, etc. into "MUST KILL PLAYERS WAT ARE BOTS", just because they want a ProTag showing they have 75 kills, 0 deaths; which is never a good thing, even for one of the best anti-player classes: the Assassin.

    I understand that ProTags exist to show off; however, time and time again, achievements, ProTags, and the like (the metagame) have a tendency to supercede the importance of the game itself. This is usually a bad thing. Sure, it may make people strive to get 7 kills in a row; however, are they an assassin and are ignoring the bots in order to do so?

    The system is fine where it is. If you're not playing a pubstomp, the chances of going 50/0 are reduced greatly. Sure, I believe you could do it, possibly. But then again, I couldn't. (I also play Support, so death is in my contract)

    Edit: The persistent achievements show not only dedication to the game, but the amount of time playing it, and thus experience within the game. Sure, doing well one match as a sniper is great, but that really doesn't matter much if you don't understand how to play the Assassin. (I'm not accusing you of this, I'm just saying)
  11. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    If you get a 25-kill streak, you're doing something wrong

    You should win the game before reaching that!
  12. Dark_Reaper115

    Dark_Reaper115 New Member

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    Hey people. Ima going o be the noob in the forum.
    But BEST killstreak was 19-7-0 as Sniper. It happened only 1 time and its too hard for me. What can I do?
  13. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    With more experience you'll "know" where people are, predict their movement, put a bullet in their head as they come around the corner. Be aggressive without ever losing sight of the situation, run when you don't feel safe. Never stop killing.
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    K guys, keep it down please. grimbar has a point although I would like to see more achievements for stuff that helps to win. Crushing towers, killing bots and what have you. There are lots of protags and achievements for killing pros in every possible way (like juiced with a Death Blossom).

    It's easier not to die often with a Sniper than with most other classes but 50:0 is very respectable. Tip of the hat!
  15. Mibuwolf

    Mibuwolf New Member

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    Like the achievement "Build or upgrade a LazerBlazer 2500 times" ??? :lol:
  16. RaTcHeT302

    RaTcHeT302 Guest

    What about the destroying one?

  17. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    As much as I like this idea. I would like it to be held off untill the community gets more experience under their belt. It's way too easy for a good player to get 50-0 in a game full of noobs. Wait 2-3 months to release this tag so that it actually means something for the very select few that achieve this honor. Even if you are farming the same 3 guys in a game while the other half is raping your base.

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