New (Game) from the TA(and Co.) Developers

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by supremevoid, December 20, 2012.

  1. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    It didn't go very well before the lay-off announcement, but it wasn't abysmal either. I would have guessed that it may have been a close call at the end at most, when including the boost at the end of a kickstarter project.

    But yes, the lay-off announcement caused a pretty big boost today. It may even go as high as the first two days.

    Btw. never ever rely on the trending number of kicktraq during the first days of the project. It's just a linear extrapolation using the average amount of money over time. Thus it's always way off in the beginning, naturally.
  2. micronian

    micronian New Member

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    @sstagg1: Great post! Pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly.

    PA is exactly how a KickStarter should be done. A perfect example of SHOW don't TELL. Even if you watch the initial KS video with the sound off, you will know exactly what they want to achieve with the game.

    I donated to Chris's KickStarter, but honestly I don't think he can make WildMan for 1.1 million. That game is going to be very asset heavy: weapons, enemies, levels, graphics, quests, etc. All require a ton of manpower. Compare it with what Uber is doing:

    - No single player campaign
    - Levels are procedurally generated. No need to hand make every one.
    - One faction. No need for balancing, more 3D models, graphics, sounds, etc

    This is the smart way to make a KickStarter game and keep your costs low: Put all the money into the technology.

    Looking at the Wildman video, it's obvious that all the levels will be hand-made. And once you finish the single player RPG campaign, will you want to play it again? It's going to be all the same maps again, so how is that fun? Okay, there's going to be skirmish mode... but then why have the RPG part at all? This is an old-school 10-million dollar game, not a lean KickStarter game.

    Anyway, there's still some hope. Even Peter Molyneux got his KickStarter funded (barely), and I think he's got a much worse reputation that Chris for over-promising, and under delivering.
  3. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    I'm inclined to agree esp. when I read this: ... nt-1176648
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Not to be a negative nancy, but isn't that technically false advertising then? Depending on exactly what would be compromised but still...

  5. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    I agree,

    well did anyone look actually at the rewards.. you get a t-shirt at 250... thats quite high.. and some other facts, for me it looks cleary that he want get as much as possible out of the pledges, and when they say 1,1 is enough to fund the game, then they have to, BUT well when you read the risk it was already quite weird.

    I am sure they will hit the 1,1m mark, but I think around 1,5m maximum. I think they will make it, because from that course they have 60% will be easy to reach till 3 days left. I dont know how much he expect, the prototype gameplay looks nice, but the most people still doesnt understand the concept (which makes the prototype failing) and dont understand what for 1,1m, I guess he still need clear more up.

    At least he already opened more and cleaned some stones, which could be layed into his way of getting funded.
  6. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    Ct needs to release a better video..Can hardly tell what this game is like compared to the PA one..Looks like Diablo
  7. HeadClot

    HeadClot Member

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    This 100%.

    I am backing wild man.

    I understand CT and GPG is in a very bad spot. So I am being (very) generous. But also I want to know what I am getting from GPG if it will still be around.
  8. sstagg1

    sstagg1 Member

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    I think I know where CT is going with this:

    The singleplayer focus, with cooperative multiplayer means he can sell things to players and avoid problems of 'pay2win'. Since it's not a competitive game, there is no risk in providing 'premium' content to players.

    At $45, you get 3 copies of the base game. $125 you get 6. $250 you get 11. Seems like they're trying to get as many people into the game as possible, to sell them things later.

    May not be true, but seems strange to give out so many codes. To be clear, I've got no problem with it either since it is a co-op game.

    My impression of the game so far:

    - You control a single character
    - You obtain tech/resources/things which help your team
    - Team consists of very intelligent AI / players
    - Ultimate goal to destroy the enemy bases/bosses
    - Probable boss-focused missions (eg: goal is to invade enemy base and defeat some mega-enemy/building)
    - Can construct buildings to help defend / provide things for your team

    If I'm right, it does sounds pretty good. It's like playing LoL, except the AI is several times better, and you build all the defences / structures. Also similar to Diablo by collect gear/tech from around the map or from enemies, and use it to defeat your opponent. You work together with friends to accomplish these things.

    Your character can be upgraded with abilities, armour, weapons, magic, and so on. Buy consumables from the store for real money to make playing a little less stressful.

    I don't see much replayability in it yet. Going to wait for some more info, but it definitely seems like something I could get $45 of joy out of.

    EDIT: Scope seems a little big for $1.1M. I think he was intentionally vague about singleplayer 'story' for this very reason.
  9. magicide1

    magicide1 Member

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  10. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    Next few days will indicate if this unfortunate episode has kicked the pledges up a gear longer-term.

    If it drops back down to the previous few days' ~$20K each of pledges, even with a sizable uptick at the end, Wildman (and esp. GPG) will remain on very shaky ground.

    Here's hoping...
  11. logon

    logon Member

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    Feels like Savage but in a topdown perspective.
  12. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    The MOBA aspects are make or break for me, I can't stand the community that comes with them plus I think they tend to be flat out boring unless your playing with a full team of friends.

    Obviously they've said they are trying to keep it to Co-op only multiplayer but that will no doubt evolve into Competitive.

    Anyway i've backed for $45 works out as just shy of £30 which ain't bad for two copies to be honest.

    If I want a MOBA i'll go back to playing the free copy of DOTA2 I got and copy and pasting "STFU whining and play the game" into chat constantly.
  13. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    It looks more hack and slash to me then a MOBA type game.

    I want many more details about the RTS before I will back, If it turns out that this game is like TA but with your commander having RPG quality's then this game will be awesome in my opinion.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    It looks like you hack and slash your way into a MOBA game, gain levels, gain treasure, destroy the enemy citadel, then move on to the next stage. It's like if LoL had a campaign mode(or a vast, level based tutorial).

    Strangely enough, no one has tried a MOBA style campaign yet. It could end up being an excellent single player experience. I struggle to see how multiplayer will work, though. Perhaps players will start simple, grind up their levels, and jump into pure MOBA PvP at peak power.
  15. cptbritish

    cptbritish Member

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    From what i've read competitive Multiplayer isn't on the cards for release (As of now) but no doubt it will be added.

    It could end up been quite interesting twist on the MOBA concept rather than just 3 lanes with mobs spawning, each players Mobs will have differing levels of technology, maybe they could choose to send their armies down the middle lane to assist an ally for example.
  16. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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  17. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    I wonder how that positivity is holding up right now? ... hart-daily

    The post lay-offs spike ($55K on Day 6) was short lived.
    What was hopefully the new-normal of $25K (Days 7 & 8) might have scraped them home (assuming a strong finish).
    But follow that with a weaker Day 9 ($17K), a frankly abysmal Day 10 ($8K), things are looking pretty grim. :(

    I hope for GPG's sake CT has got a spectacular proverbial rabbit to pull out of his hat!
  18. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    What CT needs to pull out of his hat is solid info on the game itself, so far all I've seen/heard/read is vague high concepts and such. Concepts for map layouts, in depth explanation of mechanics.

    PA didn't need as much of that kind of thing because of it's basis on TA/SupCom, and for the things that fell outside of that Uber offered up some solid info, like some basic asteroid mechanics as seen in the Visualization.

    There's nothing wrong with mashing genres together, but you need to explain it well.

  19. Yourtime

    Yourtime Member

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    This, but the rewards are mostly shitty too, I dont really want get higher than 45.. because well the 100$ level isn't so great, normally I like the 100$ because there are many awesome things, also t-shirts..

    omg it looks much worse than expected .. I thought yeah they will make it no worry.. alread 30% they need around 60% to have a good chance.. so just 30% more in the next 20 days.. but they have even backers which take the money back :/.. I hope they endure it.
  20. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    You're right, but he rewards play a different role, the info is what gets people(for the most part) to choose to back the project, from there it's up to the rewards to convince people to pledge more.

    Both play important, yet different roles in the process.


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