New Biome Idea: City Ruins

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by v41gr, April 16, 2013.

  1. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Just out of curiosity, why wouldent humanity have spread "across the entire galaxy" and instead just have a few "core worlds" (before humanity went extinct)?
  2. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    You could just put them onto starting planets to let give everyone get into into space more quickly, especially for Galactic War that would be very useful.
  3. doxbox

    doxbox Member

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    Because the robots are finding pristine worlds, some already fit for habitation, it stands to reason humanity has not spread across the entire galaxy.
  4. doxbox

    doxbox Member

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    Not sure why robots would make cities.
  5. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Those "pristine worlds" could easily be suitable for alien vegetation/etc without being suitable for human life.

    (Just incase you use terraforming as your next argument): While terraforming may have been a option for humans in the far future i doubt it would be cost effective (not if we have faster then light travel), transforming a whole world would take both time (100's of years most likely) and (most likely) cost ALOOT (unless they use some sort of "space magic" bacteria/nano-bots/simular that solves all the problems and self multiplies).

    Another explanation could be that they did use some sort automatic process (nano-bots/bacteria maybe) and that the process took 100's of years, therefor the pristine planets we see are suitable for human life, but the terraforming process didnt complete until after humanities extinction.

    My point is, there's plenty of ways to come up with a feasible explaination for scattered "city ruin planets" among "pristine world" planets, if you realy want to.
  6. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    The same reason we build cities: shelter.
  7. johnie102

    johnie102 New Member

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    Neutrino, how much of the biome generation code will be available to modders and how much will be written in C (assuming that is the language you're using for the engine)?

    For instance, in the live-stream showing the generation of the metal planets there were some things said about how the generation process had to take into account that some props must be aligned horizontally. Will it be moddable enough that this too can be changed or improved upon?

    More generally, which systems will definately not be moddable?
  8. doxbox

    doxbox Member

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    The machines have little need for shelter...
  9. comham

    comham Active Member

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    The machines were designed to build shelter for their human masters, even long after their absence. Simple.
  10. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    Totally agree with you on that.. 100%.... This game is built to support a TON of different BIOMES... To the OP I LOVE the idea of a destroyed civilization BIOME and its completely different to the metal biome thats in the alpha right now currently. I have no idea why people think its the same, the metal biome is much more of a death star metal moon, theres no cities or tall destroyed buildings, actually theres no buildings on it at all so they are totally different.

    As for other BIOME concept idea's, well, I didn't see Barren or Red planets like Mars.... Sand Dunes or Gas Planets though I wouldn't have idea how you could make that. I'm hoping we'll be able to ACTUALLY ADD biomes to the terrain on the planets, so we can have huge canyon pass's if we wanted to, really just to break the planets up a bit and add strategic play into the strategys.
  11. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    Put your Iphone on the table outside, during a rainstorm and we'll talk again.

    the current iteration is built as the apex of war tech, but that doesn't mean their predecessors were. We need complex high-tech buildings to build computer chips, we need big buildings to generate power. Etc etc etc. Just because they don't per se need living space, doesn't mean they don't need storage. And just because we build our stuff one way, doesn't mean that a machine does it the same, nor does it mean that the machines can use the same building type for a different function.

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